12 research outputs found

    Detached house with tea premise

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    Tato BP se zabývá návrhem rodinného domu s čajovou provozovnou. Dům je situován jedním podzemním a dvěma nadzemními podlažími. V suterénu se v levé části podlaží nachází komerční část domu s kamenným obchodem, skladem čaje a kanceláří pro správu e-shopu. V pravé části se nachází garáž s dílnou a posilovna. V nadzemních podlažích už nalezneme pouze obytné části budovy, které jsou řešeny velmi vzdušně a luxusně. Místnosti jsou velké, s vysokými stropy a velkými francouzskými okny v téměř každé místnosti. Viditelné vazníky v obývacím pokoji a kuchyni v kombinaci s vysokými stropy vytvářejí pocit noblesnosti a volnosti. Stavba je provedena ze ztraceného bednění v podzemní části a z cihelných bloků Porotherm v části nadzemní. Střecha je pultová rozdělená na dvě části svahovaná směrem od středu domu. Celá stavba je velmi dobře zateplena izolačními materiály po celé fasádě a nad nosnými prvky krovů. Dominantní je i velký pozemek, na kterém stavba stojí. V exteriéru domu bude vybudována rozsáhlá okrasná zahrada v části za domem a s užitnou plochou pro pěstování užitkových rostlin v zadní části pozemku. Velké jezírko a altán prospějí pohodě obyvatel domu.This thesis describes the design of the house with a teahouse establishment. The house is situated on a basement and two floors. In the basement on the left side, there is a part for commerce with a store, warehouse and an office for e-shop management. In the right part of the house there is a garage and a gym. In the aboveground floors there are just residential parts of the building, which are in a very spacious and luxurious. The rooms are large with a high ceiling and large French windows in almost every room. Exposed rafters in the living room and kitchen combined with high ceilings creates a feeling of nobleness and freedom. The building is made from lost formwork in the underground part and from brick blocks Porotherm in the aboveground part. The shed type roof is divided into two parts, sloped away from the center of the house. The whole building is very well thermally insulated with insulating material over the entire façade and over the supporting elements of the roof. Also the large parcel the building stands on is a dominant element. In the exterior, there will be built a large ornamental garden in the backyard, and usable area for growing crops in the rear part of the property. Large pond and gazebo will be beneficial for the residents of the building.


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    It has been repeatedly shown that schizophrenia patients have immense alterations in goal-directed behaviour, social cognition, and social interactions, cognitive abilities that are presumably driven by the mirror neurons system (MNS). However, the neural bases of these deficits still remain unclear. Along with the task-related fMRI and EEG research tapping into the mirror neuron system, the characteristics of the resting state activity in the particular areas that encompass mirror neurons might be of interest as they obviously determine the baseline of the neuronal activity. Using resting state fMRI, we investigated resting state functional connectivity (FC) in four predefined brain structures, ROIs (inferior frontal gyrus, superior parietal lobule, premotor cortex and superior temporal gyrus), known for their mirror neurons activity, in 12 patients with first psychotic episode and 12 matched healthy individuals. As a specific hypothesis, based on the knowledge of the anatomical inputs of thalamus to all preselected ROIs, we have investigated the FC between thalamus and the ROIs. Of all ROIs included, seed-to-voxel connectivity analysis revealed significantly decreased FC only in left posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) and the areas in visual cortex and cerebellum in patients as compared to controls. Using ROI-to-ROI analysis (thalamus and selected ROIs), we have found an increased FC of STG and bilateral thalamus whereas the FC of these areas was decreased in controls. Our results suggest that: (1) schizophrenia patients exhibit FC of STG which corresponds to the previously reported changes of superior temporal gyrus in schizophrenia and might contribute to the disturbances of specific functions, such as emotional processing or spatial awareness; (2) as the thalamus plays a pivotal role in the sensory gating, providing the filtering of the redundant stimulation, the observed hyperconnectivity between the thalami and the STGs in patients with schizophrenia might explain the sequential overload with sensory inputs that leads to the abnormal cognitive processing

    Ecological consequences of polyploidization in populations of the wetland plant Butomus umbellatus

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    This thesis aimed on comparison of environmental requirements and morphological and biological traits of diploid and triploid cytotypes of wetland plant flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus), occurring in Eastern Slovak Lowland in unique mixed populations, and to develop primers for variable microsatellite loci suitable for further genetic studies. In total, 72 populations of Butomus umbellatus were found. The analysis of relative genome size by the flow cytometry (FCM) technique revealed 34 exclusively triploid cytotype populations, 8 exclusively diploid populations and 30 mixed populations of Butomus umbellatus. In mixed populations, the numbers of diploid and triploid individuals are quite equivalent and the plants create combined compact communities. Analyses of environmental characteristics of sites with specific cytotypes (PCA, RDA, ANOVA) revealed no difference in site requirements of diploid and triploid Butomus umbellatus plants. Morphometric analyses (PCA, CDA) of traits of 36 diploid and 54 triploid plants confirmed differing morphology of both cytotypes occurring in the nature. Subsequent replanting of these plants into pots and cultivation further increased these differences. The ratio of width and length of internal perianthium is the most reliable parameter to distinguish diploid and..

    Dispersal of clonal aquatic plants

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    The aim of this Bc. thesis is to summarize the knowledge on clonal dispersal of aquatic plants and to compare the possibilities and measure of clonal dispersal in selected most-studied species. In the first part of the study, ways of clonal propagation of water plants by various types of vegetative diaspores and various means of transport (by water, animals) are described. Ways and possibilities of dispersal of aquatic clonal plants in various water systems (river systems, stagnant waters) and to various distances are described as well. Finally, anthropogenic effects on clonal dispersal of water plants, which can also play an important role, are discussed. These effects could stay behind many invasive events on the Earth represented by rapid clonal reproduction and dispersal of some species of aquatic macrophytes in their non-native area. The next part of this thesis deals with methods to study the dispersal of aquatic clonal plants and assesses their relevance for various spatial scales. These methods and results of case studies are presented for the most often studied species of water macrophytes. Results of these studies are summarised to demonstrate the real efficiency and distances of clonal dispersal of aquatic plants. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Multifunctional building

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    This diploma thesis solves the project of polyfunctional apartment building in Habrovany village in the scope of the documentation for the realization of the building. The building is designed in accordance with the custom of building the region with the greatest possible elegance and modern design. The project includes two classic flats 3+kk and 5+1 and is one above-standard attic apartment 5+1 with a large roof terrace. The house belongs to two premises in the 1. floor and two office units in the 2. floor. The solution of parking on the land for residents and shop visitors and a smaller grassy park behind the house

    Comparative Analysis of Energy Storage and Buffer Units for Electric Military Vehicle: Survey of Experimental Results

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    This paper deals with the analyses of batteries used in current military systems to power the electric drives of military vehicles. The article focuses on battery analyses based on operational data obtained from measurements rather than analyses of the chemical composition of the tested batteries. The authors of the article used their experience from the development test-laboratory of military technology. This article presents a comparative analysis of existing and promising technologies in the field of energy storage and buffering for military electric vehicles. The overview of these technologies, including the design, operating principles, advantages, and disadvantages, are briefly presented to produce theoretical comparative analyses. However, this article mainly focuses on the experimental verification of operational ability in varied conditions, as well as the comparison and analysis of these results. The main part of the article provides more experimental studies on technologies of energy storage and buffering using the results of several experiments conducted to demonstrate the behavior of each technology in different working conditions. The output parameters, as well as the state of charge of each technology’s samples, were surveyed in various temperatures and loading characteristics. The results presented in this paper are expected to be useful for optimizing the selection of energy storage and buffering solutions for military electric vehicles in different applications and functional environments


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    It has been repeatedly shown that schizophrenia patients have immense alterations in goal-directed behaviour, social cognition, and social interactions, cognitive abilities that are presumably driven by the mirror neurons system (MNS). However, the neural bases of these deficits still remain unclear. Along with the task-related fMRI and EEG research tapping into the mirror neuron system, the characteristics of the resting state activity in the particular areas that encompass mirror neurons might be of interest as they obviously determine the baseline of the neuronal activity. Using resting state fMRI, we investigated resting state functional connectivity (FC) in four predefined brain structures, ROIs (inferior frontal gyrus, superior parietal lobule, premotor cortex and superior temporal gyrus), known for their mirror neurons activity, in 12 patients with first psychotic episode and 12 matched healthy individuals. As a specific hypothesis, based on the knowledge of the anatomical inputs of thalamus to all preselected ROIs, we have investigated the FC between thalamus and the ROIs. Of all ROIs included, seed-to-voxel connectivity analysis revealed significantly decreased FC only in left posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) and the areas in visual cortex and cerebellum in patients as compared to controls. Using ROI-to-ROI analysis (thalamus and selected ROIs), we have found an increased FC of STG and bilateral thalamus whereas the FC of these areas was decreased in controls. Our results suggest that: (1) schizophrenia patients exhibit FC of STG which corresponds to the previously reported changes of superior temporal gyrus in schizophrenia and might contribute to the disturbances of specific functions, such as emotional processing or spatial awareness; (2) as the thalamus plays a pivotal role in the sensory gating, providing the filtering of the redundant stimulation, the observed hyperconnectivity between the thalami and the STGs in patients with schizophrenia might explain the sequential overload with sensory inputs that leads to the abnormal cognitive processing

    Personality Reflection in the Brain’s Intrinsic Functional Architecture Remains Elusive

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    In the last years, there has been a considerable increase of research into the neuroimaging correlates of inter-individual temperament and character variability - an endeavour for which the term ‘personality neuroscience’ was coined. Among other neuroimaging modalities and approaches, substantial work focuses on functional connectivity in resting state (rs-FC) functional magnetic resonance imaging data. In the current paper, we set out to replicate a highly cited study that reported a range of functional connectivity correlates of personality dimensions assessed by the widely used ‘Big Five’ Personality Inventory. Using a larger sample (84 subjects) and an equivalent data analysis pipeline, we obtained widely disagreeing results compared to the original study. Overall, the results were in line with the hypotheses of no relation between functional connectivity and personality, when more precise permutation-based multiple testing procedures were applied. The results demonstrate that as with other neuroimaging studies, great caution should be applied when interpreting the findings, among other reasons due to multiple testing problem involved at several levels in many neuroimaging studies. Of course, the current study results can not ultimately disprove the existence of some link between personality and brain’s intrinsic functional architecture, but clearly shows that its form is very likely different and much more subtle and elusive than was previously reported