9 research outputs found

    Social Media Use For Corporate Disclosure Among Public Relations Practitioners In Malaysian Companies: Its Effect On Perceived Organizational Performance

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    Evidences from past research suggest that social media use in organizations has positive effects on perceived organizational performance. The present study aims to empirically test the relationship in Malaysian context. In doing so, this present study introduces corporate disclosure, drawn from Impression Management Theory (IMT), as the mediator in the relationship between technological, organizational, and environmental factors and perceived organizational performance. In addition, the role of technological, organizational, and environmental factors, deduced from Tornazky & Fleisher’s Technological-Organizational-Environmental Framework (TOEF), were tested as antecedents of social media use for corporate disclosure in the present study. Social media use for public relations functions is tested as a moderator in the relationship between corporate disclosure and perceived organizational performance. Using two theoretical lenses and a body of past research, the study develops a model framework depicting relationships among these variables. This study employed a cross-sectional research to collect data from 120 public relations practitioners in various types of companies in Malaysia. The model was tested using PLS-SEM. Out of eight hypotheses were tested in this study, six were supported

    Understanding the Link Between Inter-Group Relations and Psychological Issues

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    Understanding the relationship between inter-group relations, stress and copying strategies will continue to be an integral part of modern society. However, many still tend to misunderstood about the impact of intergroup relations towards stress. Apart from that, many still lacking in understating how to deal with stress caused by inter-group relations. For this reason, explaining the significant of inter-group relations in people’s stress and the way the people should deal with stress caused by inter-group relations is immensely valuable. This paper presents a discussion on the relationship between inter-group relations, stress and the way the people should deal with stress caused by inter-group relations. It is hoped that the paper provides room for improved knowledge and understanding on the relationship between inter-group relations and stress, and the way they should be dealt with stress caused by inter-group relations

    Technology-enabled learning (TEL) policy of Universiti Malaysia Sabah: a learner’s perspective

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    Technology-Enabled Learning (TEL) Policy UMS aims to provide a framework to consolidate Technology-Enabled Learning at the university and to envisage improvement in the quality of Teaching and Learning (T&L) via the use of technology where the sharing of educational resources was conceptualized by the Centre for E-Learning, Centre for Teaching Excellence and Academic Quality (PKPKA), and Department of Information Technology & Communication (JTMK). It is an output of a workshop which was conducted on 19 & 20 March 2018 in the Auditorium Centre of Post Graduate Studies attended by the management and e-Learning Coordinators of JFPIU and subsequently approved by the University Senate/LPU. The objective of this research is to systematically examine the word ‘learning’ contextualised from the learner’s point of view in (1) the vision of TEL policy in UMS and (2) policy statements concerning technology and infrastructure; teaching, learning and assessment; professional development; and governance. The method employed in this research was a six steps content analysis by Ball and Smith (1992) in Abercrombie & Longhurst (2007). The result of this research produced 10 themes of the word ‘learning’ in TEL Policy. As a conclusion, this research has achieved its objective as postulated

    Responsible Garbage Disposal Attitudes and Readiness for Usage of Biodegradable Plastic Bags

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    Concerns on irresponsible waste disposal have been on the agenda of many world governments, including Malaysia. The buildup of wastes in Malaysia has resulted in significant environmental problems and health issues. One alternative to rectify the problem is by using biodegradable plastic bags. Therefore, this paper aims at showcasing the public’s mindset on responsible garbage disposal and the readiness to use biodegradable plastics. The study employed a qualitative approach; hence, these are initial findings derived from the analyses of 118 respondents with a 77.1% returned rate. The implications of the findings will be discussed in the paper. Keywords: Responsible waste disposal; biodegradable plastic usage; green economy; environmental democracy eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7i19.321

    “Because of we are immigrants”: A focus group discussion on barriers related to maternal healthcare access among immigrant women in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

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    Compromised access to maternal health facilities among immigrants contribute to the increased prevalence of maternal mortality and morbidity. By understanding barriers to healthcare access among this group can create culturally appropriate interventions for improved health outcomes to the mother and newborn baby. Despite this, the research on these areas is very limited. Focus group discussions can be used to identify key barriers among this group. This study addresses this gap by exploring the key factors on barriers related to maternal healthcare access among immigrant women in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah in order to inform future recommendations. A qualitative study was conducted in September 2021 in selected areas in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Focus group discussion was carried out for collecting data. Interviews were audio recorded, transcribed, and analysed according to the themes that emerged. A total of 10 immigrant women in the reproductive age group were included in this focus group discussion. This study found that respondents in this study often felt that pregnancy related problems were important to address. Three major themes emerged from the qualitative analysis. Important themes include 1) no legal documents, 2) economic and financial factors and 3) cultural beliefs. In addition, this study found that the population was more likely to access private care than public facilities. This study has identified immigrant women as a vulnerable population subgroup in terms of maternal health utilization. This study suggests that simple, culturally appropriate health programs should be provided to women and communities to generate awareness about maternal health

    Environmental challenges and traditional food practices: The indigenous lundayeh of long pasia, sabah, borneo

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    In this paper we focus on the Lundayeh indigenous minority in Long Pasia, Sabah by examining how their traditional food practices help them navigate environmental challenges. Deforestation and logging threaten the very core of the Lundayeh identity because the community’s livelihood as subsistence farmers depends on hunting as well as gathering forest resources. This paper argues that, despite the continuous challenges, Lundayeh food practices, albeit exercised in modified forms, provide an avenue to revisit past traditions in order for the community’s indigeneity and sovereignty to survive and be safeguarded. The findings of this research project suggest that through hunting techniques, foraging, paddy cultivation, agricultural cooperative work, as well as religiously sensitive food adaptation practices, the Lundayeh’s relationship with the land endures, which in turn, secures the community’s indigenous identity

    Kesan pandemik covid19 terhadap kesejahteraan sosial dan lonjatan teknologi di Foh Sang, Kota Kinabalu

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    Wabak Covid-19 telah mewujudkan situasi yang penuh dengan cabaran, ketidakstabilan dan perubahan konsep asal sosioekonomi. Makalah ini membincangkan perubahan budaya dan perniagaan makanan yang terkesan daripada pandemik sedemikian rupa dengan menyelurusi kesejahteraan sosial dan lonjatan teknologi di sekitar Foh Sang ketika pada masa yang sama mereka cuba mematuhi amalan norma baharu yang ditetapkan oleh kerajaan

    Signifikasi hubungan etnik rentas agama dan budaya dalam kalangan pelajar ke arah mencapai matlamat pembangunan mampan (SDGs)

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    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) atau Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan dilancarkan dalam Perhimpunan Agung PBB pada tahun 2015. Tujuannya adalah untuk mencapai pembangunan mampan bersifat holistik menjelang tahun 2030 ke arah kesejahteraan masyarakat global. Prinsip SDGs adalah ‘Leave No One Behind’ dengan 17 matlamat utama. SDGs penting untuk dilaksanakan kerana ia berpaksikan hak-hak asasi manusia yang menjurus kepada pembangunan sosial, ekonomi dan persekitaran. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan kaitan secara umum di antara dua matlamat SDGs iaitu matlamat pendidikan (matlamat ke-4) dan matlamat keamanan (matlamat ke-16) dengan aspek hubungan etnik rentas agama dan budaya dalam kalangan pelajar. Penelitian adalah secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan beberapa penulisan dan kajian berkaitan. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk meninjau pengalaman interaksi pelajar di sekolah dalam aspek hubungan etnik rentas agama dan budaya menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif. Data dianalisis dengan teknik SPSS terhadap soal selidik yang dijawab oleh 207 orang peserta kajian bagi membolehkan pengkaji memahami dengan lebih mendalam terhadap isu yang dikaji. Dengan adanya kajian ini, satu penelitian awal terhadap signifikasi hubungan etnik rentas agama dan budaya dalam kalangan pelajar di sekolah dapat dihasilkan menerusi usaha mengetengahkan kepentingan kesepaduan antara aspek pendidikan dan keharmonian hubungan etnik rentas agama dan budaya pada peringkat persekolahan ke arah mencapai matlamat SDGs