359 research outputs found

    Powstanie, rozwój i współczesne problemy badań geografii politycznej

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    Geografia polityczna to jedna z najstarszych dziedzin badań w geografii. Jej początków możemy się doszukać już w pracach Herodota, Platona czy Strabona. Jednak pojemność obydwu pojęć składających się na jej nazwę – geografia i polityka – utrudnia przyjęcie precyzyjnej definicji, co do której panowałby konsensus zarówno wśród politologów, jak i geografów. Można jednak stwierdzić, że badania geografii politycznej obejmują przestrzeń z rozgrywającym się w niej procesem politycznym. Geografia polityczna sytuuje się na pograniczu badań geografii człowieka, nauk o polityce, historii, socjologii i ekonomii


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    Among many contemporary threats, which include threats in the military, economic or social sphere, issues related to threats in cyberspace, artificial intelligence (AI), genetic modifications of the human genome and threats related to with space exploration. This work, based on a qualitative analysis of the literature, aims to identify selected, often overlooked and not functioning in the common awareness of contemporary threats to state security. The analysis undertaken allows us to conclude that an important factor contributing to the increase in the level of threat to the security of the state and nation today are the contemporary "black swans" in the security sphere, the weakness of political leadership, unknown directions of AI development and changes in the human genome, threats related to the outer space exploration and threats in cyberspace

    Metamorphis is Not a New Beginning

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    Dostępność komunikacyjna wybrzeża Chorwacji

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    The main aim of this paper is a presentation by the authors differences in the transport accessibility of Croatia in NUTS-3 regions with divided into road, air and sea transport. Coastal regions of Croatia are located in the zone of isochrone of 120 minutes from six airports situated on the territory of the country, and almost all of it is located within isochrone of 60 minutes. The exception of it are Lika-Senj County and Dubrovnik-Neretva County which is separated from the main part of Croatia by 17 km coastal zone of Bosnia and Herzegovina. High level of density of airports is an explanation of realisation of demands for transport which concern accessibility and immediate of destination area. It is a consequence of growing passanger traffic in years 2000–2013. A huge impact on air transportation has transport accessibility for road transport. Average time for travel from Poland to Croatia in 2013 was 12 h 57 minutes. In case of this kind of transport it is hard to say about realisation of demand for transport about safety of travelers (loss of concentration and long time of travel). Anyway, directness and relative cheapness in opposite to air transport are main factors of choosing road transport. Moreover, the growing importance of sea transport and density of its infrastructure is more noticeable


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    The article presents the art of producing terracotta, part of an important cultural heritage in Medet, Tavas region, Denizli province (Turkey). The case study examined the works of Hasan Hüseyin Savçı's family, the only representative of the terracotta art in Denizli. The aim of the undertaken research is to describe, analyze and evaluate the importance of the handicraft for the preservation of the cultural heritage of the region. The research used document analysis, which is one of the qualitative research methods, and additionally a partially structured questionnaire as a data collection tool. The field research was conducted in the Medet District. The undertaken research and analysis of the collected material confirm the great importance of the works of successive generations of the Savçı family for the preservation of the cultural heritage of the region dating back to the early Bronze Age. The handicraft of Necip Savçı, reconstructions and reinterpretations of the works are characterized by exceptional artistry. Research on the local raw material, a structured interview allowed for the documentation of terracotta production techniques and the problems related to their sale. The results of the research emphasized the importance of cultural heritage, such as terracotta, for the preservation of local identity, and at the same time being an important tourist attraction

    Natural potential for tourism development in Southern Altai (Kazakhstan)

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    The mountain regions incorporate some of the major ecosystems of the Earth. They also include most significant mineral, natural, agricultural and tourist-recreational resources. A complex regionally-specific geographic evaluation is prerequisite for assessment of a perspective tourism development in a particular mountain area. The Southern Altai mountain system, being a part of the East Kazakhstan administrative district, is known worldwide for its unique natural as well as cultural heritage found across all the geographic and geomorphic zones of the territory. Its unquestionable touristic-recreational attractiveness reflects the unique natural – both geomorphic and biodiversity – characteristics, including orographic, hydrological, climatic, mineral and soil cover features, and endemic plants and wildlife, respectively, completed by many prehistoric archaeological monuments. In spite of the major biotic and geosites potential the introduction of a vital and sustainable tourism to the area is impeded by the insufficient, mostly unpaved road network, insufficient local accommodation facilities as well as the special boarder-zone entry regulations. © 2018 Editura Universitatii din Oradea. All Rights Reserved


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    The article is concerned with the study of landscape and recreational capacity of North Kazakhstan Region (NKR). The paper presents the results of landscapes studies of North Kazakhstan Region with regard to their suitability and degree of recreation favorability. Here were studied recreational conditions and resources of the regional landscapes, as well as features of their territorial distribution and possibility of use for the recreational purposes. Recreational assessment of the region's landscapes was carried out on the basis of the developed system of criteria and their properties. The calculations were carried out taking into account the significance (weight) of each selected criterion and indicator using the method of scoring. The assessment was carried out within the boundaries of landscape areas. The obtained results made it possible to perform zoning of the territory of the region in terms of recreational capacity level, degree of favorability and possibility of organizing recreational activities of the population


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    To assess the potential of the allocated Important Bird Areas (IBA) of the North Kazakhstan region for the development of ecological tourism in the region. The work uses the materials of field research of domestic and international ornithological expeditions, cartographic method, statistical and mathematical processing of the data obtained. The territory of the North Kazakhstan region is of interest for the development of ornithological tourism. This is facilitated by the natural resource potential of the allocated promising IBA. The borders of these territories coincide with lake ecosystems located in the foreststeppe and steppe zones of the region. The selected ornithological areas are confined to lake ecosystems that are on the way of migrations and nesting of birds. IBA are characterized by floristic and faunal diversity, insignificant human development. The habitation of rare and endangered species has been noted. The presence of roads ensures accessibility to the studied territories of tourists and wildlife lovers from Kazakhstan, near and far abroad. The allocated territories may be used not only for ornithological, but also for recreational and educational tourism, as well as amateur fishing. The results of the resource potential assessment confirm the prospects for the development of ornithological tourism in the territory of the North Kazakhstan region in the implementation of environmental measures aimed at preserving the uniqueness of ecosystems. The selected IBA have significant natural resource potential and uniqueness. Key territories associated with lake ecosystems can serve for the development of ornithological and recreational tourism. The comprehensive assessment made it possible to identify the weighting coefficient of the studied properties of the territories. This confirms the fact about the prospects of their use as unique natural objects for scientific research, amateur fishing, various types of tourism on the territory of the North Kazakhstan regio

    Romanian university sports-cultural landscape defined by the sportive space determined by national competitions (in 2015) in team sports

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    The spatial analysis of sports competitions can be accomplished according to sports branch, specific infrastructure elements and the teams trained in competitions. By limits, geographic position, structure and dynamics, such an area is defining in outlining a type of university cultural-sportive landscape. In the case of this study, through specific analysis methods, tried in the specialty literature, our purpose is to analyze the spatial impact of team sports through the static component – infrastructure and the dynamic one – sports clubs (teams). The analysis may target especially the age group, gender group, the environment, amateur or professional level, etc. At the level of the Romanian political space, the present study will reflect from territorial point of view the relationship between the dynamic and static components at the level of the year 2015, on 7 branches with team sports, amateurs, professionals, which represent the university environment. The purpose is to outline the role of university sports in the unit of the Romanian sports through quantifiable elements, useful in the spatial planning and organization strategies