5 research outputs found

    Pátrání po "kritické sociální práci" v České republice

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    'Critical social work' is not theoretically embedded in the Czech context enough and is not explored its practical implementation. The text represents an initial phase of an extensive research that aims to identify specific forms of 'critical social work' in the Czech Republic.This is the explanatory case study of the functioning of the 'critical social work' in the Czech Republic today, but that has been made through the study of more cases. The text presents a snapshot of the first phase of the research, which involves identifying potential organizations or events through analysis of documents technique on the Internet by pre-declared criteria of 'critical social work'. So far the research only presents the activity of selected organizations that formally fulfilled the established criteria of choice, but has not yet verified its validity through interviews.The main aim of the text is to define 'critical social work' and put examples of organizations or events in the Czech Republic of their activities to show signs of 'critical social work' and briefly describe their activities.The text has been defined "critical social work ', criteria have been set out by which it is possible to identify the organizations and events that bear the marks of 'critical social work' and two examples of organizations were given (Konexe, Ježek a čížek) and one example of such an event (BED IN).  I have also tried to assign these examples to a specific perspective of 'critical social work'.The analysis documents shows that what is known as 'critical social work' abroad, takes place rather under the heading of 'social activism' in the Czech Republic

    Kdy je legitimní vykonávat v sociální práci kontrolu

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    Sociální práce je ambivalentní profese, která zahrnuje jak potřebu pomáhat, tak potřebu kontrolovat.Výkon kontroly není v české teorii sociální práce odpovídajícím způsobem popsán. Cílem předkládanéstati je zodpovědět otázku, kdy může být z hlediska odborné literatury sociální práce legitimní přistoupitke kontrole. Pro dosažení cíle byla využita metoda kvalitativní obsahové analýzy anglickýcha českých odborných publikací. V textu je formulováno osm možných situací, vyplývajících z kombinacepříčin rizikového chování a důsledků rizikového chování, v nichž se jeví kontrola jako legitimní.Social work is an ambivalent profession, whose stated goals are to both provide individuals and groupswith assistance as well as exercise a degree of control over them. Although the sphere of control entailsfar more risks from the point of view of potential violations of human rights, it appears to be lessconceptualized in the literature than is the assistance. The aim of the present paper is to answer thequestion of when it may be justified to exercise control from the perspective of professional literatureof social work.A qualitative content analysis of Czech as well as international professional sourceswas undertaken in order to achieve this goal.The text outlines eight possible situations arising froma combination of the causes of risk behavior and the consequences of risk behaviors in which controlappears to be justified.243

    Solidarność międzypokoleniowa widziana oczami studentów nauk społecznych

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    The article deals with the issue of the significance of intergenerational solidarity. From a demographic perspective, Czech society is ageing considerably, and the theme of care for senior citizens is resonating throughout the social sciences. At present, however, instead of a decline in the significance of intergenerational relationships, an increase in their importance is now being suggested. This theme is highly topical mainly within the context of provision of social care for dependent senior citizens. The aim of the research investigation was not a statistical data analysis or testing of hypotheses, but rather mapping of whether the respondents are willing to display intergenerational solidarity, and the contexts within which they perceive intergenerational solidarity. The actual questionnaire investigation was conducted within the period of 2016 to 2017. The respondents were students of social sciences at the University of Hradec Králové. We focused on the attitudes of young people who in future will share in the provision of social care with regard to senior citizens and their families.Artykuł porusza kwestię znaczenia solidarności międzypokoleniowej. Z perspektywy demograficznej społeczeństwo czeskie starzeje się w szybkim tempie, a temat opieki nad osobami starszymi rozbrzmiewa echem w naukach społecznych. Obecnie jednak, zamiast osłabienia znaczenia relacji międzypokoleniowych, zauważa się wzrost ich wartości. Temat ten jest bardzo aktualny głównie w kontekście świadczenia pomocy społecznej osobom starszym wymagającym opieki. Celem badania nie była analiza danych statystycznych ani testowanie hipotez, ale raczej określenie, czy respondenci są skłonni do przejawiania solidarności międzypokoleniowej, oraz wyszczególnienie okoliczności, w których ją postrzegają. Właściwe badanie ankietowe zostało przeprowadzone w okresie od 2016 do 2017 roku. Respondenci byli studentami nauk społecznych na Uniwersytecie w Hradec Králové. Skupiliśmy się na postawach młodych ludzi, którzy w przyszłości będą uczestniczyć w świadczeniu opieki społecznej seniorom i ich rodzinom