328 research outputs found

    Interaction of the 3\u27 end of tRNA with the ribosome: Methods and modifications of the 3\u27 end

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    Fingerprinting analiza lančanom reakcijom polimerazom nasumce umnožene polimorfne DNA izolata protozoona Babesia bigemina izdvojenih u Indiji.

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    This short communication describes the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting of B. bigemina from two geographically distant locations of the Indian subcontinent viz, Wayanad (Kerala state, Southern India) and Izatnagar (Uttar Pradesh State, Northern India). A total of four isolates, two each from Wayanad (Kerala, South India) and Izatnagar (North India) were used in the present study. RAPD-PCRs were carried out using four random oligonucleotide primers. Depending on the parasite isolate-primer combination, between one and five fragments in the range of 257 bp and 1948 bp were amplified. DNA fragments which can differentiate the two isolates were identified.Ovo kratko priopćenje prikazuje rezultate fingerprinting analize nasumično umnožene polimorfne DNA izolata protozoona Babesia bigemina izdvojenih u različitim indijskim državama: Wayanad (Kerala i Južna Indija) i Izatnagar (Država Uttar Pradesh, Sjeverna Indija). Ukupno su istražena četiri izolata (dva iz države Kerala i dva iz države Uttar Pradesh). Umnažanje odsječaka DNA provedeno je uporabom četiriju oligonukleotidnih početnica. Ovisno o kombinaciji početnica umnožen je od jednog do pet odsječaka u rasponu od 257 i 1948 parova baza. Identificirani su odsječci pomoću kojih se mogu razlikovati dva izolata

    Towards quantum optics experiments with trapped atoms in a hollow-core fibre

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    A proposal for performing quantum memory schemes with a light matter interface in Hollow Core Fibres is introduced. Various technical aspects of implementing such a scheme in the proposed interface are outlined and the different elements required to realize this scheme are discussed, primarily the detection of atomic levels and the extension of the scheme to magnetically trappable levels. A new method to dispersively measure populations and population difference of alkali atoms prepared in their two clock states is introduced, for future use in the Hollow Core Fibre interface. The method essentially detects the atom numbers based on the influence of the linear birefringence in the ensemble on the detection light beams via polarization homodyning. Sideband detection is performed after dressing the atoms with a radio-frequency field to circumvent low-frequency technical noises. The noise performance of this scheme is discussed along with design modifications aimed at reaching the atomic shot noise limit. Another technical aspect of realizing the quantum memory scheme in the proposed light-matter interface is the extension of the scheme to the trappable states of the atomic system as the atoms will be trapped in an atom chip magnetic field. We achieve this extension by showing the microwave spectroscopy of the ground state ensemble of radio-frequency dressed atoms which proves the existence of pseudo one-photon transitions between the trappable clock states. Finally, the preliminary designs and results of integrating an HCF in an atom chip experiment are discussed

    Dispersive detection of radio-frequency-dressed states

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    We introduce amethod to dispersively detect alkali-metal atoms in radio-frequency-dressed states. In particular, we use dressed detection tomeasure populations and population differences of atoms prepared in their clock states. Linear birefringence of the atomic medium enables atom number detection via polarization homodyning, a form of common path interferometry. In order to achieve low technical noise levels, we perform optical sideband detection after adiabatic transformation of bare states into dressed states. The balanced homodyne signal then oscillates independently of field fluctuations at twice the dressing frequency, thus allowing for robust, phase-locked detection that circumvents low-frequency noise. Using probe pulses of two optical frequencies, we can detect both clock states simultaneously and obtain population difference as well as the total atom number. The scheme also allows for difference measurements by direct subtraction of the homodyne signals at the balanced detector, which should technically enable quantum noise limited measurements with prospects for the preparation of spin squeezed states. The method extends to other Zeeman sublevels and can be employed in a range of atomic clock schemes, atom interferometers, and other experiments using dressed atoms

    Hafele and Keating on a chip: Sagnac interferometry with a single clock

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    We describe our progress in the development of an atom based rotation sensor, which employs state-dependent trapping potentials to transport ultracold atoms along a closed path and perform Sagnac interferometry. Whilst guided atom interferometers are sought after to build miniaturized devices that overcome size restrictions fromfree-falling atoms, fully trapped interferometers also remove free-propagation along an atomic waveguide. This provides additional control of motion, e.g. removing wave-packet dispersion and enabling operation that remains independent of external acceleration. Our experimental scheme relies on radio-frequency and microwave-fields,which are partly generated via atom-chip technology, providing a step towards implementing a small, robust, and eventually portable atomic-gyroscope


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    Concrete is a serious and long-established in system energy. The manufacture of sturdy loss is intensifying prosaic and causes far-reaching concerns to the ecosystem. In this survey, the recycled bandings are used in the solid by limited restoration of nasty accumulated in solid. The main goal of this inspects sniff out search the properties of petrified like usefulness, compressive again toughness in the enhancement of synthetic debris in cracked. And also melting characteristics of the crack are also calculated. By the study, it finds that the use of elastic genuine debris in solid bear the forming of airy load caked. The properties equally compressive farther toughness waste with the extension of ersatz in petrified. In identically the melting heat of solidified waste, when it is mix with solidified

    Trypanosoma evansi u deva, magaraca i pasa u Indiji: usporedba rezultata pretrage lančanom reakcijom polimerazom i svjetlosnim mikroskopom

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    The objective of the present study was to compare two methods: PCR and blood smear examination for sensitive and specific detection of Trypanosoma evansi in camels, donkeys and dogs. Out of 131 blood samples tested, (61 camels, 44 donkeys and 26 dogs), 26 samples (21 camels, 3 donkeys and 2 dogs) were detected positive by PCR. Blood smear examination revealed the T. evansi organisms in only two camels.Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je usporediti osjetljivost i specifičnost lančane reakcije polimerazom i pretrage krvnih razmazaka svjetlosnim mikroskopom za dokazivanje vrste Trypanosoma evansi u deva, magaraca i pasa. Od 131 pretraženoga krvnoga uzorka (61 od deva, 44 od magaraca i 26 od pasa), 26 uzoraka (21 od deva, tri od magaraca i dva od pasa) bilo je pozivno na osnovi pretrage lančanom reakcijom polimerazom. Pretragom krvnih razmazaka svjetlosnim mikroskopom T. evansi dokazana je samo u dvije deve

    Towards rotation sensing with a single atomic clock

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    We discuss a scheme to implement a gyroscopic atom sensor with magnetically trapped ultra-cold atoms. Unlike standard light or matter wave Sagnac interferometers no free wave propagation is used. Interferometer operation is controlled only with static, radio-frequency and microwave magnetic fields, which removes the need for interferometric stability of optical laser beams. Due to the confinement of atoms, the scheme may allow the construction of small scale portable sensors. We discuss the main elements of the scheme and report on recent results and efforts towards its experimental realization