2,852 research outputs found

    Application of CFD in Control-Oriented Modeling of a DTB\u27s Hydrodynamics

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    Співставлення чіткого та нечіткого підходів до розв’язку задач інформаційної безпеки

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    Проведено порівняння чіткого та нечіткого підходів із метою виявлення їх спільних рис та відмінностей. У задачі розподілу ресурсів захисту інформації проаналізовано принципи формування функцій належності до нечітких множин і їх вплив на кінцеві результати. Показано, що нечіткий підхід дає змогу оптимізувати показники системи захисту інформації за рахунок раціонального вибору функцій належності, які відображають основну характеристику об’єктів — їх динамічну вразливість. На прикладі системи з двох об’єктів із різними вразливостями встановлені умови, за яких досягається найвищий рівень співпадіння результатів у разі використання двох підходів. Методика може бути використана під час розрахунку допустимих витрат в інформаційних системах із довільною кількістю об’єктів, котрі відрізняються кількістю розміщеної інформації, вразливістю та рівнем допустимих втрат. Окреслені шляхи подальшого застосування приведеної методики в задачах інформаційної безпеки.Проведено сравнение четкого и нечеткого подходов с целью выявления их общих черт и различий. В задаче распределения ресурсов защиты информации проанализированы принципы формирования функций принадлежности к нечетким множествам и их влияние на конечные результаты. Показано, что нечеткий подход дает возможность оптимизировать показатели системы защиты информации за счет рационального выбора функций принадлежности, которые отражают основную характеристику объектов — их динамическую уязвимость. На примере системы из двух объектов с различными уязвимостями установлены условия, при которых достигается наивысший уровень совпадения результатов при использовании двух подходов. Методика может быть использована при расчете допустимых затрат в информационных системах с произвольным количеством объектов, которые отличаются объемом размещенной информации, уязвимостью и уровнем допустимых потерь. Обозначены пути дальнейшего применения приведенной методики в задачах информационной безопасности.A comparison of explicit and fuzzy approaches to identify their similarities and differences is carried out. In the problem of distribution of resources of information protection the principles of the formation of the membership functions to the fuzzy sets and their effect on the final results are analyzed. It is shown that the fuzzy approach gives the possibility to optimize the indicators of the system of information security through a rational choice of the membership functions, which reflect the basic characteristic of the objects - their dynamic vulnerability. Through the example of the system of two objects with different vulnerabilities the conditions under which the highest level of results coincidence is achieved using two approaches are established. The technique can be used when calculating the eligible costs of information systems with an arbitrary number of objects that have different volume of the placed information, vulnerability and level of acceptable losses. The ways of further application of the method in problems of information security are identified

    Outcomes of haploidentical stem cell transplantation for chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a retrospective study on behalf of the chronic malignancies working party of the EBMT

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    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) may result in long-term disease control in high-risk chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Recently, haploidentical HCT is gaining interest because of better outcomes with post-transplantation cyclophosphamide (PTCY). We analyzed patients with CLL who received an allogeneic HCT with a haploidentical donor and whose data were available in the EBMT registry. In total 117 patients (74% males) were included; 38% received PTCY as GVHD prophylaxis. For the whole study cohort OS at 2 and 5 yrs was 48 and 38%, respectively. PFS at 2 and 5 yrs was 38 and 31%, respectively. Cumulative incidence (CI) of NRM in the whole group at 2 and 5 years were 40 and 44%, respectively. CI of relapse at 2 and 5 yrs were 22 and 26%, respectively. All outcomes were not statistically different in patients who received PTCY compared to other types of GVHD prophylaxis. In conclusion, results of haploidentical HCT in CLL seem almost identical to those with HLA-matched donors. Thereby, haploidentical HCT is an appropriate alternative in high risk CLL patients with a transplant indication but no available HLA-matched donor. Despite the use of PTCY, the CI of relapse seems not higher than observed after HLA-matched HCT

    Easy and Rapid Purification of Highly Active Nisin

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    Nisin is an antimicrobial peptide produced and secreted by several L. lactis strains and is specifically active against Gram-positive bacteria. In previous studies, nisin was purified via cation exchange chromatography at low pH employing a single-step elution using 1 M NaCl. Here, we describe an optimized purification protocol using a five-step NaCl elution to remove contaminants. The obtained nisin is devoid of impurities and shows high bactericidal activity against the nisin-sensitive L. lactis strain NZ9000. Purified nisin exhibits an IC50 of ~3 nM, which is a tenfold improvement as compared to nisin obtained via the one-step elution procedure

    Effects of dental probing on occlusal surfaces - A scanning electron microscopy evaluation

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    The aim of this clinical-morphological study was to investigate the effects of dental probing on occlusal surfaces by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Twenty sound occlusal surfaces of third molars and 20 teeth with initial carious lesions of 17- to 26-year-old patients (n = 18) were involved. Ten molars of each group were probed with a sharp dental probe (No. 23) before extraction; the other molars served as negative controls. After extraction of the teeth, the crowns were separated and prepared for the SEM study. Probing-related surface defects, enlargements and break-offs of occlusal pits and fissures were observed on all occlusal surfaces with initial carious lesions and on 2 sound surfaces, respectively. No traumatic defects whatsoever were visible on unprobed occlusal surfaces. This investigation confirms findings of light-microscopic studies that using a sharp dental probe for occlusal caries detection causes enamel defects. Therefore, dental probing should be considered as an inappropriate procedure and should be replaced by a meticulous visual inspection. Critical views of tactile caries detection methods with a sharp dental probe as a diagnostic tool seem to be inevitable in undergraduate and postgraduate dental education programmes. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Developing a European Psychotherapy Consortium (EPoC):Towards adopting a single-item self-report outcome measure across European countries

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    Background: Complementing the development of evidence-based psychological therapies, practicebased evidence has developed from patient samples collected in routine care, addressing questions relevant to patients and practitioners, and thereby expanding our knowledge of psychological therapies and their impact. Implementation of assessments in routine care allows for timely clinical decision support and the collection of multiple practice-based data sets by addressing the needs of patients and clinicians (e.g., routine outcome monitoring) and the needs of researchers (e.g., identifying the impact of therapist variables on outcomes). Method: In this article we describe an initiative developed in Europe, through the European Chapter of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, aimed at creating a consortium that has the potential for collecting data on tens of thousands of patients per year. Results: A survey identified one of the main problems in the development of a common data set to be the heterogeneity of measures used by members (e.g., 87 different pre-post outcomes). We report on the results of the survey and the initial stage of identifying a single-item – the Emotional and Psychological Outcome (EPO-1) – measure and the process of its translation into multiple European languages. Conclusions: We conclude this first stage of the overall project by discussing the future potential of the Consortium in relation to the development of procedures that allow crosswalks of outcome measures and the creation of a task force that may be consulted when new data sets are collected, aiming for new common measures to be implemented and shared.<br/

    Overtrusting robots: Setting a research agenda to mitigate overtrust in automation

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    There is increasing attention given to the concept of trustworthiness for artificial intelligence and robotics. However, trust is highly context-dependent, varies among cultures, and requires reflection on others’ trustworthiness, appraising whether there is enough evidence to conclude that these agents deserve to be trusted. Moreover, little research exists on what happens when too much trust is placed in robots and autonomous systems. Conceptual clarity and a shared framework for approaching overtrust are missing. In this contribution, we offer an overview of pressing topics in the context of overtrust and robots and autonomous systems. Our review mobilizes insights solicited from in-depth conversations from a multidisciplinary workshop on the subject of trust in human–robot interaction (HRI), held at a leading robotics conference in 2020. A broad range of participants brought in their expertise, allowing the formulation of a forward-looking research agenda on overtrust and automation biases in robotics and autonomous systems. Key points include the need for multidisciplinary understandings that are situated in an eco-system perspective, the consideration of adjacent concepts such as deception and anthropomorphization, a connection to ongoing legal discussions through the topic of liability, and a socially embedded understanding of overtrust in education and literacy matters. The article integrates diverse literature and provides a ground for common understanding for overtrust in the context of HRI.publishedVersio

    MyD88-TLR4-dependent choroid plexus activation precedes perilesional inflammation and secondary brain edema in a mouse model of intracerebral hemorrhage

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    Background: The functional neurological outcome of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) strongly relates to the degree of secondary brain injury (ICH-SBI) evolving within days after the initial bleeding. Different mechanisms including the incitement of inflammatory pathways, dysfunction of the blood–brain barrier (BBB), activation of resident microglia, and an influx of blood-borne immune cells, have been hypothesized to contribute to ICH-SBI. Yet, the spatiotemporal interplay of specific inflammatory processes within different brain compartments has not been sufficiently characterized, limiting potential therapeutic interventions to prevent and treat ICH-SBI. Methods: We used a whole-blood injection model in mice, to systematically characterized the spatial and temporal dynamics of inflammatory processes after ICH using 7-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), spatial RNA sequencing (spRNAseq), functional BBB assessment, and immunofluorescence average-intensity-mapping. Results: We identified a pronounced early response of the choroid plexus (CP) peaking at 12–24 h that was characterized by inflammatory cytokine expression, epithelial and endothelial expression of leukocyte adhesion molecules, and the accumulation of leukocytes. In contrast, we observed a delayed secondary reaction pattern at the injection site (striatum) peaking at 96 h, defined by gene expression corresponding to perilesional leukocyte infiltration and correlating to the delayed signal alteration seen on MRI. Pathway analysis revealed a dependence of the early inflammatory reaction in the CP on toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling via myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88). TLR4 and MyD88 knockout mice corroborated this observation, lacking the early upregulation of adhesion molecules and leukocyte infiltration within the CP 24 h after whole-blood injection. Conclusions: We report a biphasic brain reaction pattern after ICH with a MyD88-TLR4-dependent early inflammatory response of the CP, preceding inflammation, edema and leukocyte infiltration at the lesion site. Pharmacological targeting of the early CP activation might harbor the potential to modulate the development of ICH-SBI