21 research outputs found


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    As reported in Figure 3 - the effect of pre-existing (in vivo) alveolar carbon exposure with subsequent (in vitro) wood smoke particulate exposur


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    As reported in Figure 4 - the effect of in vitro exposure of alveolar macrophages to BSO 0.2mM as measured by total and oxidised glutathione concentrations in the cell lysat

    Sensitivities and specificities (in percentages) with 95% confidence intervals for MEWS, HOTEL and TOTAL at select cut-points (n = 302).

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    <p>Sensitivities and specificities (in percentages) with 95% confidence intervals for MEWS, HOTEL and TOTAL at select cut-points (n = 302).</p

    Adjusted odds ratios for demographic and physiological variables used in the TOTAL score; n = 302.

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    *<p>The score for each component of TOTAL was obtained by rounding each regression coefficient to the nearest integer value. The TOTAL score ranges from 0 to 6.</p

    Calculation of the Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS).

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    <p>Each component of MEWS has an associated score ranging from 0 to 3, based on the degree of derangement of the parameter. The total score is the sum of each component: the maximum possible score is 14.</p

    Patient characteristics on admission by outcome group; n = 302.

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    <p>SD, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range.</p><p>t-tests were used to test differences between the alive and dead groups unless otherwise indicated;</p>*<p>Chi-squared test;</p>#<p>Mann-Whitney U test.</p

    Particulate burden is measured by the percentage of macrophage cytoplasm taken up with particulate matter as calculated by digital image analysis of light microscopy images.

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    <p>ImageSXM software analyses cytospin images treated with Fields B stain (A), and identifies both cytoplasmic (B) and particulate areas (C). The proportion of particulate to cytoplasm in the output image (D) is used as a measure of recent particulate exposure. Fifty 40x fields are used, and the overall mean particulate burden used as the summary statistic. Panels B and C are generated internally within the software, and are shown here for illustrative purposes only.</p

    Cytokine responses to wood smoke particulates and LPS: the effect of intracellular redox balance.

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    <p><i>Ex-vivo</i> adherent alveolar macrophages were pre-incubated with media alone (control), 0.2mM BSO (glutathione depletion), or BSO plus 2mM NAC (antioxidant depletion-repletion) for 18 hours, followed by stimulation with either media alone (control), wood smoke (left panels, WS) or lipopolysaccharide (right panels, LPS). After WS stimulus, low level changes were seen in CXCL8 and CCL2 release, while other cytokines were no significantly different. Maximal responses were seen with LPS, with no consistent effect of redox manipulation. Boxes show mean cytokine concentration in cell culture supernatants with 25<sup>th</sup> to 75<sup>th</sup> centile, and whiskers at 95% CI. n = 8 for each group. p values represent repeated measures ANOVA on log-transformed data. * denotes difference from control. † denotes difference from stimulated condition without pre-treatment. Significance testing by Sidak’s multiple comparisons test (p<0.05 significance level). Horizontal broken line represents limit of detection for each cytokine.</p