8,239 research outputs found

    Finite temperature properties of the triangular lattice t-J model, applications to Nax_xCoO2_2

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    We present a finite temperature (TT) study of the t-J model on the two-dimensional triangular lattice for the negative hopping tt, as relevant for the electron-doped Nax_xCoO2_2 (NCO). To understand several aspects of this system, we study the TT-dependent chemical potential, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and the dynamic Hall-coefficient across the entire doping range. We show systematically, how this simplest model for strongly correlated electrons describes a crossover as function of doping (xx) from a Pauli-like weakly spin-correlated metal close to the band-limit (density n=2n=2) to the Curie-Weiss metallic phase (1.5<n<1.751.5<n<1.75) with pronounced anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) correlations at low temperatures and Curie-Weiss type behavior in the high-temperature regime. Upon further reduction of the doping, a new energy scale, dominated by spin-interactions (JJ) emerges (apparent both in specific heat and susceptibility) and we identify an effective interaction Jeff(x)J_{eff}(x), valid across the entire doping range. This is distinct from Anderson's formula, as we choose here t<0t<0, hence the opposite sign of the usual Nagaoka-ferromagnetic situation. This expression includes the subtle effect of weak kinetic AFM - as encountered in the infinitely correlated situation (U=U=\infty). By explicit computation of the Kubo-formulae, we address the question of practical relevance of the high-frequency expression for the Hall coefficient RHR_H^*. We hope to clarify some open questions concerning the applicability of the t-J model to real experimental situations through this study

    Critical Dynamics of a Two-dimensional Superfluid near a Non-Thermal Fixed Point

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    Critical dynamics of an ultracold Bose gas far from equilibrium is studied in two spatial dimensions. Superfluid turbulence is created by quenching the equilibrium state close to zero temperature. Instead of immediately re-thermalizing, the system approaches a meta-stable transient state, characterized as a non-thermal fixed point. A focus is set on the vortex density and vortex-antivortex correlations which characterize the evolution towards the non-thermal fixed point and the departure to final (quasi-)condensation. Two distinct power-law regimes in the vortex-density decay are found and discussed in terms of a vortex binding-unbinding transition and a kinetic description of vortex scattering. A possible relation to decaying turbulence in classical fluids is pointed out. By comparing the results to equilibrium studies of a two-dimensional Bose gas, an intuitive understanding of the location of the non-thermal fixed point in a reduced phase space is developed.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures; PRA versio

    Uniform shrinking and expansion under isotropic Brownian flows

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    We study some finite time transport properties of isotropic Brownian flows. Under a certain nondegeneracy condition on the potential spectral measure, we prove that uniform shrinking or expansion of balls under the flow over some bounded time interval can happen with positive probability. We also provide a control theorem for isotropic Brownian flows with drift. Finally, we apply the above results to show that under the nondegeneracy condition the length of a rectifiable curve evolving in an isotropic Brownian flow with strictly negative top Lyapunov exponent converges to zero as tt\to \infty with positive probability

    Nonequilibrium Kondo Effect in a Quantum Dot Coupled to Ferromagnetic Leads

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    We study the Kondo effect in the electron transport through a quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads, using a real-time diagrammatic technique which provides a systematic description of the nonequilibrium dynamics of a system with strong local electron correlations. We evaluate the theory in an extension of the `resonant tunneling approximation', introduced earlier, by introducing the self-energy of the off-diagonal component of the reduced propagator in spin space. In this way we develop a charge and spin conserving approximation that accounts not only for Kondo correlations but also for the spin splitting and spin accumulation out of equilibrium. We show that the Kondo resonances, split by the applied bias voltage, may be spin polarized. A left-right asymmetry in the coupling strength and/or spin polarization of the electrodes significantly affects both the spin accumulation and the weight of the split Kondo resonances out of equilibrium. The effects are observable in the nonlinear differential conductance. We also discuss the influence of decoherence on the Kondo resonance in the frame of the real-time formulation.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Thermal spin transport and spin-orbit interaction in ferromagnetic/non-magnetic metals

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    In this article we extend the currently established diffusion theory of spin-dependent electrical conduction by including spin-dependent thermoelectricity and thermal transport. Using this theory, we propose new experiments aimed at demonstrating novel effects such as the spin-Peltier effect, the reciprocal of the recently demonstrated thermally driven spin injection, as well as the magnetic heat valve. We use finite-element methods to model specific devices in literature to demonstrate our theory. Spin-orbit effects such as anomalous-Hall, -Nernst, anisotropic magnetoresistance and spin-Hall are also included in this model

    On the chiral anomaly in non-Riemannian spacetimes

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    The translational Chern-Simons type three-form coframe torsion on a Riemann-Cartan spacetime is related (by differentiation) to the Nieh-Yan four-form. Following Chandia and Zanelli, two spaces with non-trivial translational Chern-Simons forms are discussed. We then demonstrate, firstly within the classical Einstein-Cartan-Dirac theory and secondly in the quantum heat kernel approach to the Dirac operator, how the Nieh-Yan form surfaces in both contexts, in contrast to what has been assumed previously.Comment: 18 pages, RevTe

    Intrinsic Geometric Structure of c=2c=-2 Quantum Gravity

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    We couple c=-2 matter to 2-dimensional gravity within the framework of dynamical triangulations. We use a very fast algorithm, special to the c=-2 case, in order to test scaling of correlation functions defined in terms of geodesic distance and we determine the fractal dimension d_H with high accuracy. We find d_H=3.58(4), consistent with a prediction coming from the study of diffusion in the context of Liouville theory, and that the quantum space-time possesses the same fractal properties at all distance scales similarly to the case of pure gravity