95 research outputs found

    Venus steep-sided domes: Relationships between geological associations and possible petrogenetic models

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    Venus domes are characterized by steep sides, a circular shape, and a relatively flat summit area. In addition, they are orders of magnitude larger in volume and have a lower height/diameter ratio than terrestrial silicic lava domes. The morphology of the domes is consistent with formation by lava with a high apparent viscosity. Twenty percent of the domes are located in or near tessera (highly deformed highlands), while most other (62 percent) are located in and near coronae (circular deformational features thought to represent local mantle upwelling). These geological associations provide evidence for mechanisms of petrogenesis and several of these models are found to be plausible: remelting of basaltic or evolved crust, differentiation of basaltic melts, and volatile enhancement and eruption of basaltic foams. Hess and Head have shown that the full range of magma compositions existing on the Earth is plausible under various environmental conditions on Venus. Most of the Venera and Vego lander compostional data are consistent with tholeiitic basalt; however, evidence for evolved magmas was provided by Venera 8 data consistent with a quartz monzonite composition. Pieters et al. have examined the color of the Venus surface from Venera lander images and interpret the surface there to be oxidized. Preliminary modeling of dome growth has provided some interpretations of lava rheology. Viscosity values obtained from these models range from 10(exp 14) - 10(exp 17) pa*s, and the yield strength has been calculated to be between 10(exp 4) and 10(exp 6) Pa, consistent with terrestrial silicic rocks. The apparent high viscosity of the dome lavas suggests that the domes have a silicic composition or must augment their viscosity with increased visicularity or crystal content. Sixty-two percent of the Venus domes are associated with coronae, circular features that have been proposed as sites of mantle upwelling, and 20 percent of the domes are located near tessera, relatively high areas of complex deformed terrain. We have investigated several models that are consistent with these geologic associations. The first case involves the differentiation of basalt in a magma reservoir in the crust, perhaps produced by partial melting within a mantle plume. The second case is melting at the base of thickened basaltic crust, and the final case is volatile exsolution and enhancement within a basaltic magma reservoir. The association of domes with tessera might be explained by crustal remelting, while the association with coronae may be consistent with chemical differentiation of a magma reservoir or the exsolution and concentration of volatiles in the reservoir before eruption

    Sequential deformation of plains along Tessera boundaries on Venus: Evidence from Alpha Regio

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    Tesserae are regions of elevated terrain characterized by two or more sets of ridges and grooves that intersect orthogonally. Tesserae comprise 15-20 percent of the surface of Venus, but the nature of their formation and evolution is not well understood; processes proposed to account for their characteristics are many and varied. Two types of tessera boundaries have been described: type 1 are generally embayed by plains; and type 2 boundaries are characterized by being linear at the 100-km scale and often associated with steep scarps or tectonic features. Margins such as the western edge of Alpha have been described as type 2. Some of the tessera have boundaries that display deformation of both the edge of the tessera and the adjoining plains. This study focuses on the western edge of Alpha Regio in an effort to characterize on occurrence of this type of boundary and assess the implications of the style in general. Using Magellan SAR imagery, lineament lengths, orientations, and spacing were measured for ten 50 x 60 km areas spanning 500 km of the western boundary. Structural characteristics and orientations were compared to stratigraphic units in order to assess the sequence and style of deformation

    Thermal buoyancy on Venus: Preliminary results of finite element modeling

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    Enhanced surface temperatures and a thinner lithosphere on Venus relative to Earth have been cited as leading to increased lithospheric buoyancy. This would limit or prevent subduction on Venus and favor the construction of thickened crust through underthrusting. In order to evaluate the conditions distinguishing between underthrusting and subduction, we have modeled the thermal and buoyancy consequences of the subduction end member. This study considers the fate of a slab from the time it starts to subduct, but bypasses the question of subduction initiation. Thermal changes in slabs subducting into a mantle having a range of initial geotherms are used to predict density changes and thus their overall buoyancy. Finite element modeling is then applied in a first approximation of the assessment of the relative rates of subduction as compared to the buoyant rise of the slab through a viscous mantle

    Determining stress states using dike swarms: The Lauma Dorsa example

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    Initial examination of the Magellan coverage of Venus has revealed between 150 and 300 large, radially lineated landforms distributed across the planet's surface. Where the lineaments have been examined in detail, the majority fail to exhibit signatures indicative of relief at or above the resolution of the radar; however, when the sense of topographic relief may be ascertained, the lineaments commonly appear as fissures or flat-floored trenches interpreted as graben. Individual lineaments can display graben, fissure, and zero relief behavior along their length, suggesting either that these differences are a function of the resolution of the radar, or that the morphological distinctions are real but somehow genetically linked. In many instances, radial lineaments exhibiting these characteristics are directly associated with surface volcanism, including flanking and terminal flows, superimposed shield domes and pit chains, and central, calderalike topographic lows. These observable characteristics, as well as theoretical studies and comparison with similar terrestrial features, have led to the working hypothesis that many of the radial fracture systems on Venus are the surface manifestation of subsurface dikes propagating laterally from a central magma source. If this interpretation is correct, studies of terrestrial dikes suggest that the lineament directions, with localized exceptions and barring subsequent deformation, should be perpendicular to the orientation of the least compressive stress at the time of their formation. To test this hypothesis, we briefly examine a radial fracture system (63.7 degrees N, 195 degrees E) located between two deformation belts in Vinmara Planitia, and verify that the lineaments to the east behave in the expected manner. We have also chosen this feature, however, because of its proximity to Lauma Dorsa to the west. On the basis of Venera 15/16 data, both compressional and extensional origins for this deformation belt have been proposed. By examining the stratigraphy and applying our interpretation that the fracture system is linked to the presence of subsurface dikes, we present an independent evaluation of the stress state associated with Lauma Dorsa, and thus contribute to the assessment of its origin

    Atla Regio, Venus: Geology and origin of a major equatorial volcanic rise

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    Regional volcanic rises form a major part of the highlands in the equatorial region of Venus. These broad domical uplands, 1000 to 3000 km across, contain centers of volcanism forming large edifices and are associated with extension and rifting. Two classes of rises are observed: (1) those that are dominated by tectonism, acting as major centers for converging rifts such as Beta Regio and Alta Regio, and are termed tectonic junctions; and (2) those forming uplands characterized primarily by large-scale volcanism forming edifices. Western Eistla Regio and Bell Regio, where zones of extension and rifting are less developed. Within this second class of features the edifices are typically found at the end of a single rift, or are associated with a linear belt of deformation. We examine the geologic characteristics of the tectonic junction at Alta Regio, concentrating on documenting the styles of volcanism and assessing mechanisms for the formation of regional topography

    The origins of radial fracture systems and associated large lava flows on Venus

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    Magellan images have revealed the existence of systems of radial fractures on venus that are very similar in form to terrestrial dike swarms such as the Mackenzie swarm in Northern Canada. The association of many of the fracture systems with lava flows, calderas, and volcanic edifices further support the idea of a dike emplacement origin. A global survey of the Magellan images has allowed the location of 300 such fracture systems. Two types of fracture systems are defined. A series of models were developed to simulate the emplacement of dikes on Venus. Observations of fracture lengths and widths were then used to constrain the emplacement conditions. The model results show that the great length and relatively large width of the fractures can only be explained if the dikes that produce them were emplaced in high driving pressure (pressure buffered) conditions. Such conditions imply high rates of melt production, which is consistent with the melt being derived directly from a plume head. We have recently modeled the vertical emplacement of a dike from the top of a mantle plume and calculated the eruption rates such a dike would produce on reaching the surface. This modeling shows that eruption rates of approximately 0.1 cu km/hr can readily be generated by such a dike, consistent with the above results. However, the sensitivity of the model to dike width and therefore driving pressure means that eruption rates from dikes emplaced from the base of the crust or the head of a mantle plume could be orders of magnitude higher than this. Clearly, therefore, the model needs to be refined in order to better constrain eruption conditions. However, it is worth noting here that the initial results do show that even for moderate dike widths, eruption rates could be at least on the order of those estimated for terrestrial flood basalts

    Chemical differentiation on one-plate planets: Predictions and geologic observations for Venus

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    Recent studies have examined the partial melting of planetary interiors on one-plate planets and the implications for the formation and evolution of basaltic crust and the complementary residual mantle layer. In contrast to the Earth, where the crust and residual layer move laterally and are returned to the interior following subduction, one-plate planets such as Venus are characterized by vertical accretion of the crust and residual layer. The residual mantle layer is depleted and compositionally buoyant, being less dense than undepleted mantle due to its reduced Fe/Mg and dense Al-bearing minerals; its melting temperature is also increased. As the crust and depleted mantle layer grow vertically during the thermal evolution of the planet, several stages develop. As a step in the investigation and testing of these theoretical treatments of crustal development on Venus, we investigate the predictions deriving from two of these stages (a stable thick crust and depleted layer, and a thick unstable depleted layer) and compare these to geologic and geophysical observations, speculating on how these might be interpreted in the context of the vertical crustal accretion models. In each case, we conclude with an outline of further tests and observations of these models

    Extensive lava flow fields on Venus: Preliminary investigation of source elevation and regional slope variations

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    Large-volume lava flow fields have been identified on Venus, the most areally extensive of which are known as fluctus and have been subdivided into six morphologic types. Sheetlike flow fields (Type 1) lack the numerous, closely spaced, discrete lava flow lobes that characterize digitate flow fields. Transitional flow fields (Type 2) are similar to sheetlike flow fields but contain one or more broad flow lobes. Digitate flow fields are divided further into divergent (Types 3-5) and subparallel (Type 6) classes on the basis of variations in the amount of downstream flow divergence. As a result of our previous analysis of the detailed morphology, stratigraphy, and tectonic associations of Mylitta Fluctus, we have formulated a number of questions to apply to all large flow fields on Venus. In particular, we would like to address the following: (1) eruption conditions and style of flow emplacement (effusion rate, eruption duration), (2) the nature of magma storage zones (presence of neutral buoyancy zones, deep or shallow crustal magma chambers), (3) the origin of melt and possible link to mantle plumes, and (4) the importance of large flow fields in plains evolution. To answer these questions we have begun to examine variations in flow field dimension and morphology; the distribution of large flow fields in terms of elevation above the mean planetary radius; links to regional tectonic or volcanic structures (e.g., associations with large shield edifices, coronae, or rift zones); statigraphic relationships between large flow fields, volcanic plains, shields, and coronae; and various models of flow emplacement in order to estimate eruption parameters. In this particular study, we have examined the proximal elevations and topographic slopes of 16 of the most distinctive flow fields that represent each of the 6 morphologic types

    Geological Mapping of the Lada Terra (V-56) Quadrangle, Venus

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    Geological mapping of the V-56 quadrangle (Fig. 1) reveals various tectonic and volcanic features and processes in Lada Terra that consist of tesserae, regional extensional belts, coronae, volcanic plains and impact craters. This study aims to map the spatial distribution of different material units, deformational features or lineament patterns and impact crater materials. In addition, we also establish the relative age relationships (e.g., overlapping or cross-cutting relationship) between them, in order to reconstruct the geologic history. Basically, this quadrangle addresses how coronae evolved in association with regional extensional belts, in addition to evolution of tesserae, regional plains and impact craters, which are also significant geological units of Lada Terra

    Geological Mapping of the Lada Terra (V-56) Quadrangle, Venus: A Progress Report

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    Geological mapping of the V-56 quadrangle (Fig. 1) reveals various tectonic and volcanic features and processes in Lada Terra that consist of tesserae, regional extensional belts, coronae, volcanic plains and impact craters. This study aims to map the spatial distribution of different material units, deformational features or lineament patterns and impact crater materials. In addition, we also establish the relative age relationships (e.g., overlapping or cross-cutting relationships) between them, in order to reconstruct the geologic history. Basically, this quadrangle addresses how coronae evolved in association with regional extensional belts, in addition to evolution of tesserae, regional plains and impact craters, which are also significant geological units of Lada Terra