9 research outputs found

    Analysis of currency pairs reaction to macroeconomic indicators changes

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    Purpose of the article: The main aim of this paper is to analyze the fundamental approach to investment speculation in the foreign exchange market. Decision about buy-sell speculative position is based on statistical analysis of the fundamental message of the U.S. - Information about employment (www.bls.gov), which is published first Friday of each new month. The main idea is based on the change of the U.S. dollar (USD) value against the Swiss franc (CHF) and Euro (EUR). The statistical analysis is performed for the currency pairs EUR.USD and USD.CHF. Historical data of the employment situation is getting from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and stock data are obtained from Interactive Brokers U.S. The Employment situation data include the following information-Non-Farm Payroll, Unemployment rate, Average hourly earnings, and Average workweek. Scientific aim: The scientific aim of this paper is to show fundamental speculation approach on the market of foreign exchanges. The main idea is based on impact measuring of Unemployment rate change on EUR.USD and USD.CHF changes. Methodology/methods: Statistical methods of analyses used in this paper are based on the measuring of difference among two consecutive months. The negative value of the difference among two consecutive months is a signal for raising USD value and positive value of difference is a signal for weakeing USD value. Findings: The statistical analysis found the connection between the change in Unemployment rate and USD value weakeing or strenging against the CHF and EUR. Conclusions: The authors of this paper reached the conclusion by means of statistical analyses, that it is possible to predict changes of USD value against the EUR and CHF. For application of this approach is created simple trading method, which said, that positive change of Unemployment rate difference weak USD value and negative change strength. Trading approach generated 12342/10lotsprofitonEUR.USDand41373/10lots profit on EUR. USD and 41373 /10lots profit on USD.CHF. Those two trading approach has value of correlation equal 0,829

    Pattern Finding in Dymanical Data

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    V první kapitole je nastíněna problematika rozpoznávání vzorů. Druhá kapitola pojednává o možných řešeních problému za použití umělé inteligence a popisuje základní teorie statistiky a chaosu. Třetí kapitola je zaměřena na problematiku časových řad, jejich typů, problémů a předzpracování. Je zde také popsán typ časových řad ve finančnictví. Čtvrtá kapitola pojednává o problematice rozpoznávání vzorů a predikce. Je zde popsána metoda učení, která je použita. Poslední kapitola popisuje vývoj programu a jeho jednotlivé části a jsou zde zobrazeny dosažené výsledky.First chapter is about basic information pattern learning. Second chapter is about solutions of pattern recognition and about using artificial inteligence and there are basic informations about statistics and theory of chaos. Third chapter is focused on time series, types of time series and preprocessing. There are informations about time series in financial sector. Fourth charter discuss about pattern recognition problems and about prediction. Last charter is about software, which I did and there are informations about part sof program.


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    Dizertační práce pojednává o metodě tvorby měnového portfolia zaměřeného na krátkodobé držení dílčích investičních pozic, které nepřesahuje jeden obchodní den. Z tohoto důvodu je nezbytné zvýšit ziskovost dílčích investičních pozic použitím finanční páky. Pro vývoj jednotlivých investičních strategií je využita výpočetní technika v kombinaci se software, který umožňuje přímý přístup k měnovému trhu. Tento software dále umožňuje přístup k databázi historických cenových průběhů a má v sobě implementován programovací jazyk, který zefektivňuje vypracování statistických analýz nezbytných pro vývoj investičních strategií. Investiční strategie jsou optimalizovány a testovány na databázi historických cenových pohybů od 1. 1. 2004 do 31. 12. 2012 pro hlavní měnové páry EUR/USD, GBP/USD a USD/JPY. Hlavní předpoklad vstupu do trhu u navržených investičních strategií je založen na specifických časových intervalech během obchodního dne, kdy je zvýšená pravděpodobnost počátků nových krátkodobých trendů. V dizertační práci je tento předpoklad statisticky ověřen. Navržená metoda tvorby měnového portfolia byla aplikována do reálného trhu od 1. 1. 2013 do 30. 9. 2013 a byla použita pro obchodní účet o velikosti 20 000 .Rentabilitanavrzˇeneˊmetodytvorbymeˇnoveˊhoportfoliaje26,89. Rentabilita navržené metody tvorby měnového portfolia je 26,89 %.Doctoral thesis deals with the method of the currency portfolio creation focused on short-term trading, which not exceed one business day. That is the reason why is necessary to increase the profitability of investment positions by using financial leverage. Development of proposed investment strategies is realized with use of computer technology in combination with software that allows direct access to the foreign exchange market. The software enables direct access to a database of historical prices and has an implemented a programming language that allows effective processing of statistical analyzes, which is required for development of investment strategies. The investment strategies are optimized and tested on a database of historical price movements from 1. 1. 2004 to 31. 12. 2012 for the major currency pairs EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/JPY. The main assumption of entry to the market for proposed investment strategies is based on specific time intervals during the day, where is an increased probability of new short-term trends beginnings. The doctoral thesis statistically validated this assumption. The proposed method of creation a currency portfolio was applied to real market since 1. 1. 2013 to 30. 9. 2013 and was used for 20 000 trading account. Profitability of proposed method of creation a currency portfolio is 26,89%.

    Decision making system for finacial time series

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    Risk reduction of advanced investment strategy

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    The article deals with the issue of advanced investment strategies and reduces their risk by using the orders for automatically closing the open position at a loss for a pre-defined value. The advantage of strategies that do not use these protective orders is that they can survive against the price movement and then close the position at a profit. The disadvantage is that the open positions are subject to unlimited risk because of the use of financial leverage. The aim of this paper is to eliminate the risk of open-ended losses while maintaining the potential profitability of these strategies. This statistical analysis is used to test the large number of combinations of levels to close the position at a loss. Using this analysis is to find the optimal value for closing a position at a loss, which currently does not reduce profitability. The article compares the results of the proposed portfolio without the use of protection orders and the use of protective orders for the period 2005 - 2012. The results of this analysis show the need for the use of protection orders in the use of financial leverage. Analyzed strategy works in intraday mode, where the purchase made at 17:00 and 22:00 in the case of sales made to meet the entry conditions

    Využití genetických algoritmů v ekonomických procesech rozhodování

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    The article deals with the use of genetic algorithms in economic decision-making processes and focuses on the system of designing an investment portfolio. The application part shows a case study in which an investment portfolio is designed focusing on intraday speculations on the world currency market. The solution to the case study used the MatLab system enhanced by financial toolboxes. The conclusion summarizes the methods used for the realization of the case study in general.Článek se zabývá využitím genetických algoritmů v ekonomických procesech rozhodování a zaměřuje se na návrh investičního portfolia. Aplikační část prezentuje případovou studii, v níž je navrhováno investiční portfolio se zaměřením na spekulace na finančním trhu. Případová studie je řešena s použitím systému MATLAB a doplněna o informace o finančních toolboxech. V závěru jsou shrnuty metody používané pro realizaci případové studie obecně

    Cyber moder of electronic commerce acustomer centric

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    This paper describes how to implement methods of cybernetics into the economy. The mathematical model was created in MATLAB software. Created model works with two feed backs, which are realized through question forms. The goal of this model is to decrease difference between demand and offer