2,340 research outputs found

    Open G2 Strings

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    We consider an open string version of the topological twist previously proposed for sigma-models with G2 target spaces. We determine the cohomology of open strings states and relate these to geometric deformations of calibrated submanifolds and to flat or anti-self-dual connections on such submanifolds. On associative three-cycles we show that the worldvolume theory is a gauge-fixed Chern-Simons theory coupled to normal deformations of the cycle. For coassociative four-cycles we find a functional that extremizes on anti-self-dual gauge fields. A brane wrapping the whole G2 induces a seven-dimensional associative Chern-Simons theory on the manifold. This theory has already been proposed by Donaldson and Thomas as the higher-dimensional generalization of real Chern-Simons theory. When the G2 manifold has the structure of a Calabi-Yau times a circle, these theories reduce to a combination of the open A-model on special Lagrangians and the open B+\bar{B}-model on holomorphic submanifolds. We also comment on possible applications of our results.Comment: 55 pages, no figure

    An LP-Model to Analyse Economic and Ecological Sustainability in Dutch Dairy Farming

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    Since the enactment of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, owners and operators of farms and ranches have opportunities to evaluate new estate planning strategies for the transfer of farm businesses to subsequent generations. However, with provisions of the Act to be phased in over several years, consideration must be given to having a "staged" estate plan. Under provisions of the current law, estate tax is repealed in the year 2010, but if Congress does not act, the legislation sunsets and returns to prior law January 1, 2011. This fact provides planning challenges for owners and operators of farms and ranches as the phase-in of provisions, the repeal in 2010, and the return to prior law relative to estate planning and business inter-generational transfer of property. This paper investigates the planning process and options available as they relate to a family-owned property in North Carolina, USA. Plans made must take into consideration the dynamics of a changing legislative environment, special-use valuation of land, opportunity cost of alternative uses for land, and off-farm heirs.Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Intervensi Koroner Perkutan Primer untuk Infark Miokard Elevasi ST di Pusat Jantung Pemula di Indonesia: 100 pasien pertama

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    Background: The benefits of Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) have been demon-strated, but most studies were conducted in experienced centres in western world. Experience, logistics and patient characteristics may differ in other parts of the world, particularly in a starting center.Methods: Data on all consecutive STEMI patients treated with primary PCI in Cinere hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia were collected in a prospective database.Results:,Between July 2006 and December 2008, a total of 100 patients with STEMI were treated by primary PCI. Mean age was 56.9 ±10.4 years (range 37-82), 88% was male. Mean time between onset of chest pain and admission was 369 ± 388 minutes. The mean time between admission and balloon inflation was 258 minutes. Before PCI, 50% of patients had TIMI 0 flow. After primary PCI 94% of patients had TIMI 2/3 flow. There were no deaths in the catheterisation room, and no emergency coronary bypass surgery was needed as a result of PCI complications. Mean left ventricular ejection fraction as measured by echocardiography after 1 day was 48 ± 12 %.Conclusions: Outcome after primary PCI at a starting center is excellent in this series. Primary PCI was effective in restoration of TIMI flow, without complications. Time delay between symptom onset, admission and balloon inflation was long and all efforts should be encouraged to shorten this.Latar belakang: Manfaat Intervensi perkutan primer (IKP) untuk Infark Miokard Elevasi ST (IMEST) telah terbukti, namun-demikian kebanyakan penelitian mengenai ini di laksanakan dipusat layanan jantung yang berpengalaman di dunia barat, Pengalaman , logistik dan karakteristik pasien mungkin berbeda di belahan dunia ini, terutama di pusat yang baru mulai.Metode: Seluruh data pasien konsekutif dengan IMEST yang ditangani dengan IKP primer di pusat jantung Cinere , Jakarta, Indonesia dihimpun melalui seperangkat data yang dilaksanakan secara propekstif.Hasil: Antara Juli 2006 dan Desember 2008, dari seluruh jumlah 100 pasien dengan IMEST yang ditangani dengan IKP primer. Rerata usia adalah 56,9 tahun ± 10,4 tahun (berkisar 37-82 tahun), 88 % diantaranya adalah pria. Rerata waktu antara onset nyeri dada dan masuk rumah sakit adalah 369 ± 388 menit. Rerata waktu antara masuk rumah sakit dengan inflasi balon adalah 258 menit. Sebelum IKP, 50 % pasien dengan aliran TIMI 0. Setelah IKP primer 94 % pasien memperoleh aliran TIMI 2/3. Tidak ada kematian didalam ruang kateterisasi maupun diperlukan tindakan bedah graft pintas arteri koroner yang gawat akibat komplikasi dari IKP. Rerata fraksi ejeksi yang diukur dengan ekokardiografi setelah 1 hari adalah 48±12 %.Kesimpulan: Hasil akhir yang diperoleh setelah IKP primer pada pusat jantung yang baru dimulai adalah baik pada serial ini. IKP primer efektif dalam memeperbaiki aliran TIMI, tanpa komplikasi. Keterlambatan waktu antara permulaan gejala, saat masuk dan inflasi balon masih panjang dan segala usaha harus diupayakan untuk memendekan waktu ini

    Lattice Models with N=2 Supersymmetry

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    We introduce lattice models with explicit N=2 supersymmetry. In these interacting models, the supersymmetry generators Q^+ and Q^- yield the Hamiltonian H={Q^+,Q^-} on any graph. The degrees of freedom can be described as either fermions with hard cores, or as quantum dimers. The Hamiltonian of our simplest model contains a hopping term and a repulsive potential, as well as the hard-core repulsion. We discuss these models from a variety of perspectives: using a fundamental relation with conformal field theory, via the Bethe ansatz, and using cohomology methods. The simplest model provides a manifestly-supersymmetric lattice regulator for the supersymmetric point of the massless 1+1-dimensional Thirring (Luttinger) model. We discuss the ground-state structure of this same model on more complicated graphs, including a 2-leg ladder, and discuss some generalizations.Comment: 4 page

    Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Gd-DTPA Enhancement in dynamic three-dimensional MRI of breast lesions

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    The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that dynamic MRI covering both breasts can provide sensitivity for tumor detection as well as specificity and sensitivity for differentiation of tumor malignancy. Three-dimensional gradient echo scans were used covering both breasts. Before Gd-DTPA bolus injection, two scans were obtained with different flip angles, and after injection, a dynamic series followed. Thirty-two patients were scanned according to this protocol. From these scans, in addition to enhancement, the value of T1 before injection was obtained. This was used to estimate the concentration of Gd-DTPA as well as the pharmacokinetic parameters governing its time course. Signal enhancement in three-dimensional dynamic scanning was shown to be a sensitive basis for detection of tumors. In our series, all but two mam-mographically suspicious lesions did enhance, and in three cases, additional enhancing lesions were found, two of which were in the contralateral breast. The parameter most suited for classification of breast lesions into benign or malignant was shown to be the pharmacokinetically defined permeability k31, which, for that test, gave a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 70%. Our three-dimensional dynamic MRI data are sensitive for detection of mammographically occult breast tumors and specific for classification of these as benign or malignant

    A levodopa dry powder inhaler for the treatment of Parkinson's disease patients in off periods

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    Adequate treatment of Parkinson's patients in off periods with orally administered levodopa is hindered by a poor bioavailability and a slow onset of action. Hence, there is a need for a fast and reliable alternative as for instance via pulmonary administration of the drug. We developed a levodopa containing powder formulation for pulmonary delivery by a recently presented high dose dry powder inhaler (Cyclops). The objective was to produce the drug formulation by means of simple techniques such as micronization, either as pure active substance or with a minimum amount of excipients. After an initial screening on dispersion behaviour, the most promising formulation in the Cyclops was characterized in vitro over a range of pressure drops (2-6 kPa) and doses (20, 30 and 40 mg), representative of those to be expected in practice. A co-micronized levodopa formulation with 2% l-leucine appeared to yield the best aerosol properties for inhalation and highest delivered dose reproducibility. The combination of this particular formulation and the Cyclops inhaler seems to meet the basic requirements for satisfactory deposition in the airways. This formulation is therefore expected to be a promising candidate for the treatment of Parkinson's patients in an off period

    Treatments and costs for recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck in the Netherlands

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    __Abstract__ For patients with recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (R/M SCCHN), chemotherapy can prolong life and alleviate symptoms. However, expected gains may be small, not necessarily outweighing considerable toxicity and high costs. Treatment choice is to a large extent dependent on preferences of doctors and patients and data on these choices are scarce. The purpose of this study is to obtain real-world information on palliative systemic treatment and costs of R/M SCCHN in the Netherlands. In six Dutch head and neck treatment centers, data were collected on patient and tumor characteristics, treatment patterns, disease progression, survival, adverse events, and resource use for R/M SCCHN, between 2006 and 2013. 125 (14 %) out of 893 R/M SCCHN patients received palliative, non-trial first-line systemic treatment, mainly platinum + 5FU + cetuximab (32 %), other platinum-based combination therapy (13 %), methotrexate monotherapy (27 %) and capecitabine monotherapy (14 %). Median progression-free survival and overall survival were 3.4 and 6.0 months, respectively. 34 (27 %) patients experienced severe adverse events. Mean total hospital costs ranged from €10,075 (±€9,891) (methotrexate monotherapy) to €39,459 (±€21,149) (platinum + 5FU + cetuximab). Primary cost drivers were hospital stays and anticancer drug treatments. Major health care utilization and costs are involved in systemically treating R/M SCCHN patients with a limited survival

    Randomized trial of Legflow® paclitaxel eluting balloon and stenting versus standard percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting for the treatment of intermediate and long lesions of the superficial femoral artery (RAPID trial): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of the superficial femoral artery (SFA) may occur in 45% of patients at 2 years follow-up. Paclitaxel-coated balloons have been found to reduce neointimal hyperplasia, and thus reduce restenosis. Recently, the Legflow® paclitaxel-coated balloon (Cardionovum Sp.z.o.o., Warsaw, Poland) (LPEB) has been introduced. This balloon is covered with shellac, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved natural resin, to obtain an equally distributed tissue concentration of paclitaxel. The RAPID trial is designed to assess restenosis after PTA using the Legflow balloon combined with nitinol stenting versus uncoated balloons with nitinol stenting in SFA lesions >5 cm.Methods/Design: A total of 176 adult patients with Rutherford class 2 to class 6 symptoms due to intermediate (5-15 cm) or long (>15 cm) atherosclerotic lesions in the SFA will be randomly allocated for treatment with LPEB with nitinol stenting or uncoated balloon angioplasty with stenting. Stenting will be performed using the Supera® stent in both groups (IDEV Technologies Inc., Webster, TX). The primary endpoint is the absence of binary restenosis of the treated SFA segment. Secondary outcomes are target lesion revascularization (TLR), clinical and hemodynamic outcome, amputation rate, mortality rate, adverse events, and device-specific adverse events. Follow up consists of four visits in which ankle-brachial indices (ABI), toe pressure measurements, and duplex ultrasound (DUS) will be performed. Furthermore, a peripheral artery questionnaire (PAQ) will be completed by the patients at each follow-up. In the event that DUS reveals a symptomatic >50% restenosis, or a >75% asymptomatic restenosis, additional digital subtraction angiography will be performed with any necessary re-intervention.Discussion: The RAPID trial is a multicenter randomized controlled patient blind trial that will provide evidence concerning whether the use of the Legflow paclitaxel/shellac coated balloons with nitinol stenting significantly reduces the frequency of restenosis in intermediate and long SFA lesions compared to standard PTA and stenting.Trial registration: ISRCTN47846578

    Tolerability and Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Inhaled Dry Powder Tobramycin Free Base in Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis Patients

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    Rationale Bronchiectasis is a condition characterised by dilated and thick-walled bronchi. The presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in bronchiectasis is associated with a higher hospitalisation frequency and a reduced quality of life, requiring frequent and adequate treatment with antibiotics. Objectives To assess local tolerability and the pharmacokinetic parameters of inhaled excipient free dry powder tobramycin as free base administered with the Cyclops dry powder inhaler to participants with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis. The free base and absence of excipients reduces the inhaled powder dose. Methods Eight participants in the study were trained in handling the device and inhaling correctly. During drug administration the inspiratory flow curve was recorded. Local tolerability was assessed by spirometry and recording adverse events. Serum samples were collected before, and 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120 min; 4, 8 and 12 h after inhalation. Results and Discussion Dry powder tobramycin base was well tolerated and mild tobramycin-related cough was reported only once. A good drug dose-serum concentration correlation was obtained. Relatively small inhaled volumes were computed from the recorded flow curves, resulting in presumably substantial deposition in the central airways-i.e., at the site of infection. Conclusions In this first study of inhaled dry powder tobramycin free base in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis patients, the free base of tobramycin and the administration with the Cyclops dry powder device were well tolerated. Our data support further clinical studies to evaluate safety and efficacy of this compound in this population

    The association of pretreatment low skeletal muscle mass with chemotherapy dose-limiting toxicity in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing primary chemoradiotherapy with high-dose cisplatin

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    BACKGROUND: Low skeletal muscle mass (SMM) is an adverse prognostic factor for chemotherapy dose-limiting toxicity (CDLT). In patients with locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) undergoing chemoradiotherapy (CRT), low SMM is a predictor for CDLT. We aimed to validate these findings. METHODS: Consecutive LA-HNSCC patients treated with primary CRT with high-dose cisplatin were retrospectively included. SMM was measured on pre-treatment CT-imaging. A cumulative cisplatin dose below 200 mg/m 2 was defined as CDLT. RESULTS: One hundred and fifty three patients were included; 37 (24.2%) experienced CDLT, and 84 had low SMM (54.9%). Patients with low SMM experienced more CDLT than patients with normal SMM (35.7% vs. 10.1%, p < 0.01). Low SMM (OR 3.99 [95% CI 1.56-10.23], p = 0.01) and an eGFR of 60-70 ml/min (OR 5.40 [95% CI 1.57-18.65], p < 0.01) were predictors for CDLT. CONCLUSION: Pre-treatment low SMM is associated with CDLT in LA-HNSCC patients treated with primary CRT. Routine SMM assessment may allow for CDLT risk assessment and treatment optimization
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