49 research outputs found


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    After optimization of the railway geometry for higher speed, a continuous settlement of the track occurred. Improvement of the embankment body was needed; however, a complete traffic interruption was not allowed. The reconstruction work has been done using the methods of special ground engineering such as vibro-stone columns and driven ductile piles

    Design and FEM Analysis of the Laparoscopical Tool for Electrocoagulation Surgery - Alternative Solution I

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    Import 03/08/2012GREPL, Jan. Návrh a konečnoprvková analýza laparoskopického nástroje pro elektrokoagulační chirurgii - variantní řešení I: diplomová práce. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra mechaniky, 2012, 71 s. Vedoucí práce: Ing. Hlaváčková, Ph.D. Cílem této diplomové práce je vytvořit nový elektrochirurgický operační nástroj pro ambulantní hysteroskopii, který by nahradil sadu aktuálně používaných nástrojů, zkrátil dobu nutnou pro provedení zákroku a především umožnil snazší, přesnější a bezpečnější manipulaci a použití. Diplomovou práci lze rozdělit na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část je zaměřena na charakteristiku gynekologických onemocnění, vyšetřovací techniky, minimálně invazivní chirurgii - hysteroskopii, včetně jejich rizik a aktuálně používaných nástrojů. Praktická část je rozdělená na čtyři kapitoly. První kapitola se zabývá návrhem mechanismu nového nástroje a návrhem vlastního tvaru a konstrukce nástroje. Druhá kapitola popisuje dimenzování rozměrů, výrobu prototypu nástroje, testování a měření potřebných parametrů. Třetí kapitola praktické části se zabývá úpravou již navrženého prototypu na základě získaných znalostí z výroby, testování a měření nástroje. V poslední kapitole je popsána konečnoprvková analýza navrženého nástroje, která si klade za cíl zjistit nejvíce namáhaná místa v nástroji, maximální hodnoty posunutí a redukovaného napětí.GREPL, Jan. Design and FEM Analysis of the Laparoscopical Tool for Electrocoagulation Surgery - Alternative Solution I: Diploma Thesis. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanics, 2012, 71 s. Thesis Head: Ing. Hlaváčková, Ph.D. The goal of this thesis is design and construction of the electrosurgery instrument for office hysteroscopy, which would replace the current set of tools, shorten the time required to perform the procedure and make it easier, safer and more precise to use. Thesis can be divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the characteristics of gynecologic disease, examination techniques, minimally invasive surgery - hysteroscopy, including their risks and current tools. The practical part is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with designing the mechanism of the new instrument and its own shape. The second chapter describes dimensions, manufacturing the prototype, testing and measurement of the required parameters. The third chapter deals with modifying already designed instrument with the knowledge gained from the manufacture, testing and measuring. The last chapter describes the finite element method strength analysis of the proposed instrument.337 - Katedra mechanikyvýborn

    Objects Detection by Laser Scanning

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práce se zabývá, detekcí objektů pomocí laserového skenování. Seznamuje s principy laserových skenerů firmy Hokuyo, Riftek a SICK. Pro vybrané skenery jsou popsány a ověřeny komunikačními protokoly. Součástí práce jsou zkušební testy skeneru SICK LD-MRS400102 HD za účelem jeho využití jako detektoru anti kolizního systému závěsných lokomotiv společnosti Ferrit, s.r.o. Všechny programy jsou naprogramovány v jazyce C# v Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Praktickým výstupem práce je program pro ostrahu prostoru, který umožňuje použití mnoha typů skenerů společností Hokuyo a SICK bez použití SW dodaného výrobcem.The master thesis deals with the detection of objects using laser scanning. It contains an Introduction to the principles of laser scanners of producers Hokuyo, SICK and Riftek. For some scanners are also described the communication protocols. Other part of this thesis is testing the scanner SICK LD-HD MRS400102 like detector for an anti-collision system of Suspended mining locomotives of the Ferrit company. All programs are created in C# language by Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Practical outcome of this thesis is program for space security, that is able co-operate with many types scanners of companies SICK and Hokuyo without using special software of producer.352 - Katedra automatizační techniky a řízenívelmi dobř

    Is high accuracy of Vesical Imaging-Reporting and Data System (VI-RADS) sufficient for its implementation in the urological practice?

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    Aims. Currently, the only method used to differentiate between MIBC and NMIBC is transurethral resection of the bladder tumour (TURBT). Magnetic resonance and Vesical Imaging-Reporting and Data System (VI-RADS) would allow for discrimination between NMIBC and MIBC. We evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of VI-RADS in the diagnosis of muscle-invasive bladder cancer and discuss its value in everyday urological practice. Methods. 64 patients with bladder cancer (BC) were enrolled into this prospective study. Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) was performed before transurethral resection of the bladder tumour (TURBT) and evalu ated using the VI-RADS score. Score were compared to histopathology results. We evaluated the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of this system using both cut-off VI-RADS ≥ 3 and ≥ 4. Results. Sensitivity of 92.3% (95%CI: 64.0; 99.8), specificity of 81.4% (95%CI: 69.1; 90.3), positive predictive value of 52.2% (95%CI: 30.6; 73.2) and negative predictive value of 98.0% (95%CI: 89.1; 99.9) was determined using cut off VI RADS ≥ 3, while sensitivity of 76.9% (95%CI: 46.2; 95.0), specificity of 91.5% (95%CI: 81.3; 97.2), positive predictive value of 66.7% (95%CI: 38.4; 88.2), and negative predictive value of 94.7% (95%CI: 85.4; 98.9) was determined using cut-off VI-RADS ≥ 4. Based on our results, we consider the optimal cut-off point to be VI-RADS ≥ 3 with the overall prediction accuracy of 83.3% (95%CI: 72.7; 91.1). Conclusions. We acknowledge that mpMRI provides valuable information with regard to BC staging, however, despite its high overall accuracy, we do not consider the VI-RADS could replace TURBT in discrimination between non-muscle invasive and MIBC.Web of Science1671908

    New semi-spherical radiofrequency energy device for liver resection: an experimental study in pigs

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    The aim of this experimental study was to verify a new semi-spherical surgical tool for bipolar radiofrequency liver ablation, which can solve some of the disadvantages of the commonly used device, such as long duration of ablation. A total of 12 pigs which were randomly divided into two groups were used. Each pig underwent resection of the two liver lobes. In group 1, pigs were treated with the commonly used device; in group 2 the newly developed semispherical device was used. During surgery and the post-surgical period, many categories were observed and later analyzed. The blood count and biochemistry were monitored on days 0, 14 and 30 from the operation. On day 14 since the liver resection, pigs underwent diagnostic laparoscopy to evaluate their condition focusing on the site of the liver lobe resection. On day 30 after operation, all pigs were euthanized and subjected to histopathological examination. Histopathological evaluation of thermal changes at the resection margin showed strong thermal alteration in both groups. Data between both groups were compared using median test for continuous variables and Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables. Statistical analyses were performed with IBM SPSS software version 18.0. Statistical analysis of collected data did not prove any significant (P < 0.05) differences between the commonly used device and the newly designed surgical tool.Web of Science84439

    Temperature changes in lead-acid batteries

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    The aim of this thesis is familiarization with the basic lead-acid batteries construction with specialization on their differences. This work is divided in theoretical part and practical part. At first, the theoretical part deals with basics of functions of electrochemical cells and their fundamental division. In the case of lead-acid batteries the work focuses on the fundamental chemical reactions and fundamental principle of their construction. Aftwerwars are also in this part included negative phenomena, which can occur during the operation of the lead-acid batteries and possibly decrease their capacity or shorten their lifetime period. In practical part takes part description of measuring station. Subsequently is realised the correction of masurement sensors. Finally there takes place an analysis of measured parameters in experimental cell in CC and CC/CV charging mode

    Systematic methods for assessment and evaluation of the soft tissue oppression

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    Import 02/11/2016Disertační práce se zabývá návrhem nové diagnostické metody pro neinvazivní měření a vyhodnocení tuhosti měkkých tkání. Tato navrhovaná metoda je určena převážně pro diagnostiku dvou vybraných závažných onemocnění, a to rakoviny měkkých tkání a akutního kompartment syndromu. V práci je popsán vývoj dvou typů experimentálních zařízení pro neinvazivní měření mechanických parametrů měkkých tkání včetně výroby jejich prototypu. Spolu s popisem realizace řady měření je uveden detailní postup vyhodnocení pomocí simulačních metod MKP. Stanovený hodnotící parametr je následně srovnán s hodnotou získanou experimentálním vyšetřováním měkkých tkání pomocí ultrazvukového elastografu.Dissertation thesis describes proposal of the new diagnostic method for noninvasive measurement and evaluation of soft tissue stiffness. This proposed method is intended primarily for the diagnosis of two selected serious diseases, soft tissue cancer and compartment syndrome. The work describes development of two different experimental devices for non-invasive measurement of soft tissues mechanical parameters including production of a prototype. Along with a description of measurement series implementation a detailed process of evaluation using FEM simulation methods is provided. Established evaluation parameter is then compared with the value obtained from the experimental soft tissue investigation using advanced ultrasound elastography.330 - Katedra aplikované mechanikyvyhově

    Design and Stress Analysis of the Working Part of Radio-frequency Surgical Instrument

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    Import 29/09/2010Cílem bakalářské práce je vytvořit nástroj pro radiofrekvenční ablaci, který by zpřesnil vedení jednotlivých elektrod do jaterní tkáně, zkrátil operační čas na minimum, minimalizoval poškození zdravé tkáně v okolí nádoru a který by byl kompatibilní s aktuálně používaným generátorem radiofrekvenčního proudu od firmy RITA. Bakalářskou práci lze rozdělit na teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část je zaměřena na charakteristiku jater a jaterní nádory. Dále je popsána technika radiofrekveční ablace jaterních nádorů. Praktická část je rozdělena na dvě kapitoly. První se zabývá návrhem rozmístění elektrod v operačním nástroji a konstrukčním návrhem tvaru nástroje, jeho následnou výrobou a testováním ve Fakultní nemocnici v Ostravě-Porubě. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena na pevnostní kontrolu a kontrolu na ztrátu stability tvaru. Oba výpočty v druhé kapitole praktické části jsou provedeny v programu ANSYS.The goal of this work is design and construction of the tool for radiofrequency ablation, which would further specify the lead of electrodes into the liver tissue, reduced operating time to a minimum, not damage healthy tissue unnecessarily in the vicinity of the tumor and would be compatible with the currently used radio-frequency power source from the company named RITA. Bachelor's thesis can be divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on liver and liver tumors. There is described the technique of radio-frequency ablation of liver tumors. The practical part is divided into two chapters. The first part deals with the deployment of the electrodes in the operating instrument and their shape and design of the instrument, its subsequent production and testing at the University Hospital in Ostrava-Poruba. The second chapter focuses on strength and buckling analysis. This part of the solution has been done by software Ansys.337 - Katedra mechanikyvýborn