1,873 research outputs found

    Oral History Interview: Jane Burns

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    This document is a transcript of a statement given by Jane Burns at a public hearing conducted by the West Virginia Department of Energy on June 28, 1988, in Lincoln County. The purpose of the hearing was to give residents a chance to voice their opinions concerning an application by two coal companies to strip-mine at Six Mile Creek in Lincoln County. Jane Burns tells how the coal company destroyed her farmland and her desire to keep them away unless they buy her property.https://mds.marshall.edu/oral_history/1343/thumbnail.jp

    Internet health promotion: Designing guidelines

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the factors which facilitate the communication of health promotion on the Internet and to produce guidelines for developing web pages for health promotion. Health communication in general is a growing field, however there appears to be limited infom1ation in the literature on how the factors of communication on the Internet (such as sender, message, channel, medium, receiver and their subsets), can be incorporated into the design of an Internet health promotion intervention. Draft guidelines were developed from a critical analysis of the literature. These draft guidelines were used in the production and evaluation of Internet web pages on the Australian Indigenous HealthbifoNet website. The subject of these pages was Indigenous women\u27s health. The pages were evaluated by incorporating an online questionnaire. Health professionals, a subset of the Australian Indigenous HealthbifoNet\u27s audience, were specifically targeted for their responses as they have expertise in utilising information to improve health. A descriptive analysis of the responses to the on-line instrument was compiled. Information accumulated during the process of developing the web pages and from the analysis of the questionnaire was used to produce a more rigorous set of guidelines. This research was significant as the guidelines provide a framework for the planning, implementation and evaluation of an Internet health promotion intervention. The guidelines can provide a starting point for future development of web pages for the Australian Indigenous HealthbifoNet and for others developing similar health promotion web pages. The guidelines will be made available for others to use as a tool for more effectively disseminating health promotion messages on the Internet

    The Multiple Roles of the Millworker's Lunch Basket in Central Newfoundland

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    This paper discusses the many circles in which one artifact, the millworker's lunch basket, operates. The basket is a symbol of a permanent job at the local pulp and paper mill, an artifact used in pranks by men while at work, and a basket that many women have packed with great care. The separate spheres of men's industrial work and women's domestic work are both linked and separated by this object. Based on field work and audio-taped interviews with people in Central Newfoundland, the author explores the themes of local acceptance of an outside artifact, women's domestic work in an industrial community, and the role of custom in the work life of a millworker. Résumé Le document traite des nombreux cercles dans lesquels évolue un objet, ici la boîte à lunch d'un travailleur d'usine. Il s'agit du symbole d'un emploi permanent à l'usine locale de pâtes et papiers, d'un objet parfois utilisé par les ouvriers pour jouer des tours à leurs collègues de travail, et d'une boîte que nombre de femmes remplissent avec le plus grand soin. Les sphères distinctes du travail industriel des hommes et du travail ménager des femmes sont à la fois reliées et séparées par cet objet. Grâce à des recherches sur le terrain et à des entrevues enregistrées sur bande sonore avec des personnes vivant dans la région centrale de Terre-Neuve, l'auteure explore les thèmes de l'acceptation locale d'un objet extérieur, du travail ménager des femmes dans une collectivité industrielle, et du rôle de la coutume dans la vie professionnelle d'un ouvrier d'usine

    Where Feminist Theory and the Medieval Text Intersect

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    Medieval Feminist Movement

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    Medieval Feminist Movement

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    Role of serotonin in the regulation of aldosterone secretion from the rat adrenal gland

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    In 1959 Rosenkrantz et al., first described the effect of the indoleamine serotonin on aldosterone secretion from the adrenal gland. To date numerous studies have reported this steroidogenic effect, describing the second messenger system utilised and in some species the receptor type involved. However the full physiological and pathophysiological role of serotonin in the control of mineralocorticoid secretion still remains to be elucidated.Classically serotonin has always been thought to be the major indoleamine involved in the modulation of aldosterone secretion from the zona glomerulosa, a fact that has not been proven. To resolve this, numerous indoleamines, both naturally occurring and synthetic congeners, were studied in isolated rat zona glomerulosa cells for their ability to induce aldosterone secretion, as compared to serotonin. Of the compounds tested, 5-methoxytryptamine, tryptamine, N-methyltryptamine, 5-methyltryptamine, 6- methoxytryptamine and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) stimulated, to various degrees aldosterone secretion, from the zona glomerulosa. Of those compounds tested that produced comparable stimulation of aldosterone as that produced by serotonin, cAMP output was also investigated and it was observed that all compounds stimulated cAMP output also, to varying degrees. The study allowed specific structural requirements, required for stimulation of aldosterone secretion, to be characterised, namely that the 5- hydroxyl grouping was not required for full agonist activity, but ring substitutions at other positions compromise agonist activity. The basicity of the terminal amine group is important also in receptor binding. This study will aid in the search for specific agonists and antagonists, required for the research into the serotonin receptor present within the zona glomerulosa.Unlike the cardiovascular and CNS, where specific receptors have been identified and categorised, specific receptors within the rat zona glomerulosa for serotonin have not yet been fully characterised. The second study of this thesis aimed at characterising the receptors found within rat zona glomerulosa by utilising an array of serotonin agonists and antagonists. The antagonists ketanserin and mesulergine were found to inhibit serotonin induced aldosterone secretion, and the agonists 5-methoxytryptamine and 5- carboxamidotryptamine, produced identical stimulation of aldosterone from rat zona glomerulosa, as that produced with serotonin. This effect was also found to be affected by sodium status. These results taken together with previous studies and preliminary studies with a 5-HT7 probe in sections of rat adrenal gland would suggest the presence of a 5-HT7 receptor in rat zona glomerulosa, although the presence of other serotonin receptors can not be ruled out.For serotonin to have a physiological role in aldosterone secretion, a local source of serotonin would be required. In consideration of this the role of the enzyme Laromatic amino acid decarboxylase (L-AAAD) in the local production of serotonin and dopamine was investigated in rat adrenal zona glomerulosa, in animals maintained on varying sodium diets. The presence of L-AAAD was located, via immunohistochemistry, in the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata and the medulla. Conversion of 5-HTP to serotonin and L-DOPA to dopamine was observed in capsular and medullary tissue preparations, and this was inhibited by carbidopa. 5-HTP significantly stimulated aldosterone secretion, from capsular tissue. This effect was more apparent in animals on a low salt diet and less apparent in high salt diet animals as compared to animals maintained on a normal salt diet. The opposite was true for studies with L-DOPA. The effect of sodium status would suggest that the enzyme is regulated by salt intake. No significant effect of L-DOPA and of 5-HTP on corticosterone secretion from tissue preparations was observed. The results from this study provide evidence for a role for L-AAAD in converting circulating L-DOPA and 5-HTP to dopamine and serotonin, to either inhibit or stimulate aldosterone secretion from the rat zona glomerulosa.The role of the serotonin transporter was studied within the rat adrenal gland. The transporter molecule was visualised throughout the rat adrenal medulla via immunohistochemistry. The serotonin uptake inhibitors citalopram and desmethylimipramine (DMI) were incubated with or without serotonin in isolated rat zona glomerulosa cells and the resulting aldosterone secretion was measured. Results varied and this was thought to be due to the harsh collagenase digestion process destroying the transporter, and so whole capsular tissue was studied in a superfusion system and aldosterone secretion measured. In all cases both reuptake inhibitors increased the aldosterone output from capsular tissue. The drug of abuse methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; 'Ecstasy') was also used in this system, and this compound also caused an increase in aldosterone secretion. In Vivo studies with MDMA produced interesting results with an increase in plasma aldosterone and PRA. From this study evidence has been found for the existence of the serotonin transporter molecule within the rat adrenal gland. MDMA may induce a rise in aldosterone concentration within the plasma by a direct action on the serotonin transporter within the adrenal gland.This thesis has provided strong evidence for a role of serotonin in the control of aldosterone secretion in the rat. Serotonin can be produced locally within the adrenal cortex and induce aldosterone secretion, and this action may be switched on in cases of low sodium status. Further studies are required to fully characterise the serotonin receptor, to elucidate a role for the transporter within the gland and to understand more fully the importance of serotonin and indeed dopamine, in the physiology and pathophysiology of the adrenal cortex

    The Fellowship of the Library Association of Ireland (FLAI): Reflections and Guidelines

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    This article reflects the experience of two librarians recently awarded Fellowship of the LAI. It gives practical steps and advice on how to achieve this professional goal

    Review of ear health and hearing among Indigenous peoples

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    This review of ear health and hearing among Indigenous Australians has been prepared by the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet as a part of our contributions to ‘closing the gap’ in health between Indigenous people1 and other Australians. The aim is to make relevant, high quality knowledge and information easily accessible to policy makers, health service providers, program managers, clinicians, researchers and the general community. The review is an example of the HealthInfoNet’s translational research, defined as ‘comprehensive applied research that strives to translate the available knowledge and render it operational’ The main purpose of the review, which follows the model of narrative reviews/syntheses, is to provide an authoritative, upto-date review of ear health and hearing of Indigenous people that (1) is a valuable overview for people working in the area; and (2) assists in the development/refinement of policies, strategies and programs. Research for the review involves the collection, collation, and analysis of a wide range of information, including both published and unpublished material. Sources include the full range of relevant literature, including journal articles and other publications, the vast majority of which are accessible via the HealthInfoNet’s Australian Indigenous HealthBibliography. This bibliography, with more than more 20,000 entries includes journal articles, books, book chapters and reports (including ‘grey’ literature)
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