150 research outputs found
Geotechnical characterization of trench- and slope sediments off Southern Chile: preliminary results
To understand seismogenesis in shallow
parts of subduction zones, it is vital
to know about strength and frictional
parameters of subducted sediment.
For this purpose, PETROTEC,
as part of the TIPTEQ-Project, gathers
geotechnical data for sediments deposited
on the incoming Nazca Plate,
the trench and the slope off the southern
Chilean coast during the last 5 Ma, and
whose equivalents are now being underthrusted
into the seismogenic zone beneath
South America.
Material comes from gravity cores collected
during R/V SONNE Cruises
SO181 (Flüh E. & Grevemeyer I (Editors)
2005), SO102 (Hebbeln D, Wefer
G, et al. 1995) and SO156 (Hebbeln D,
et al. 2001), as well as from ODP Leg
141 (Behrmann JH, et al. 1992) drill
Sediment strength and frictional properties
are determined by triaxial testing,
ring shear testing and direct shear testing...conferenc
A metformin hatása a vérzsírértékekre, illetve a szív és érrendszeri kockázatra sztatinkezelésben nem részesülő 2-es típusú cukorbetegekben = The effect of metformin on lipid parameters and on cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes without statin therapy
Bevezetés: Számos vizsgálat és metaanalízis alátámasztotta a
metforminkezelés pozitív hatását a lipidparaméterekre, ugyanakkor a
metforminkezelés cardiovascularis rizikóra gyakorolt hatása továbbra sem
tisztázott. Célkitűzés: Vizsgálatunk célja a metforminkezelés
hatásának vizsgálata a lipidparaméterekre és a cardiovascularis rizikóra 2-es
típusú cukorbetegekben. Módszer: Egy monocentrikus,
keresztmetszeti vizsgálat keretében 102, antilipaemiás kezelésben nem részesülő,
2-es típusú cukorbeteg adatait dolgoztuk fel a szérum-lipidparaméterek és a
cardiovascularis rizikó tekintetében (a United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes
Study rizikókalkulátor alapján). A betegeket két csoportra osztottuk, metformint
szedőkre (n = 52) és metforminterápiában nem részesülőkre (n = 50).
Eredmények: A metforminkezelésben részesülő betegek
esetében a glikémiás paraméterektől függetlenül szignifikánsan alacsonyabb össz-
és LDL-koleszterin-szinteket találtunk (p<0,01, illetve p<0,05). A
szisztolés vérnyomás, a HDL-koleszterin- és a trigliceridszintek, valamint a
több paramétert vizsgáló, kockázatbecslő számítás alapján a szív-ér rendszeri
kockázat tekintetében nem találtunk érdemi eltérést a két betegcsoport között.
Következtetés: Vizsgálatunk megerősíti a metforminkezelés
koleszterin- és LDL-koleszterin-szintekre gyakorolt pozitív hatását a
cardiovascularis rizikó csökkentése nélkül. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(34):
Introduction: Some meta-analyses suggested a positive effect of
metformin therapy on lipid parameters, but the potential beneficial effect of
metformin on cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes is not entirely clear.
Aim: We investigated the effect of metformin therapy on
lipid parameters and cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Method: In a cross-sectional, monocentric study, 102
patients with type 2 diabetes without lipid-lowering medication were analysed
for lipid profile and cardiovascular risk (United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes
Study Risk Calculator) depending on metformin therapy. The patients were divided
into two subgroups regarding with (n = 52) or without metformin therapy (n =
50). Results: Patients with metformin therapy had significantly
lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels than patients without
metformin (p<0.01 and p<0.05). This effect was independent from glucose
control. No intrinsic effect of metformin could be found on systolic blood
pressure, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and long-term cardiovascular risk
using a multivariable risk assessment score. Conclusion:
Metformin therapy has beneficial effects on cholesterol levels without improving
cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(34):
Phytohormone cytokinin guides microtubule dynamics during cell progression from proliferative to differentiated stage
Cell production and differentiation for the acquisition of specific functions are key features of living systems. The dynamic network of cellular microtubules provides the necessary platform to accommodate processes associated with the transition of cells through the individual phases of cytogenesis. Here, we show that the plant hormone cytokinin fine‐tunes the activity of the microtubular cytoskeleton during cell differentiation and counteracts microtubular rearrangements driven by the hormone auxin. The endogenous upward gradient of cytokinin activity along the longitudinal growth axis in Arabidopsis thaliana roots correlates with robust rearrangements of the microtubule cytoskeleton in epidermal cells progressing from the proliferative to the differentiation stage. Controlled increases in cytokinin activity result in premature re‐organization of the microtubule network from transversal to an oblique disposition in cells prior to their differentiation, whereas attenuated hormone perception delays cytoskeleton conversion into a configuration typical for differentiated cells. Intriguingly, cytokinin can interfere with microtubules also in animal cells, such as leukocytes, suggesting that a cytokinin‐sensitive control pathway for the microtubular cytoskeleton may be at least partially conserved between plant and animal cells
Reliability of videotaped observational gait analysis in patients with orthopedic impairments
BACKGROUND: In clinical practice, visual gait observation is often used to determine gait disorders and to evaluate treatment. Several reliability studies on observational gait analysis have been described in the literature and generally showed moderate reliability. However, patients with orthopedic disorders have received little attention. The objective of this study is to determine the reliability levels of visual observation of gait in patients with orthopedic disorders. METHODS: The gait of thirty patients referred to a physical therapist for gait treatment was videotaped. Ten raters, 4 experienced, 4 inexperienced and 2 experts, individually evaluated these videotaped gait patterns of the patients twice, by using a structured gait analysis form. Reliability levels were established by calculating the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), using a two-way random design and based on absolute agreement. RESULTS: The inter-rater reliability among experienced raters (ICC = 0.42; 95%CI: 0.38–0.46) was comparable to that of the inexperienced raters (ICC = 0.40; 95%CI: 0.36–0.44). The expert raters reached a higher inter-rater reliability level (ICC = 0.54; 95%CI: 0.48–0.60). The average intra-rater reliability of the experienced raters was 0.63 (ICCs ranging from 0.57 to 0.70). The inexperienced raters reached an average intra-rater reliability of 0.57 (ICCs ranging from 0.52 to 0.62). The two expert raters attained ICC values of 0.70 and 0.74 respectively. CONCLUSION: Structured visual gait observation by use of a gait analysis form as described in this study was found to be moderately reliable. Clinical experience appears to increase the reliability of visual gait analysis
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