13 research outputs found
Potencijalna korist meteoroloških informacija u prometu
U uvodu se ukazuje na ulogu i značaj meteorološke službe u valorizaciji prometa Republike Hrvatske. U drugom poglavlju daju se ciljevi i nabrajaju korisnici meteoroloških informacija u prometu, objašnjava priroda korisničkih zahtjeva i njihova identifikacija, vrste i sadržaj meteoroloških informacija, odnos korisnika prema ovim informacijama, te načini ostvarenja potencijalnih koristi u prometu. U trećem poglavlju obrazlaže se potreba upoznavanja meteorologa
s djelatnostima korisnika informacija te osposobljavanje korisnika, i svih onih koji po prirodi posla dolaze u dodir s meteorološkim informacijama na putu od meteorologa do korisnika, kako
bi se one optimalno koristile. U četvrtom poglavlju prikazan je sastav simulacijskog modela za istraživanje i primjenu potencijalnih koristi meteoroloških informacija u prometu, te se ukratko opisuje metodologija za njihovo efikasno korištenje od strane korisnika primjenom cost/benefit analize na jednostavnom primjeru
Flowchart of children registered in the central database of PUNHSP between 1 January 2013 and 31 December 2013.
<p>PUNSHP = Polish Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening Program; wga = week of gestational age.</p
The association between the positive result of the hearing screening and the final diagnosis of hearing deficit in the study subgroups.
<p>The association between the positive result of the hearing screening and the final diagnosis of hearing deficit in the study subgroups.</p
The frequency of risk factors registered in the study and control groups.
<p>The frequency of risk factors registered in the study and control groups.</p
The prevalence of hearing impairment in relation to gestational age at birth.
<p>wga = week of gestational age at birth.</p
The contribution of risk factors to hearing loss in infants of the study subgroups and the control group (multivariate logistic regression analysis—odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals).
<p>The contribution of risk factors to hearing loss in infants of the study subgroups and the control group (multivariate logistic regression analysis—odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals).</p
Perinatal population characteristics.
<p>Perinatal population characteristics.</p
Association of NICU practices and PNC use.
<p>Association of NICU practices and PNC use.</p
Flow chart of infants who met inclusion/exclusion criteria for the study.
<p>PNC, postnatal corticosteroids; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; GA: gestational age.</p
Use of PNC by neonatal characteristics.
<p>Use of PNC by neonatal characteristics.</p