787 research outputs found

    Clusters under strong VUV pulses: A quantum-classical hybrid-description incorporating plasma effects

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    The quantum-classical hybrid-description of rare-gas clusters interacting with intense light pulses which we have developed is described in detail. Much emphasis is put on the treatment of screening electrons in the cluster which set the time scale for the evolution of the system and form the link between electrons strongly bound to ions and quasi-free plasma electrons in the cluster. As an example we discuss the dynamics of an Ar147 cluster exposed to a short VUV laser pulse of 20eV photon energy.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Biomarker-based asthma phenotypes of corticosteroid response

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    BackgroundAsthma is a heterogeneous disease with different phenotypes. Inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) therapy is a mainstay of treatment for asthma, but the clinical response to ICSs is variable.ObjectiveWe hypothesized that a panel of inflammatory biomarkers (ie, fraction of exhaled nitric oxide [Feno], sputum eosinophil count, and urinary bromotyrosine [BrTyr] level) might predict steroid responsiveness.MethodsThe original study from which this analysis originates comprised 2 phases: a steroid-naive phase 1 and a 28-day trial of ICSs (phase 2) during which Feno values, sputum eosinophil counts, and urinary BrTyr levels were measured. The response to ICSs was based on clinical improvements, including a 12% or greater increase in FEV1, a 0.5-point or greater decrease in Asthma Control Questionnaire score, and 2 doubling dose or greater increase in provocative concentration of adenosine 5â€Č-monophosphate causing a 20% decrease in FEV1 (PC20AMP). Healthy control subjects were also evaluated in this study for comparison of biomarkers with those seen in asthmatic patients.ResultsAsthmatic patients had higher than normal Feno values, sputum eosinophil counts, and urinary BrTyr levels during the steroid-naive phase and after ICS therapy. After 28-day trial of ICSs, Feno values decreased in 82% of asthmatic patients, sputum eosinophil counts decreased in 60%, and urinary BrTyr levels decreased in 58%. Each of the biomarkers at the steroid-naive phase had utility for predicting steroid responsiveness, but the combination of high Feno values and high urinary BrTyr levels had the best power (13.3-fold, P < .01) to predict a favorable response to ICS therapy. However, the magnitude of the decrease in biomarker levels was unrelated to the magnitude of clinical response to ICS therapy.ConclusionA noninvasive panel of biomarkers in steroid-naive asthmatic patients predicts clinical responsiveness to ICS therapy

    Elective Open Suprarenal Aneurysm Repair in England from 2000 to 2010 an Observational Study of Hospital Episode Statistics

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    Background: Open surgery is widely used as a benchmark for the results of fenestrated endovascular repair of complex abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). However, the existing evidence stems from single-centre experiences, and may not be reproducible in wider practice. National outcomes provide valuable information regarding the safety of suprarenal aneurysm repair. Methods: Demographic and clinical data were extracted from English Hospital Episodes Statistics for patients undergoing elective suprarenal aneurysm repair from 1 April 2000 to 31 March 2010. Thirty-day mortality and five-year survival were analysed by logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards modeling. Results: 793 patients underwent surgery with 14% overall 30-day mortality, which did not improve over the study period. Independent predictors of 30-day mortality included age, renal disease and previous myocardial infarction. 5-year survival was independently reduced by age, renal disease, liver disease, chronic pulmonary disease, and known metastatic solid tumour. There was significant regional variation in both 30-day mortality and 5-year survival after risk-adjustment. Regional differences in outcome were eliminated in a sensitivity analysis for perioperative outcome, conducted by restricting analysis to survivors of the first 30 days after surgery. Conclusions: Elective suprarenal aneurysm repair was associated with considerable mortality and significant regional variation across England. These data provide a benchmark to assess the efficacy of complex endovascular repair of supra-renal aneurysms, though cautious interpretation is required due to the lack of information regarding aneurysm morphology. More detailed study is required, ideally through the mandatory submission of data to a national registry of suprarenal aneurysm repair

    Heats of formation of perchloric acid, HClO4_4, and perchloric anhydride, Cl2_2O7_7. Probing the limits of W1 and W2 theory

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    The heats of formation of HClO4_4 and Cl2_2O7_7 have been determined to chemical accuracy for the first time by means of W1 and W2 theory. These molecules exhibit particularly severe degrees of inner polarization, and as such obtaining a basis-set limit SCF component to the total atomization energy becomes a challenge. (Adding high-exponent dd functions to a standard spdspd basis set has an effect on the order of 100 kcal/mol for Cl2_2O7_7.) Wilson's aug-cc-pV(n+d)Z basis sets represent a dramatic improvement over the standard aug-cc-pVnZ basis sets, while the aug-cc-pVnZ+2d1f sequence converges still more rapidly. Jensen's polarization consistent basis sets still require additional high-exponent dd functions: for smooth convergence we suggest the \{aug-pc1+3d,aug-pc2+2d,aug-pc3+d,aug-pc4\} sequence. The role of the tight dd functions is shown to be an improved description of the Cl (3d) Rydberg orbital, enhancing its ability to receive back-bonding from the oxygen lone pairs. In problematic cases like this (or indeed in general), a single SCF/aug-cc-pV6Z+2d1f calculation may be preferable over empirically motivated extrapolations. Our best estimate heats of formation are ΔHf,298∘[\Delta H^\circ_{f,298}[HClO4_4(g)]=−0.6±]=-0.6\pm1 kcal/mol and ΔHf,298∘[\Delta H^\circ_{f,298}[Cl2_2O7_7(g)]=65.9±]=65.9\pm2 kcal/mol, the largest source of uncertainty being our inability to account for post-CCSD(T) correlation effects. While G2 and G3 theory have fairly large errors, G3X theory reproduces both values to within 2 kcal/mol.Comment: J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), in press (WATOC'05 special issue

    Statistical coverage for supersymmetric parameter estimation: a case study with direct detection of dark matter

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    Models of weak-scale supersymmetry offer viable dark matter (DM) candidates. Their parameter spaces are however rather large and complex, such that pinning down the actual parameter values from experimental data can depend strongly on the employed statistical framework and scanning algorithm. In frequentist parameter estimation, a central requirement for properly constructed confidence intervals is that they cover true parameter values, preferably at exactly the stated confidence level when experiments are repeated infinitely many times. Since most widely-used scanning techniques are optimised for Bayesian statistics, one needs to assess their abilities in providing correct confidence intervals in terms of the statistical coverage. Here we investigate this for the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (CMSSM) when only constrained by data from direct searches for dark matter. We construct confidence intervals from one-dimensional profile likelihoods and study the coverage by generating several pseudo-experiments for a few benchmark sets of pseudo-true parameters. We use nested sampling to scan the parameter space and evaluate the coverage for the benchmarks when either flat or logarithmic priors are imposed on gaugino and scalar mass parameters. The sampling algorithm has been used in the configuration usually adopted for exploration of the Bayesian posterior. We observe both under- and over-coverage, which in some cases vary quite dramatically when benchmarks or priors are modified. We show how most of the variation can be explained as the impact of explicit priors as well as sampling effects, where the latter are indirectly imposed by physicality conditions. For comparison, we also evaluate the coverage for Bayesian credible intervals, and observe significant under-coverage in those cases.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures; v2 includes major updates in response to referee's comments; extra scans and tables added, discussion expanded, typos corrected; matches published versio

    Time-resolved optical shadowgraphy of solid hydrogen jets as a testbed to benchmark particle-in-cell simulations

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    Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations are a superior tool to model kinetics-dominated plasmas in relativistic and ultrarelativistic laser-solid interactions (dimensionless vectorpotential a0>1a_0 > 1). The transition from relativistic to subrelativistic laser intensities (a0â‰Č1a_0 \lesssim 1), where correlated and collisional plasma physics become relevant, is reaching the limits of available modeling capabilities. This calls for theoretical and experimental benchmarks and the establishment of standardized testbeds. In this work, we develop such a suitable testbed to experimentally benchmark PIC simulations using a laser-irradiated micron-sized cryogenic hydrogen-jet target. Time-resolved optical shadowgraphy of the expanding plasma density, complemented by hydrodynamics and ray-tracing simulations, is used to determine the bulk-electron temperature evolution after laser irradiation. As a showcase, a study of isochoric heating of solid hydrogen induced by laser pulses with a dimensionless vectorpotential of a0≈1a_0 \approx 1 is presented. The comparison of the bulk-electron temperature of the experiment with systematic scans of PIC simulations demostrates that, due to an interplay of vacuum heating and resonance heating of electrons, the initial surface-density gradient of the target is decisive to reach quantitative agreement at \SI{1}{\ps} after the interaction. The showcase demostrates the readiness of the testbed for controlled parameter scans at all laser intensities of a0â‰Č1a_0 \lesssim 1

    Electronic Coherence Dephasing in Excitonic Molecular Complexes: Role of Markov and Secular Approximations

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    We compare four different types of equations of motion for reduced density matrix of a system of molecular excitons interacting with thermodynamic bath. All four equations are of second order in the linear system-bath interaction Hamiltonian, with different approximations applied in their derivation. In particular we compare time-nonlocal equations obtained from so-called Nakajima-Zwanzig identity and the time-local equations resulting from the partial ordering prescription of the cummulant expansion. In each of these equations we alternatively apply secular approximation to decouple population and coherence dynamics from each other. We focus on the dynamics of intraband electronic coherences of the excitonic system which can be traced by coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy. We discuss the applicability of the four relaxation theories to simulations of population and coherence dynamics, and identify features of the two-dimensional coherent spectrum that allow us to distinguish time-nonlocal effects.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure
