119 research outputs found

    Assessing and Prioritizing Affecting Factors in E-Learning Websites Using AHP Method and Fuzzy Approach

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    The evolution of information technologies has caused to the growth in online training as an important education method. Assessment of the quality of e-learning has become a strategic issue; one that is critical to improve e-learning websites .This study identifies the significant factors that influence on successes in e-learning websites. In this study two questionnaires were used. One of questionnaire was AHP questionnaire. From the literature these factors was discovered and then AHP method was applied for prioritizing .Based on literature effective factors was organized in four major groups by experts. After prioritizing  by second questionnaire, data collected from 150 IT students of  three virtual universities in Iran. Used factors in second questionnaire were from prioritized factors in first questionnaire. Data was organized by Excel software and 81 rules were obtained .Finally using fuzzy toolbox in Matlab software and applying obtained rules, outputs of factors were calculated and then in some 3D surface plots were depicted. Keywords: Fuzzy logic, AHP, E-Learning Website, Assessment, Evaluation

    The Potential Impact of the Orexinergic System on the Symptoms of Coronavirus-Infected Patients

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    Coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic declared by the World Health Organization after its appearance in the Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019. It has infected more than 30 million people worldwide and led to the death of nearly one million of them. Orexin-A (OXA), a neuropeptide produced by the lateral hypothalamic area and several peripheral tissues, regulates appetite, reproduction, and other physiological functions. There are many symptoms associated with infection with the coronavirus, such as a cytokine storm, narcolepsy, impaired senses of smell and taste, and loss of appetite, usually are associated with high or low levels of OXA in the infected people. Moreover, some chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and obesity, generally referred to as risk factors for the disease, increase the severity of infection or even lead to death and they are associated with either an increase or a decrease in OXA levels. Moreover, some factors, such as a high testosterone level, facilitate the entry of a virus into the cells, which OXA controls. In this review, we described for the first time the potential impact of high or low levels of OXA on the severity of the symptoms of COVID-19 or the death due to this disease

    Offering an Expert Electronic Roll Call and Teacher Assessment System Based on Mobile Phones for Higher Education

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    In this paper, we propose an expert electronic roll call for class attendance of students and teacher assessment system. The goal of this system is to design and develop a fully functional automated class attendance Register and assessment system, including hardware and application software. After the teacher initiates the roll call procedure, students in class check their own attendance simultaneously, and then the attendance data are collected into a database automatically .Also after ending a roll call procedure, a procedure of assessment of teacher becomes active and all presence student . We have employed Qt framework for web programming and SQL server database in proposed system. One questionnaire was used in assessment system to assess teacher performance at ending of class. In this system data obtained the questionnaire is collected into a SQL database of assessment system. Finally we use the data collection for assess each teacher in one semester. We also could utilize MATLAB software for exhibition the teacher performance resultant of evaluation and RATIONAL ROSE software for depictions

    Offering a Proper E-learning model for Islamic Azad University of Roudsar and Amlash (IAURA)

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    One of the opportunities that apply Technology an information technology at university is utilization of E-learning. For this reason various models have been suggested for e-learning technologies. In this paper for developing e-learning at IAURA, we analyzed and offered a new model of E-learning as for their requirements and essential offered models (Interactive model, Blended model, Virtual model).In this paper three models were compared. Thus, based on TAM model and utilization of AHP method we weighted these models by Expert Choice Software base on two views as easy and essential of use .E-learning easy of use at IAURA was completed by analyzing and prioritizing models based on implementation requirements and e-learning essential of use at IAURA was completed by analysis of scale of information technology projects at higher education .then we used SAW model for combination of results and interactive model was offered with highest weight. For testing this model in higher education we start many researches and then designed a questionnaire with fifty seven questions for easy of use and essential utilization of interactive model. In this study questionnaire was completed and responded by directors groups, active researchers and experts in e-learning area. After collecting responses, responses were sent to university. Also in this study we used SPSS software for analyzing and finally was determined that education requirements are most important factors in easy of use in interactive model at IAURA. In end of study we exhibited many suggestions for implementation of offered model

    Oleuropein attenuates the progression of heart failure in rats by antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects

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    Abstract Much of the beneficial effects of olive products have been attributed to oleuropein. This study examined the effects of oleuropein in rats with heart failure induced by permanent ligation of left coronary arteries. Twenty-four hours after the operation, the rats were assigned to five groups including a sham assigned to receive vehicle (1 ml/day) and four coronary ligated groups assigned to receive vehicle or oleuropein at 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg/day. Five weeks later, echocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters, serum concentrations of oxidative stress, and inflammatory markers were determined. Myocardial infarction group receiving vehicle showed impaired hemodynamic and echocardiographic parameters as evidenced by decreased left ventricular systolic pressure, rate of rise and decrease of left ventricular pressure, stroke volume, ejection fraction, and cardiac output. In addition, significant reduction in superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase was observed. Oleuropein treatment prevented the reduction of these variables. Moreover, the group had a significantly higher infarct size and serum malondialdehyde, interleukin-1β, and tumor necrosis factor-α than those of the sham group. Treatment with oleuropein prevented the increase of these variables. The results show that oleuropein attenuates the progression of heart failure, possibly by antioxidative and antiinflammatory effects

    Suppressive effects of resveratrol treatment on the intrinsic evoked excitability of CA1 pyramidal neurons

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    Objective: Resveratrol, a phytoalexin, has a wide range of desirable biological actions. Despite a growing body of evidence indicating that resveratrol induces changes in neuronal function, little effort, if any, has been made to investigate the cellular effect of resveratrol treatment on intrinsic neuronal properties. Materials and Methods: This experimental study was performed to examine the acute effects of resveratrol (100 μ M) on the intrinsic evoked responses of rat Cornu Ammonis (CA1) pyramidal neurons in brain slices, using whole cell patch clamp recording under current clamp conditions. Results: Findings showed that resveratrol treatment caused dramatic changes in evoked responses of pyramidal neurons. Its treatment induced a significant (P<0.05) increase in the after hyperpolarization amplitude of the first evoked action potential. Resveratrol-treated cells displayed a significantly broader action potential (AP) when compared with either control or vehicle-treated groups. In addition, the mean instantaneous firing frequency between the first two action potentials was significantly lower in resveratrol-treated neurons. It also caused a significant reduction in the time to maximum decay of AP. The rheobase current and the utilization time were both significantly greater following resveratrol treatment. Neurons exhibited a significantly depolarized voltage threshold when exposed to resveratrol. Conclusion: Results provide direct electrophysiological evidence for the inhibitory effects of resveratrol on pyramidal neurons, at least in part, by reducing the evoked neural activity

    Developing a Framework for Exploring Factors Affecting on Trust in M-Commerce using Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    Mobile Commerce is a developing and maturing area of electronic Commerce, where customers andvendors can interact via the service providers through a wireless network and mobile devices forinformation retrieval and transaction processing. In mobile transactions trust is an essential constituent inmobile commerce transactions .This study aims to clarify the factors that affect on trust in mobilecommerce, and then evaluate and asses these factors by AHP method. This paper provides a theory basedframework that helps to customers to make a right decision while they would like to shop via mobilefacilities in mobile browsers. For this purpose the contribution of different scientific approaches isexamined. By combining these approaches a framework for the classification is derived for trust model.Keywords: AHP method, Mobile Commerce, Trust, Security

    A comparative study on anti-hyperalgesia effect of MTA and Ketoprofen in inflammatory pain

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    INTRODUCTION: Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is an endodontic material with different clinical applications e.g. root-end filling, pulp capping and perforation repair.  It has been reported to possess antimicrobial and antifungal activities. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of White MTA on formalin-induced hyperalgesia in a rat with inflammatory pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Inflammatory pain was induced by subcutaneous (SC) injection of formalin (40 µL, 2.5%) into the rat upper lip. The nociceptive behavioral responses i.e. shaking of the lower jaw and face rubbing were quantified. 40 µL of eugenol (50 mg/kg), WMTA (20 mg/0.2 mL) or ketoprofen were injected solely or in combination with formalin 2.5% and the behavioral responses were compared with those observed after formalin treatment alone. One-way ANOVA, Tukey were used for analysis of data. RESULTS: Formalin 2.5% provoked a biphasic nociceptive response, with an early and short lasting first tonic phase followed by a second phase. Solely SC injection of either WMTA or ketoprofen (a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) did not stimulate any significant nociceptive behaviour. However, injection of eugenol (a pain relieving agent) induced the early phase not the tonic phase of nociceptive response. WMTA, eugenol or ketoprofen injection 20 min before formalin injection attenuated the first phase but somehow prevented the induction of the second phase of nociceptive responses which were produced by formalin. Behavioural nociceptive responses including shaking of the lower jaw and face rubbing were significantly reduced when the subject was pretreated with either WMTA or ketoprofen (P&lt;0.001). CONCLUSION: In this study, WMTA induced pain reduction by suppression of the formalin-induced nociceptive response

    Comparing the Effects of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Calcium Enriched Mixture on Neuronal Cells Using an Electrophysiological Approach

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    Introduction: The main goal of this ex vivo study was to assess and compare the cellular and electrophysiological effects of two dental biomaterials, white mineral trioxide aggregate (WMTA) and calcium enriched mixture (CEM) cement, on neuronal cell excitability and electrical properties.Materials and Methods: A conventional intracellular current clamp technique was used to study the cellular effects of WMTA and CEM on the excitability, firing and the shape of action potential of neuronal soma membrane of F1 nerve cells. The dental biomaterials were prepared according to the manufacturers' directions and were applied to the bathing media and 0.05 mL of total mixture of each dental material at a distance of 3 mm from the cells.Results: Findings indicated that exposure to both dental biomaterials shifted the irregular high frequency firing type observed in control conditions to a more regular low frequency firing pattern. Neuronal exposure to WMTA, but not CEM, significantly hyperpolarized the cell resting membrane potential. Both treatments significantly influenced the duration and the amplitude of action potentials. Extracellular application of either CEM or WMTA caused a significant increase in the after hyperpolarization (AHP) amplitude and AHP area, but the potentiating effect of WMTA was more effective than CEM.Conclusion: Treatment with WMTA or CEM resulted in a profound alteration in the firing behaviour of F1 cells and changed the AP characteristics. Both dental biomaterials reduced the neuronal activity possibly through enhancement of K+ outward current. This may possibly explain the positive mechanisms of these biomaterials in regenerative endodontics, though further research is needed for such a conclusion