14 research outputs found

    Availability of prescribed medicines for elders at Sekou-Toure Regional Referral Hospital in Mwanza, Tanzania

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    Many older people are unable to afford even basic treatment, let alone, the medications needed to control chronic diseases that become more prevalent in older age. This study was conducted to assess the implementation of the Tanzania national exemption policy on availability of prescribed medicines in elderly people. This cross-sectional study was conducted at Sekou-Toure Regional Referral Hospital in Mwanza, Tanzania, from April to June 2016. Randomly selected outpatients aged above 60 years who attended the hospital were involved in the study. Data were collected by using interview guided questionnaire. Each patient was privately interviewed to obtain information on availability of medicines prescribed and whether or not the medicines were provided free-of-charge according to the exemption policy. A total of 100 outpatients were involved in the study. The mean age was 66.25 years (range= 60 to 87 years). About one-third (31%) were members of social security fund receiving monthly retirement pension. Only 27% (p-value=0.44) of elders received all medicines as per prescription. Majority of elder patients (39.7%) received 50% of prescribed medicines per prescription while 4.1% did not receive any medicine prescribed and only 1.4% received 80% of medicines prescribed. Results show that almost 50% of elders with diabetes received all anti-diabetics prescribed while 37% of elders received all antihypertensive prescribed. There is poor availability of medicines used by elderly people at Sekou-Toure Regional Mwanza thus elders do not get free medicines as per national cost sharing policy

    Prevalence and factor associated with over-the-counter use of antifungal agents’, in Mwanza City, Tanzania

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    Background: Misuse of antifungal both in clinics and agriculture has been associated with the increased trend of antifungal resistance. In Tanzania, there is limited information regarding the magnitude of antifungal obtained over the counter therefore this study was performed to determine the extent of over the counter (OTC) antifungal use and factors associated to it. Methods:  This was a cross sectional study involving patients buying antifungal agents from community pharmacies between May and July 2015 in Mwanza city, Tanzania. Data were collected by the investigator using interview guided questionnaire and analyzed using STATA version 11.Results: A total of 270 patients were enrolled and interviewed. The mean age was 30 years±12.  Majority of patients (59.6%) were female.   Out of 270 patients, 188(69.3%) had dermatophytes. A total of 150(55.6%, 95%CI 49.6-61) obtained antifungal OTC.  Of 150 patients received antifungal agents OTC, 64(42.3%) received more than one antifungal compared to only 11/120 (9.2%) of those with prescription p<0.001. Clotrimazole was the commonly prescribed antifungal while fluconazole was mostly obtained OTC. On univariate analysis, increase in age was found to be associated with the tendency of obtaining antifungal over the counter (OR 1.03, 95% CI 1.008-1.05, P<0.006).  Having skin fungal infections was the only predictor of obtaining antifungal agents OTC (OR 3.36, 95% CI 2.34-4.81, P<0.001).Conclusion: In Mwanza City, patients receive multiple antifungal agents over the counter and the practice is significantly more for the patients with skin fungal infections. There is a need for the advocacy on appropriate antifungal use so that associated impact of resistance development can be reduce

    Microbial contamination of traditional liquid herbal medicinal products marketed in Mwanza city: magnitude and risk factors

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    Introduction: The use of the traditional herbal medicinal products (THMPs) has been increasing worldwide due to the readily availability of raw materials and low cost compared to the synthetic industrial preparations. With this trend in mind, the safety and quality of THMPs need to be addressed so as to protect the community. The present study evaluated the magnitude and risk factors associated with microbial contamination of liquid THMPs marketed in Mwanza. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Mwanza city involving 59 participants from whom 109 liquid THMPs were collected and processed following the standard operating procedures. The data were analyzed using STATA software version 11. Results: The median age (interquartile range) of participants was 35 (27-43) years, with males accounting for 36 (61%). Of 109 liquid THMPs collected, 89 (81.7%) were found to be contaminated; with predominant fecal coliforms being Klebsiella spp and Enterobacter spp. fortunately, no pathogenic bacteria likeSalmonella spp and Shigella spp were isolated. There was a significant association of liquid THMPs contamination with low education level (p< 0.001), lack of formal training on THMPs (p=0.023), lack of registration with the Ministry of Health (p=0.001), lack of packaging of products (p<0.001) and use of unboiled solvents during preparation of THMPs (p<0.001). Conclusion: There is high contamination rate of liquid THMPs in Mwanza City which is attributable to individuals and system-centered factors. Urgent measures to provide education to individuals involved in THMPs as well as setting up policies and regulations to reinforce THMPs safety is needed.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Medicines dispensers' knowledge on the implementation of an artemisinin-based combination therapy policy for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Tanzania

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    Objectives In 2005, Tanzania changed its policy for uncomplicated malaria treatment from sulphadoxine–pyrimethamine (SP) to artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), specifically artemether–lumefantrine (ALU). SP remains the medicine of choice for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp). There is a need to assess dispensers' knowledge regarding the treatment of uncomplicated malaria and IPTp in Tanzania given appreciable self-purchasing to improve future care. Methods Descriptive cross-sectional design with structured questionnaires to capture quantitative data, with qualitative data captured using focus groups. The study was performed at 32 private pharmacies and 33 Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets in the Nyamagana and Sengerema Districts in Tanzania, with 20 dispensers included in the qualitative discussions. Key findings The knowledge level of dispensers in the private medicine outlets was variable. Most dispensers knew ALU was first-line treatment in uncomplicated malaria, however variable knowledge about taking ALU with fatty meals. Generally, dispensers had poor knowledge about dosing intervals for SP in IPTp and variable knowledge regarding treatments in the first trimester. Overall, 49% had good knowledge and 48% had moderate knowledge of ACT in uncomplicated malaria. There was a significant relationship between dispenser type and knowledge of ACT but no statistical relationship between the level of knowledge on IPTp and the dispenser. Conclusions The majority of dispensers in private medicines outlets have good knowledge on ACT policy in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria; however, few dispensers had good knowledge on IPTp, which may contribute to irrational dispensing of SP. This needs addressing given the extent of self-purchasing in Tanzania

    Patient-related beliefs and adherence toward their medications among the adult hypertensive outpatients in Tanzania

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    The following article has been retracted from Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research as it did not meet the ethical standards of the Journal and the Universities, owing to the use of an invalidated MMAS-8 scale: Jande M, Katabalo DM, Sravanam P, Marwa C, Madlan B, Burger J, Godman B, Oluka M, Massele A, Mwita S. Patient-related beliefs and adherence toward their medications among the adult hypertensive outpatients in Tanzania. J. Comp. Eff. Res. 6(3), 185–193 (2017). The authors and editors of the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research regret any negative consequences this publication might have caused in the scientific and medical communities.</jats:p

    Evaluating the effectiveness of agricultural adaptation to climate change in preindustrial society

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    The effectiveness of agricultural adaptation determines the vulnerability of this sector to climate change, particularly during the preindustrial era. However, this effectiveness has rarely been quantitatively evaluated, specifically at a large spatial and long-term scale. The present study covers this case of preindustrial society in AD 1500–1800. Given the absence of technological innovations in this time frame, agricultural production was chiefly augmented by cultivating more land (land input) and increasing labor input per land unit (labor input). Accordingly, these two methods are quantitatively examined. Statistical results show that within the study scale, land input is a more effective approach of mitigating climatic impact than labor input. Nonetheless, these observations collectively improve Boserup's theory from the perspective of a large spatial and long-term scale.postprin

    Identification and phenotype characterization of two CYP3A haplotypes causing different enzymatic capacity in fetal livers.

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    BACKGROUND The fetal liver cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A enzymes metabolize potentially toxic and teratogenic substrates and drugs in addition to endogenous hormones and differentiation factors. CYP3A7 is the most abundant CYP in the human liver during fetal stages and the first months of postnatal age and shows a large interindividual variability of unknown molecular basis. METHODS A new variant gene (CUpsilonP3A7*2), which carries a mutation in exon 11 of CUpsilonP3A7 causing a T409R substitution, was identified by direct sequencing. Genotype analysis was performed by use of polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction enzyme analysis. CYP3A7.2 activity was assessed in heterologous expression systems and human fetal liver microsomes. RESULTS The frequency of CUpsilonP3A7*2 was 8%, 17%, 28%, and 62% in white, Saudi Arabian, Chinese, and Tanzanian individuals, respectively. By use of human HEK293 cells, no significant differences in expression between CYP3A7.1 and CYP3A7.2 were found and fetal livers homozygous for CUpsilonP3A7*2 had similar or higher CYP3A7 protein contents than CUpsilonP3A7*1 livers. Kinetic studies showed that CYP3A7.2 was a functional enzyme with a significantly higher catalytic constant (kcat) as compared with CYP3A7.1 (P < .05). Interestingly, fetal livers that expressed CYP3A7.2 also expressed CYP3A5 protein, and we found a linkage disequilibrium between the CUpsilonP3A7*2 and CUpsilonP3A5*1 alleles that was subject to interethnic differences. Determination of the alprazolam 1-hydroxylation rate revealed that CYP3A5 plays a significant role in the metabolism of CYP3A substrates in the fetal liver. CONCLUSION We have identified 2 different CYP3A phenotypes in the fetal liver--one that is the result of a CUpsilonP3A7*1/CUpsilonP3A5*3 haplotype causing CYP3A7.1 but no CYP3A5 expression and another with higher detoxification capacity, inherent in the CUpsilonP3A7*2/CUpsilonP3A5*1 haplotype, where CYP3A5 and a more active form of CYP3A7 are expressed.N

    Neighborhood Social Environment and Health Communication at Prepregnancy and Maternal Stages among Caucasian and Asian Women: Findings from the Los Angeles Mommy and Baby Survey

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    Introduction. We study whether the relationship between neighborhood social environment and maternal communication with healthcare providers differs between Asians and Caucasians. Method and Materials. Using the 2007 Los Angeles Mommy and Baby (LAMB) survey, we measure new mother’s neighborhood social environment by four key variables: (1) instrumental/emotional support during pregnancy, (2) neighborhood social cohesion, (3) neighborhood social exchange, and (4) neighborhood services. Logistic regressions were applied for data analysis. Neighborhood social exchange predicts less chance of lacking communication about sensitive issues in preconception visits among Caucasians (logged odds: −0.045; P<0.01) and Asians (L.O.: −0.081; P<0.001) and predicts less chance of lacking communication during preconception visits among Asians (L.O.: −0.092; P<0.05). Neighborhood social cohesion predicts more chance for lacking communication about preparation for pregnancy only among Asians (L.O.: 0.065; P<0.05). Neighborhood services predict less chance of lacking communication about stigmatized issues in the prenatal visit among Asians (L.O.: −0.036; P<0.05). Discussion. Caucasians and Asians with more neighborhood social exchange are more likely to discuss sensitive issues during preconception visits. Neighborhood service significantly predicts maternal discussion of stigmatized issues with health care providers, but only among Asians

    CYP3A5 genotype has significant effect on quinine 3-hydroxylation in Tanzanians, who have lower total CYP3A activity than a Swedish population.

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    OBJECTIVES: To study the correlation between CYP3A5 genotype and quinine 3-hydroxylation in black Tanzanian and Swedish Caucasians as well as to investigate the interethnic differences in CYP3A activity between the two populations. METHODS: Tanzanian (n=144) and Swedish (n=136) healthy study participants were given a single oral 250 mg dose of quinine hydrochloride and a 16-h post-dose blood sample was collected. The metabolic ratio of quinine/3-hydroxyquinine was determined in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography. All the participants were genotyped for the known mutations of CYP3A5, which are relevant for the respective population. Correlation between quinine metabolic ratio and CYP3A5 genotype as well as the interethnic difference in CYP3A activity between the two populations was studied. RESULTS: Tanzanians had significantly higher (P<0.0001) mean quinine metabolic ratio (9.5+/-3.5) than Swedes (7.6+/-3.1). As expected, the frequency of high CYP3A5 expression alleles was higher in Tanzanians (51%) than in Swedes (7%). The mean+/-SD quinine metabolic ratio (10.7+/-3.9) in Tanzanians homozygous for low CYP3A5 expression gene was significantly higher than the corresponding mean metabolic ratio in participants heterozygous (9.5+/-3.3; P=0.02) or homozygous (8.1+/-3.1; P=0.002) for high expression CYP3A5 alleles, respectively. A tendency to higher quinine metabolic ratio in Swedes with low expression alleles compared with those with one or two high expression alleles was observed. Tanzanians homozygous for low CYP3A5 expression gene (i.e. only CYP3A4 is expressed) had significantly (P<0.0001) higher quinine metabolic ratio (10.7+/-3.9) than corresponding Swedes (7.7+/-3.1). CONCLUSIONS: Clear interethnic differences were observed in the activity of CYP3A between Tanzanians and Swedes. A significant association is noted between CYP3A5 genotype and quinine 3-hydroxylation in Tanzanians, indicating a significant contribution of CYP3A5 to total 3A activity. The CYP3A4 catalyzed hydroxylation of quinine (two low CYP3A5 expression alleles) was lower in Tanzanians than in Swedes

    Outcome of the second Medicines Utilisation Research in Africa Group meeting to promote sustainable and appropriate medicine use in Africa

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    The second Medicines Utilization Research in Africa (MURIA) group workshop and symposium again brought researchers together from across Africa to improve their knowledge of drug utilization (DU) methodologies and exchange ideas to further progress DU research in Africa. This built on extensive activities from the first conference including workshops and multiple publications. Anti-infectives were again the principal theme for the 2016 symposium following the workshops. This included presentations regarding strategies to improve antibiotic utilization among African countries, such as point-prevalence studies, as well as potential ways to reduce self-purchasing of antibiotics. There were also presentations on antiretrovirals including renal function and the impact of policy changes. Concerns with adherence in chronic treatments as well as drug-drug interactions and their implications were also discussed. The deliberations resulted in a number of agreed activities including joint publications before the next MURIA conference in Namibia in 2017