582 research outputs found

    Classification of Theories about Rock Pressure

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    The first classificationsw of physical properties of rocks and hypotheses of rock pressure in the world practice are analysed. The analysis of internationally widely known theories about rock pressure and physical processes around mine workings is executed. Classification of theories about rock pressure on classification feature “condition of investigated massif” is constructed. The energy theory that describing capsulation by the massif of underground mine working is offered

    Classification of Theories about Rock Pressure

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    The first classificationsw of physical properties of rocks and hypotheses of rock pressure in the world practice are analysed. The analysis of internationally widely known theories about rock pressure and physical processes around mine workings is executed. Classification of theories about rock pressure on classification feature “condition of investigated massif” is constructed. The energy theory that describing capsulation by the massif of underground mine working is offered

    Detection of glutathione S-transferases M1, T1 gene deletions among cancer patients in Mongolia

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    Various types of toxic xenobiotic and electrophilic compounds, which were formed from the glutathione S-transferases cell metabolism and the oxidation stress, are the group enzymes with detoxification roles that are involved in the metabolism phase II. During the GSTM1 and GSTT1 gene homozygous deletion, the above enzymes completely lose their activity and consequently somatic mutation is formed. Furthermore, it is considered that it might have increased the risk of cancer. Therefore, the research works which connected the GSTMI and GSTTI gene deletion with the cancer of kidney, lung, prostate, breast, stomach, esophagus, large and narrow intestines. In this study, two gene deletion distribution is detected for cancer patients. We collected the blood samples of 60 patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. The DNA was extracted and the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes were amplified using multiplex PCR. According to our research, the above two gene deletion is predominant among patients who have cancer. The results showed that from the total 60 patients GSTM1 and GSTT1 both deletions, GSTM1 gene deletion - 35%, GSTM1 gene deletion - 25%, GSTT1 gene deletion - 26.7%, GSTM1 and GSTT1 both positive -13.3 %. Therefore, we think that in order to prevent tumor and cancer, these gene mutations must be revealed and it is important to bring the risky group under medical control and assist them in order to prevent them from this disease

    Corrections for regular identification of high energy positive particles in experimental data using lobachevsky space

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    In this work, high-energy positive charged particles are distinguished using the Lobachevsky space or Hyperbolic space, which is defined as the total rapidity multiplied by hyperbolic cosines of the transverse and longitudinal rapidity of the particles. Experimental data from eight different types of interactions detected in the bubble chambers accumulated in the high-energy sector were used in the calculations. The weights used to construct the proton and positive pion distributions for each of the interacting secondary particles have been eliminated, allowing such studies to be performed such as particle counting and clustering.These weights do not include calculated weights at azimuth angles, near the center of the star, or without momentum measurements. We now have the opportunity to study positive pions and protons. The percentage of confused particles increases with the beam energy. After the reconstruction, we conducted a study of the temperature of the charged particles produced by the p + p interaction of 205 GeV, where Tsallis temperatures are close to Hagedorn . On the other hand, Hagedor  and  temperatures are higher than Tsallis, which means that the unstable states exchange heat as they move to equilibrium

    Nuclear-and-fuel power industry of Ukraine: production, science, education

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    Purpose. To define relevant problems and propose ways for development of production, scientific and educational spheres associated with nuclear-and-fuel power industry of Ukraine. Methods. The current state of uranium and zirconium production, as well as accompanying enterprises has been analyzed. Issues related to training of workers, engineers and highly-qualified personnel are considered in the context of implementation of the State target economic program “Uranium of Ukraine”. Findings. The impediments in the development of production, scientific and educational spheres on the way of creating the closed nuclear-and-fuel cycle in Ukraine are determined. Originality. The author suggests forming an administrative inter-branch body with pedagogic and research functions that will be able to successfully solve production, scientific and educational problems in structural units of nuclear-and-fuel cycle of Ukraine. Practical implications. The paper laid the groundwork for creating a corporate educational institution of power engineering profile in Ukraine which will solve pivotal problems in production, scientific and educational spheres of nuclear-and-fuel cycle.Мета. Розкрити проблематику та запропонувати шляхи розвитку виробничої, наукової та освітньої сфер, що забезпечують ядерно-паливну енергетику України. Методика. Проаналізовано сучасний стан уранового, цирконієвого та супутніх підприємств, а також підготовки робочих, інженерних та висококваліфікованих кадрів у відповідності до виконання Державної цільової економічної програми “Уран України”. Результати. Досліджено проблематику відставання у розвитку виробничої, наукової та освітньої сфер на шляху створення в Україні замкнутого ядерно-паливного циклу. Наукова новизна. Створення управлінсько-педагогічного, науково-дослідницького міжгалузевого колективу, здатного до успішного вирішення виробничих, наукових та освітніх проблем у структурних підрозділах ядерно-паливного циклу України. Практична значимість. Закладено засади створення в Україні корпоративного навчального закладу енергетичної спрямованості, який системно вирішує нагальні завдання у виробничій, науковій й освітній сферах ядерно-паливного циклу.Цель. Раскрыть проблематику и предложить пути развития производственной, научной и образовательной сфер, обеспечивающих ядерно-топливную энергетику Украины. Методика. Проанализировано современное состояние уранового, циркониевого и сопутствующих предприятий, а также подготовка рабочих, инженерных и высококвалифицированных кадров в соответствии с выполнением Государственной целевой экономической программы “Уран Украины”. Результаты. Исследовано проблематику отставания в развитии производственной, научной и образовательной сфер на пути создания в Украине замкнутого ядерно-топливного цикла. Научная новизна. Создание управленческо-педагогического, научно-исследовательского межотраслевого коллектива, способного к успешному решению производственных, научных и образовательных проблем в структурных подразделениях ядерно-топливного цикла Украины. Практическая значимость. Заложены основы создания в Украине корпоративного учебного заведения энергетического направленности, который системно решает первоочередные задачи в производственной, научной и образовательной сферах ядерно-топливного цикла.За надану підтримку при проведенні аналізу та виконанні досліджень автори висловлюють вдячність генеральному директорові Державного концерну “Ядерне паливо” С.А. Дроботу (м. Київ)

    Dependence of the cut-off parameters for the cluster reconstruction on incident momenta

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    In this work, firstly, we have determined the multiplicities of protons that are involved from projectiles to interactions, and secondly, the mean incident momentum using experimental data on the collisions of proton, helium, oxygen, silicon, and sulfur with the nuclear emulsion at 4.5A GeV/c. We have studied the dependences of clot numbers, number of particles in the clot, rapidity, and the mean azimuthal value on the variable dij, and the dependence of the cluster number on the mean value of the variable dij. Using the “Cone” algorithm for the clustering, we have precisely identified that the cut-off parameter to compose the clusters consisted of s and f tracks produced in (p, He, C, O, Si, S) + Em collisions decreases by the power law with mean values of incident momentum


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    Food and agricultural production sector, especially livestock production is vital for Mongolia’s economic and social development. The five breeds of livestock – cattle, horses, sheep, goats and camels, have always been directly related to the history, culture and economy of Mongolia. It is undeniable that these five breeds of livestock are considered as an important asset of the Mongolian economy as well as guarantee of national security. Out of the five breeds, small livestock including sheep and goats account for more than 80% of the total livestock population (according to the National Statistical Office data). It is not hard to retrieve research and recorded materials about the morphology or the economic productivity of these breeds and their sub-breeds. However, the development of society now demands higher yield from the livestock animals. Genetically, the a1, a2, a3 and a4 samples appertaining to some 3,000 years ago are substantially different from the haplogroups. However, judging by the phylogenetic tree the 800 year-old samples, as compared to the phylogroups of the 3rd century BC, are closer to the modern samples. Alongside this, from molecular distance we find that the M1 haplogroup is a sample belonging to the 3rd century BC, which had separated the earliest, while the aforementioned 800 year-old sample separates at a later period, which chronologically is convincing. But the a6 ancient sample conforms to the B haplogroup and the a8 or the sample of 800 years ago is in the same haplogroup as the sample of the 3rd century BC. However, the a6 sample obtained from the 3rd century BC tombs obtained sample was the origin of modern goats that can be included in haplogroup B

    Fragmentation of projectile nucleus

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    The temperature characteristics of carbon spectator fragments formed in carbon collisions with carbon nuclei at a primary momentum of 4.2 GeV/c per nucleon were presented and discussed on corrected experimental data. As well as studied the multiplicities formed by the spectator protons, deuterons, and tritons in the inelastic nucleus-nucleus interactions. We found that the temperature absorbed by the spectator fragments is dependent on their mass.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Association of major dietary patterns with obesity risk among Mongolian men and women

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    Mongolia is experiencing changes in its unique nomadic lifestyle and dietary habits in the last two decades with accompanying increase in obesity rate. The dietary pattern approach, which investigates the overall diet in relation to obesity risks, has become appealing in nutrition epidemiology. The aim of this study was to identify major dietary patterns of the Mongolian adults in relation to the risk of having obesity. Dietary intake of a total 418 adults aged ≥ 25 years was assessed by using a food frequency questionnaire with 68 items. An exploratory factor analysis resulted in three dietary patterns: transitional high in processed meat and potato, traditional rich in whole milk, fats and oils and healthy with greater intake of whole grains, mixed vegetables and fruits. Individuals in the upper quintile of the transitional pattern had significantly greater risk of obesity (BMI≥25kg/m2: OR=2.47; 95% CI=1.04-5.86) while subjects in the highest quintile of the healthy dietary pattern were found to have significantly decreased risk of obesity (OR: 0.49; 95% CI=0.25-0.95). Men in the highest quintile of the transitional pattern had greater risk of abdominal obesity WC≥90cm: OR= 4.08; 95% CI=1.11-14.97) than those in the lowest quintile. Women in the top quintile of the traditional pattern had a greater odds of having abdominal obesity (WC≥80cm: OR=4.59; 95% CI=1.58-13.30) than those in the lowest quintile. The study suggests that public health efforts be targeted at adults in Mongolia to address the undesirable aspects of the transitional and the traditional dietary patterns

    Hypertension and hypertension-related disease in Mongolia; Findings of a national knowledge, attitudes and practices study

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    BACKGROUND: Mongolia has a high and increasing burden of hypertension and related disease, with cardiovascular diseases among the leading causes of death. Yet little is known about the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the Mongolian population with regards to blood pressure. With this in mind, a national Non-Communicable Diseases knowledge, attitudes and practices survey on blood pressure was implemented in late 2010. This paper reports on the findings of this research. METHODS: Using a multi-stage, random cluster sampling method 3450 participant households were selected from across Mongolia. This survey was interviewer-administered and included demographic and socio-economic questions. Sample size was calculated using methods aligned with the World Health Organization STEPS surveys. RESULTS: One fifth of participants reported having never heard the term ‘blood pressure’. This absence of health knowledge was significantly higher in men, and particularly younger men. The majority of participants recognised high blood pressure to be a threat to health, with a higher level of risk awareness among urban individuals. Education level and older age were generally associated with a heightened knowledge and risk perception. Roughly seven in ten participants were aware of the relationship between salt and blood pressure. Exploring barriers to screening, participants rated a ‘lack of perceived importance’ as the main deterring factor among fellow Mongolians and overall, participants perceived medication and exercise as the only interventions to be moderately effective at preventing high blood pressure. CONCLUSION: Rural populations; younger populations; men; and less educated populations, all with lower levels of knowledge and risk perception regarding hypertension, present those most vulnerable to it and the related health outcomes. This research intimates major health knowledge gaps in sub-populations within Mongolia, regarding health-risks related to hypertension