34 research outputs found

    Stability of linear GMRES convergence with respect to compact perturbations

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    Suppose that a linear bounded operator BB on a Hilbert space exhibits at least linear GMRES convergence, i.e., there exists MB<1M_B<1 such that the GMRES residuals fulfill rkMBrk1\|r_k\|\leq M_B\|r_{k-1}\| for every initial residual r0r_0 and step kNk\in\mathbb{N}. We prove that GMRES with a compactly perturbed operator A=B+CA=B+C admits the bound rk/r0j=1k(MB+(1+MB)A1σj(C))\|r_k\|/\|r_0\|\leq\prod_{j=1}^k\bigl(M_B+(1+M_B)\,\|A^{-1}\|\,\sigma_j(C)\bigr), i.e., the singular values σj(C)\sigma_j(C) control the departure from the bound for the unperturbed problem. This result can be seen as an extension of [I. Moret, A note on the superlinear convergence of GMRES, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 34 (1997), pp. 513-516, https://doi.org/10.1137/S0036142993259792], where only the case B=λIB=\lambda I is considered. In this special case MB=0M_B=0 and the resulting convergence is superlinear.Comment: 11 pages; this revision adds merely funding informatio

    XDMF and ParaView: checkpointing format

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    Checkpointing, i.e. saving and reading results of finite element computation is crucial, especially for long-time running simulations where execution is interrupted and user would like to restart the process from last saved time step. On the other hand, visualization of results in thid-party software such as ParaView is inevitable. In the previous DOLFIN versions (2017.1.0 and older) these two functionalities were strictly separated. Results could have been saved via HDF5File interface for later computations and/or stored in a format understood by ParaView - VTK’s .pvd (File interface) or XDMF (XDMFFile interface). This led to data redundancy and error-prone workflow. The problem essentially originated from incompatibilities between both libraries, DOLFIN and ParaView (VTK). DOLFIN’s internal representation of finite element function is based on vector of values of degrees of freedom (dofs) and their ordering within cells (dofmap). VTK’s representation of a function is given by it’s values at some points in cell, while ordering and geometric position of these points is fixed and standardised within VTK specification. For nodal (iso- and super-parametric) Lagrange finite elements (Pk , dPk ) both representations coincide up to an ordering. This allows to extend XDMF specification and introduce intermediate way of storing finite element function - intrinsic to both, ParaView and DOLFIN. The necessary work was done as a part of Google Summer of Code 2017 project Develop XDMF for- mat for visualisation and checkpointing, see https://github.com/michalhabera/gsoc-summary. New checkpointing functionality is exposed via write checkpoint() and read checkpoint() methods

    Towards efficient numerical computation of flows of non-Newtonian fluids

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    In the first part of this thesis we are concerned with the constitutive the- ory for incompressible fluids characterized by a continuous monotone rela- tion between the velocity gradient and the Cauchy stress. We, in particular, investigate a class of activated fluids that behave as the Euler fluid prior activation, and as the Navier-Stokes or power-law fluid once the activation takes place. We develop a large-data existence analysis for both steady and unsteady three-dimensional flows of such fluids subject either to the no-slip boundary condition or to a range of slip-type boundary conditions, including free-slip, Navier's slip, and stick-slip. In the second part we show that the W−1,q norm is localizable provided that the functional in question vanishes on locally supported functions which constitute a partition of unity. This represents a key tool for establishing local a posteriori efficiency for partial differential equations in divergence form with residuals in W−1,q . In the third part we provide a novel analysis for the pressure convection- diffusion (PCD) preconditioner. We first develop a theory for the precon- ditioner considered as an operator in infinite-dimensional spaces. We then provide a methodology for constructing discrete PCD operators for a broad class of pressure discretizations. The..

    K efektivním numerickým výpočtům proudění nenewtonských tekutin

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    V první části práce se zabýváme konstitutivní teorií nestlačitelných tekutin charakterizovaných spojitým monotónním vztahem mezi gradientem rychlosti a Cauchyho napětím. Speciální pozornost je věnována třídě aktivovaných tekutin, které se před aktivací chovají jako Eulerovy tekutiny, zatímco po aktivaci je jejich odezva stejná jako odezva Navierovy-Stokesovy tekutiny či tekutiny mocninného typu. Pro tuto třídu tekutin je provedena detailní existenční analýza pro velká data k stacionárním a nestacionárním třídimen- zionálním prouděním vystavených buď okrajové podmínce nulové rychlosti, či řadě podmínek skluzového typu, včetně volného skluzu, Navierova skluzu a kombinovaného přilnutí-skluzu. Druhá část se zabývá lokalizací W−1,q normy za předpokladu, že uvažo- vaný funkcionál se nuluje na fukcích s lokálním nosičem, které tvoří rozklad jednotky. To zvláště dovoluje zajistit lokální aposteriorní efektivitu u par- cialních diferencialních rovnic v divergentním tvaru s residuály ve W−1,q . V třetí části předkládáme novou analýzu tzv. PCD (pressure convection- diffusion) předpodmínění. Nejdříve budujeme novou teorii PCD předpod- mínění jakožto operátoru v nekonečně-dimenzionálních prostorech. Potom poskytujeme metodiku ke konstrukci diskrétních PCD operátorů pro širokou třídu diskretizací tlaku. Hlavní přínos...In the first part of this thesis we are concerned with the constitutive the- ory for incompressible fluids characterized by a continuous monotone rela- tion between the velocity gradient and the Cauchy stress. We, in particular, investigate a class of activated fluids that behave as the Euler fluid prior activation, and as the Navier-Stokes or power-law fluid once the activation takes place. We develop a large-data existence analysis for both steady and unsteady three-dimensional flows of such fluids subject either to the no-slip boundary condition or to a range of slip-type boundary conditions, including free-slip, Navier's slip, and stick-slip. In the second part we show that the W−1,q norm is localizable provided that the functional in question vanishes on locally supported functions which constitute a partition of unity. This represents a key tool for establishing local a posteriori efficiency for partial differential equations in divergence form with residuals in W−1,q . In the third part we provide a novel analysis for the pressure convection- diffusion (PCD) preconditioner. We first develop a theory for the precon- ditioner considered as an operator in infinite-dimensional spaces. We then provide a methodology for constructing discrete PCD operators for a broad class of pressure discretizations. The...Mathematical Institute of Charles UniversityMatematický ústav UKFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Towards efficient numerical computation of flows of non-Newtonian fluids

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    In the first part of this thesis we are concerned with the constitutive the- ory for incompressible fluids characterized by a continuous monotone rela- tion between the velocity gradient and the Cauchy stress. We, in particular, investigate a class of activated fluids that behave as the Euler fluid prior activation, and as the Navier-Stokes or power-law fluid once the activation takes place. We develop a large-data existence analysis for both steady and unsteady three-dimensional flows of such fluids subject either to the no-slip boundary condition or to a range of slip-type boundary conditions, including free-slip, Navier's slip, and stick-slip. In the second part we show that the W−1,q norm is localizable provided that the functional in question vanishes on locally supported functions which constitute a partition of unity. This represents a key tool for establishing local a posteriori efficiency for partial differential equations in divergence form with residuals in W−1,q . In the third part we provide a novel analysis for the pressure convection- diffusion (PCD) preconditioner. We first develop a theory for the precon- ditioner considered as an operator in infinite-dimensional spaces. We then provide a methodology for constructing discrete PCD operators for a broad class of pressure discretizations. The..

    Matematické modelování růstu krystalů

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    We present a numerical model of Bridgman crystal growth. Pseudo-incompressibility constraint is used to handle jumps in density during phase change. ALE formulation is employed to account for moving parts of the system. Field equations and movement of material interfaces are decoupled in fractional step manner. Naviér-Stokes problem is extended to solid phase where no flow is enforced by Darcy-like forcing. Latent heat of phase change is added to effective heat capacity as approximate Dirac-δ\delta. Backward Euler discretization in space and P2/P1/P1 in space are used. Transient and stationary solutions are being found and compared to temperatures measured directly inside a steady system. Influence of pull-rates on growth process and shape of phase interface are being examined. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Impact of orography on stratified flow

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    Department of Atmospheric PhysicsKatedra fyziky atmosféryFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Impact of orography on stratified flow

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    Department of Atmospheric PhysicsKatedra fyziky atmosféryFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    paper-norms-nonlin-code: Supporting code for "Localization of the W1,qW^{-1,q} norm for local a posteriori efficiency", version v1.0-rc3

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    Release candidate 3 of supporting code for paper Jan Blechta, Josef Málek, and Martin Vohralík. Localization of the W1,qW^{-1,q} norm for local a posteriori efficiency. In preparation, 2016