8 research outputs found

    Unterschiede in den Arbeitsmarktchancen von atypisch Beschäftigten: Effekte von Beschäftigungsformen oder Erwerbspräferenzen?

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    Non-standard employment relationships are not a homogeneous category and fulfill diverging functions for employers. On these grounds the present contribution argues that different types of contract offer their own specific opportunity structures and thus career prospects for employees. This is an outcome of the structural location of different employment relationships in the labor market rather than personal qualities or self-selection. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) this investigation finds a higher probability of atypical employees entering regular employment if they are fixed-term employees rather than part-timers or temporary agency workers; marginal employment yields the lowest chances for upward mobility. These results cannot be fully explained either by differences in observed characteristics or by preferences of part-time employees for shorter working-hours, albeit a strong effect of the latter for employment transitions is visible. These findings document an independent structural influence of the type of contract on careers. Furthermore, heterogeneous effects on qualification levels and workplace context are examined.Atypische Beschäftigungsverhältnisse sind keine homogene Kategorie und erfüllen sehr unterschiedliche Funktionen für Arbeitgeber. Der Aufsatz legt dar, dass diese Beschäftigungsformen Folgen für die Opportunitätsstrukturen und Beschäftigungschancen von Arbeitnehmern haben, die sich auf deren spezifische Position im Arbeitsmarkt zurückführen lassen und nicht durch persçnliche Ressourcen und Selbstselektion erklärt werden können. Anhand von Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) wird gezeigt, dass befristet Beschäftigte mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit in reguläre Beschäftigung wechseln als Teilzeitbeschäftigte und Leiharbeiter. Die geringsten Übergangschancen haben geringfügig Beschäftigte. Dieser Befund gilt auch unter Kontrolle der Eigenschaften der Arbeitnehmer und ihrer Arbeitszeitpräferenzen und belegt einen eigenständigen strukturellen Einfluss der Erwerbsform auf den weiteren Erwerbsverlauf. Darüber hinaus werden heterogene Effekte für betriebliche Kontexte und Qualifikationsniveaus untersucht

    Differential Employment Prospects among Atypical Employees: Effects of Type of Contract or Worker Preference?

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    In this study we analyze transitions from atypical to regular employment in Germany, focusing on the effects of different types of atypical employment on the transition probability into full-time and long-term employment. The predictions are tested using discrete-time duration models with random effects. The empirical results confirm the importance of the type of work contract. Fixed-term employment shows the highest transition probabilities into regular employment, compared with agency work and regular part-time employment, while marginal employment yields the lowest chances of upward mobility. These effects can neither be explained by differences in the observed characteristics nor by the preferences for shorter working-hours by part-time employees

    Changing labour market risks in the service economy: low wages, part-time employment and the trend in working poverty risks in Germany

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    The article presents an analysis of the development of labour market risks in Germany in light of changing working poverty risks. Low hourly wages and part-time employment are identified as the main demand-side-related mechanisms for household poverty. Their measurement and development are discussed as well as their contribution to trends in working poverty risks. A rise in low wages, especially among part-time employed households, was decisive for the increase in working poverty risks in Germany by 45% between the end of the 1990s and the end of the 2000s. We therefore study these trends more closely in the multivariate analysis. The results show that while low wages are unequally distributed across occupations and industries, shifts in employment between sectors explain only a minor part of the change in low wages. However, they reveal a polarization of low-wage risks by skill-level and sector of employment, on the one hand, and full-time and part-time employees, on the other hand

    Brulle_appendix – Supplemental material for Changing labour market risks in the service economy: Low wages, part-time employment and the trend in working poverty risks in Germany

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    <p>Supplemental material, Brulle_appendix for Changing labour market risks in the service economy: Low wages, part-time employment and the trend in working poverty risks in Germany by Jan Brülle, Markus Gangl, Asaf Levanon and Evgeny Saburov in Journal of European Social Policy</p