Review of ear health and hearing among Indigenous peoples


This review of ear health and hearing among Indigenous Australians has been prepared by the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet as a part of our contributions to ‘closing the gap’ in health between Indigenous people1 and other Australians. The aim is to make relevant, high quality knowledge and information easily accessible to policy makers, health service providers, program managers, clinicians, researchers and the general community. The review is an example of the HealthInfoNet’s translational research, defined as ‘comprehensive applied research that strives to translate the available knowledge and render it operational’ The main purpose of the review, which follows the model of narrative reviews/syntheses, is to provide an authoritative, upto-date review of ear health and hearing of Indigenous people that (1) is a valuable overview for people working in the area; and (2) assists in the development/refinement of policies, strategies and programs. Research for the review involves the collection, collation, and analysis of a wide range of information, including both published and unpublished material. Sources include the full range of relevant literature, including journal articles and other publications, the vast majority of which are accessible via the HealthInfoNet’s Australian Indigenous HealthBibliography. This bibliography, with more than more 20,000 entries includes journal articles, books, book chapters and reports (including ‘grey’ literature)

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