43 research outputs found

    Doklady velké hláskové změny v dobové anglické poezii

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    This BA thesis is dealing with the Great Vowel Shift which occurred roughly between the fifteenth and eighteenth century in British English. Analysis in this thesis was carried out manually on a sample of selected poetry of the period. While obtaining examples affected by the Great Vowel Shift other changes occurring approximately around the same period as the Great Vowel Shift such as shortening were taken into account. In the analysis it was observed that the number of representations of individual shifts is very different from each other. One specific shift was encountered widely in the works of all selected poets while another shift was not encountered once. The results of the manual analysis were displayed in graphs which were then compared to the presumed chronology of the Great Vowel Shift. Key words: The Great Vowel Shift, rhyme, poetry, Old English, Middle English, Modern EnglishTato bakalářská práce se zabývá Velkou hláskovou změnou, která probíhala přibližně mezi patnáctým a osmnáctým stoletím v britské angličtině. Analýza v této bakalářské práci byla provedena manuálně na vzorku vybrané poezie z daných období. Při hledání příkladů ovlivněných Velkou hláskovou změnu byl brán ohled i na jiné hláskové změny probíhající přibližně ve stejném období jako Velká hlásková změna, jako například krácení samohlásek. V analýze bylo zpozorováno, že počet zastoupení jednotlivých hláskových změn se od sebe navzájem velmi liší. Jedna určitá změna byla hojně zpozorována v dílech všech vybraných básníků, zatímco jiná nebyla nalezena ani jednou. Pomocí grafů se zobrazily výsledky manuální analýzy, které byly srovnány s předpokládanou chronologií Velké hláskové změny. Klíčová slova: Velká hlásková změna, rým, poezie, stará angličtina, střední angličtina, moderní angličtinaÚstav anglického jazyka a didaktikyDepartment of the English Language and ELT MethodologyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Effect of pitch manipulation on the evaluation of credibility in political candidates

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    This MA thesis is dealing with the relationship between the pitch of the fundamental frequency of the speaker's voice and the subjective evaluation of the speaker by listeners on a 7point rating scale. The analysis in this thesis was conducted in the form of a perception test in which 39 listeners participated. Participants in the experiment rated the speaker based on how credible the speaker sounded to them. The material was chosen such that the listeners were influenced as little as possible by any possible external influences. The results of the perception test showed a correlation between the type of manipulation and the listeners' evaluations. The hypothesis of the paper was partially confirmed because listeners decreased their average evaluation the higher the f0 value of the item and this relationship was statistically significant. It was also shown that the lower the f0 value of the item, the more credibility evaluations tended to increase, but this change did not prove to be statistically significant. Key words: Fundamental frequency, f0, credibility perception, pitch, perception, votingTato diplomová práce se zabývá vztahem mezi výškou základní frekvence hlasu mluvčího a jeho subjektivním zhodnocením posluchači na 7stupňové hodnotící škále. Analýza byla v této diplomové práci provedena formou percepčního testu, kterého se zúčastnilo 39 posluchačů. Účastníci experimentu hodnotili mluvčí na základě toho, jak důvěryhodně jim daní mluvčí zní. Materiál byl zvolen takový, aby posluchači byli co nejméně ovlivněni externími vlivy. Výsledky percepčního testu ukázaly korelaci mezi typem manipulace a hodnocením posluchačů. Hypotéza práce se potvrdila částečně, protože posluchači snižovali svá průměrná hodnocení čím vyšší byla hodnota f0 položky a tento vztah je statisticky významný. Prokázalo se také, že čím nižší hodnota je f0 položky, tím má hodnocení důvěryhodnosti stoupavou tendenci, tato změna se však neprokázala jako statisticky významná. Klíčová slova: Základní frekvence, f0, vnímání důvěryhodnosti, melodie, percepce, volbyFonetický ústavInstitute of PhoneticsFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Dental calculus - origin, structure and removal

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    Stomatologická klinika 3. LF UK a FNKVDepartment of Stomatology 3FM CU and UHKVThird Faculty of Medicine3. lékařská fakult

    Antibacterial and antifouling efficiency of essential oils-loaded electrospun polyvinylidene difluoride membranes

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    Nanofibers have become a promising material in many industries in recent years, mainly due to their various properties. The only disadvantage of nanofibers as a potential filtration membrane is their short life due to clogging by bacteria in water treatment. The enrichment of nanofibers with active molecules could prevent these negative effects, represented by essential oils components such as Thymol, Eugenol, Linalool, Cinnamaldehyde and Carvacrol. Our study deals with the preparation of electrospun polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF)-based nanofibers with incorporated essential oils, their characterization, testing their antibacterial properties and the evaluation of biofilm formation on the membrane surface. The study of the nanofibers' morphology points to the nanofibers' diverse fiber diameters ranging from 570 to 900 nm. Besides that, the nanofibers were detected as hydrophobic material with wettability over 130°. The satisfactory results of PVDF membranes were observed in nanofibers enriched with Thymol and Eugenol that showed their antifouling activity against the tested bacteria Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Therefore, these PVDF membranes could find potential applications as filtration membranes in healthcare or the environment.Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in Zlin; [IGA/FT/2022/006

    Processing and educational benefits of the website Yoga for Children

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    The attempt of this work is to show the internet that is present everywhere as a possibility of healthy education and the possibility of pleasent and functionally spended time that supports the creativity, self-reliance and the whole personality?as a friend, educator, teacher. The aim of this work is the processing and educational effectiveness of the web sites with the issue "Yoga for Children" including not only yoga but relaxation for children. It follows that this work is aimed at children, health, yoga and computer technology. In this theoretical part I analysed collected materials for the given issue, I defined and characterised the concepts mentioned above. I carried out the research quantitively orientated with the help of anonymous and non-standard quastionnairy for the finding of feedback to the newly made web sites. The evaluation of collected data in the research part of the work brought out the findings about positive reactions at these web sites and confirmed 1. precondition, that web sites made into transparent and attractive form will be evaluated by the respondents with enthusiasm. 2.the second precondition was confirmed fot 100% if the positions will be graphicaly well represented, supported wilh suitable design and depiction, it will be possible to excercise according to them. I nevertheless recommend to take a specialist for the first yoga lessons that will supervise the correct and technical performance it will subsequently enable to set up on the web sites "Yoga for Children"

    Effect of pitch manipulation on the evaluation of credibility in political candidates

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    This MA thesis is dealing with the relationship between the pitch of the fundamental frequency of the speaker's voice and the subjective evaluation of the speaker by listeners on a 7point rating scale. The analysis in this thesis was conducted in the form of a perception test in which 39 listeners participated. Participants in the experiment rated the speaker based on how credible the speaker sounded to them. The material was chosen such that the listeners were influenced as little as possible by any possible external influences. The results of the perception test showed a correlation between the type of manipulation and the listeners' evaluations. The hypothesis of the paper was partially confirmed because listeners decreased their average evaluation the higher the f0 value of the item and this relationship was statistically significant. It was also shown that the lower the f0 value of the item, the more credibility evaluations tended to increase, but this change did not prove to be statistically significant. Key words: Fundamental frequency, f0, credibility perception, pitch, perception, votin

    The history of Nymburk's Monastery

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    This thesis about Nymburk monastery consists of 5 sections. First section refers to the issues that relate to above mentioned topic. Some of the publications are of high quality expertly treated, unfortunately some of them worked out with false information. Some of these false information repeat also at other authors who overtake them. Second section describes the oldest history of the monastery in Nymburk. It refers to the period since 70 years of the 13.th century when the monastery was established together with the town itself up to the 1421 when the monastery was destroyed by the Hussite army. Third section speaks about renovation of the monastery and its further function during 1667-1789. The monastery restoration was done thanks to much efforts of priest Theophil of Ostropole. As a proof of the monastery bloom we can find the "Historia Conventus P.V. Maria de Rosario" (1752). Fourth section deals with monastery buildings destiny. Eastern part of former monastery started to be used as a school and in the western part a distillery was established. The church was used as a stock. In 1857-1897 the presbytery of the monastery church was used as Saint Jan of Nepomuk's school chapel. Jan Nepomuk Zendrich made much effort to achieve this chapel establishment. The main aisle of the church was rebuilt for a..

    Jóga s příběhem - návrh metodických listů pro cvičení s dětmi v mateřské škole

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    Tato závěrečná práce se zabývá tématem "Jóga s příběhem - návrh metodických listů pro cvičení s dětmi v mateřské škole." V teoretické části definuji pojem předškolní věk, jóga a její vliv na děti. Dále se věnuje přínosu příběhů pro dětskou osobnost. Praktická část je založena na vypracování edukačních jednotek jógy s příklady jednotlivých cviků doprovázené příběhem. Cílem je vytvořit přehledný metodický materiál pro učitele, který usnadní praktikování jógy v dětském kolektivu

    The Position of the of Local Action Groups in the Czech Countryside

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    This thesis focuses on the topic of local action groups in the area of the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to discover what is the conternporary status of the local action groups in the Czech rural area. The research is based on the evaluation of the local action groups done by their members and also on an analysis of activities of the local action groups. The research was done in three local action groups which were chosen to be supported in the program LEADER in the period 2007-2013. The thesis comes out of the assumption that the activities done by the local action groups can influence their position in the rural area. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the definition of term "country", approach to the rural development, method LEADER, program LEADER and the term of local action groups are introduced in this part. The practical part of the thesis is the research itself. The analysis of documents and questionnaire investigation by the members of LAG should confirm or deny the stated hypothesis