9 research outputs found

    Small bowel perforation and death caused by anaplastic thyroid carcinoma metastasis in a patient with concomitant colonic and bilateral breast carcinoma.

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    Undifferentiated or anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) is rare and one of the most aggressive human malignancies. The tumor is usually voluminous and fast-growing and mostly affects older women. The most common sites of distant metastases are the lungs, brain, and bones. Herein, we describe the case of a 66-year-old woman with a history of bilateral breast carcinoma and ATC, who presented with an acute abdomen and subsequently died. At autopsy, an isolated metastasis of ATC in the small intestine leading to bowel perforation was found. Moreover, there was adenocarcinoma in the descending colon. The review of extra-abdominal malignancies metastasizing to bowel and coincidence of breast and thyroid carcinoma is included

    Confessional neutral State as Consequence Rightly comprehend of Secularization

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    The object of this work is the denominationally neutral country. Work it occurs through "proper understanding" secularization, an understanding of the phe-nomenon of secularization as secularism world in its social structure and social relationships. In the first part follows the concept of the state as intended Swiss reformer John Calvin, while largely draws on the work of the American legal historian John Witte and the background of the Lutheran and Calvinist Refor-mation, mainly explores especially Calvin's understanding of the polity. The second part deals with the Czech environment and through the first Czechoslo-vak president and influential thinker and statesman of the 19th and 20th centu-ries, Tomas Garrigue Masaryk tries to map the transition from theocracy to democracy, or from an absolute to a democratic conception of the state. Secula-rization itself and denominationally neutral state this thesis deals in its third part, dedicated to the life and work mainly largest Czech Protestant philosopher Bozena Komárková when over her eye on civil society gets to the separation of church and state. In conclusion, offers possible solutions, how should the re-lationship of the state to the Church and the Church to the state look like and what should be their role. The target of this work gives to recognize..

    Tumours in historical and social context in the modern period

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    Univerzita Karlova v Praze Přírodovědecká fakulta Studijní program: Filosofie a dějiny přírodních věd MUDr. Jan Hrudka Nádory v dějinném a kulturním kontextu v novověku Tumours in historical and social context in the modern period Disertační práce Školitel / Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Stanislav Komárek, Dr. Praha, 2017 SUMMARY: The PhD thesis called Tumours in historical and social context in the modern period is an attempt to describe a change of medical thinking in modern period; science and medicine turns from antique humoral pathology, explaining all diseases as an imbalance of the four body humours, to pathological anatomy and experimental physiology. In the point of view of pathological anatomy, the viscera of diseased person are no more "screen" or "mirror" of the disease, but it becomes directly the "stage" or "theatre" of the acting disease. This shift in the thought may be labelled as movement from humoralism to localism or ontologism; the disease isn't just abnormal amount of some natural juice any more, but becomes new original entity. This change undergoes the understanding of tumours and cancerous disease as well. Instead of antique understanding tumours as precipitates of black bile, the cell theory occurs in the 19th century. This theory explains tumours as a mass of cells undergoing excessive..

    Confessional neutral State as Consequence Rightly comprehend of Secularization

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    Předmětem této práce je téma konfesně neutrálního státu. Práce k němu dochá-zí skrze "správně pochopenou" sekularizaci, tj. pochopení sekularizace jako fenoménu zesvětštění či odnáboženštění světa v jeho společenském zřízení a společenských vztazích. V první části sleduje pojetí státu, jak je zamýšlel švý-carský reformátor Jan Kalvín, převážně přitom čerpá z díla amerického právní-ho historika Johna Wittea a na pozadí luterské a hlavně kalvínské reformace zkoumá zejména Kalvínovo chápání státoprávního uspořádání. Ve druhé části se práce věnuje českému prostředí a prostřednictvím prvního československého prezidenta a významného myslitele a státníka počátku 19. a 20. století Tomáše Garrigua Masaryka se pokouší zmapovat přechod od teokracie k demokracii, neboli od absolutistického k demokratickému pojetí státu. Samotné sekulariza-ci a konfesně neutrálnímu státu se tato práce zabývá ve své třetí části věnované životu a hlavně dílu největší české protestantské filosofky Boženy Komárkové, když se přes její pohled na občanskou společnost dostává až k odluce církve a státu. Na závěr nabízí možná východiska, jak by měl poměr státu k církvi a církve ke státu vypadat a jaké by měly být jejich úlohy. Za cíl si tato práce dá-vá rozpoznat, že kriticky promýšlená sekularizace vede k odluce církve a státu. Powered by TCPDF...The object of this work is the denominationally neutral country. Work it occurs through "proper understanding" secularization, an understanding of the phe-nomenon of secularization as secularism world in its social structure and social relationships. In the first part follows the concept of the state as intended Swiss reformer John Calvin, while largely draws on the work of the American legal historian John Witte and the background of the Lutheran and Calvinist Refor-mation, mainly explores especially Calvin's understanding of the polity. The second part deals with the Czech environment and through the first Czechoslo-vak president and influential thinker and statesman of the 19th and 20th centu-ries, Tomas Garrigue Masaryk tries to map the transition from theocracy to democracy, or from an absolute to a democratic conception of the state. Secula-rization itself and denominationally neutral state this thesis deals in its third part, dedicated to the life and work mainly largest Czech Protestant philosopher Bozena Komárková when over her eye on civil society gets to the separation of church and state. In conclusion, offers possible solutions, how should the re-lationship of the state to the Church and the Church to the state look like and what should be their role. The target of this work gives to recognize...Katedra teologické etikyDepartment of Theological EthicsEvangelická teologická fakultaProtestant Theological Facult

    Dermatofibroma associated with a sweat duct skin cyst

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    Dermatofibroma or fibrous histiocytoma is a very common benign mesenchymal skin tumor that usually involves lower limbs and shows slight predilection for young females. There are several histological subtypes with variable biological significance in terms of local recurrence risk. Herein, we present an interesting case of a middle-aged man presenting with a voluminous cystic skin tumor on the left shin which on histopathologic examination revealed a dermatofibroma associated with a large cyst lined with non-keratinizing squamous epithelium admixed with sweat gland-type glandular epithelial cells. There are two references describing similar cases in the literature

    Heat Shock Proteins 27, 70, and 110: Expression and Prognostic Significance in Colorectal Cancer

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    Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are evolutionarily conserved chaperones occurring in virtually all living organisms playing a key role in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. They are constitutively expressed to prevent and repair protein damage following various physiological and environmental stressors. HSPs are overexpressed in various types of cancers to provide cytoprotective function, and they have been described to influence prognosis and response to therapy. Moreover, they have been used as a tumor marker in blood serum biochemistry and they represent a potentially promising therapeutic target. To clarify prognostic significance of two canonical HSPs (27 and 70) and less known HSP110 (previously known as HSP105) in colorectal carcinoma (CRC), we retrospectively performed HSP immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor tissue from 297 patients with known follow-up. Survival analysis (univariate Kaplan–Meier analysis with the log-rank test and multivariate Cox regression) revealed significantly shorter overall survival (OS, mean 5.54 vs. 7.07, p = 0.033) and borderline insignificantly shorter cancer specific survival (CSS, mean 6.3 vs. 7.87 years, p = 0.066) in patients with HSP70+ tumors. In the case of HSP27+ tumors, there was an insignificantly shorter OS (mean 6.36 vs. 7.13 years, p = 0.2) and CSS (mean 7.17 vs. 7.95 years, p = 0.2). HSP110 showed no significant impact on survival. Using Pearson’s chi-squared test, there was a significant association of HSP27 and HSP70 expression with advanced cancer stage. HSP27+ tumors were more frequently mismatch-repair proficient and vice versa (p = 0.014), and they occurred more often in female patients and vice versa (p = 0.015). There was an enrichment of left sided tumors with HSP110+ compared to the right sided (p = 0.022). In multivariate Cox regression adjusted on the UICC stage, grade and right/left side; both HSPs 27 and 70 were not independent survival predictors (p = 0.616 & p = 0.586). In multivariate analysis, only advanced UICC stage (p = 0) and right sided localization (p = 0.04) were independent predictors of worse CSS. In conclusion, from all three HSPs examined in our study, only HSP70 expression worsened CRC prognosis, although stage-dependent. The contribution of this article may be seen as a large survival analysis of HSPs 27 and 70 and the largest analysis of HSP110 described in CRC

    TROP2 Represents a Negative Prognostic Factor in Colorectal Adenocarcinoma and Its Expression Is Associated with Features of Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition and Invasiveness

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    Trophoblastic cell surface antigen 2 (TROP2) is a membrane glycoprotein overexpressed in many solid tumors with a poor prognosis, including intestinal neoplasms. In our study, we show that TROP2 is expressed in preneoplastic lesions, and its expression is maintained in most colorectal cancers (CRC). High TROP2 positivity correlated with lymph node metastases and poor tumor differentiation and was a negative prognostic factor. To investigate the role of TROP2 in intestinal tumors, we analyzed two mouse models with conditional disruption of the adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) tumor-suppressor gene, human adenocarcinoma samples, patient-derived organoids, and TROP2-deficient tumor cells. We found that Trop2 is produced early after Apc inactivation and its expression is associated with the transcription of genes involved in epithelial–mesenchymal transition, the regulation of migration, invasiveness, and extracellular matrix remodeling. A functionally similar group of genes was also enriched in TROP2-positive cells from human CRC samples. To decipher the driving mechanism of TROP2 expression, we analyzed its promoter. In human cells, this promoter was activated by β-catenin and additionally by the Yes1-associated transcriptional regulator (YAP). The regulation of TROP2 expression by active YAP was verified by YAP knockdown in CRC cells. Our results suggest a possible link between aberrantly activated Wnt/β-catenin signaling, YAP, and TROP2 expression