13 research outputs found

    Topological Effects of Synaptic Time Dependent Plasticity

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    We show that the local Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) rule has the effect of regulating the trans-synaptic weights of loops of any length within a simulated network of neurons. We show that depending on STDP's polarity, functional loops are formed or eliminated in networks driven to normal spiking conditions by random, partially correlated inputs, where functional loops comprise weights that exceed a non-zero threshold. We further prove that STDP is a form of loop-regulating plasticity for the case of a linear network comprising random weights drawn from certain distributions. Thus a notable local synaptic learning rule makes a specific prediction about synapses in the brain in which standard STDP is present: that under normal spiking conditions, they should participate in predominantly feed-forward connections at all scales. Our model implies that any deviations from this prediction would require a substantial modification to the hypothesized role for standard STDP. Given its widespread occurrence in the brain, we predict that STDP could also regulate long range synaptic loops among individual neurons across all brain scales, up to, and including, the scale of global brain network topology.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Robustness of connectome harmonics to local gray matter and long-range white matter connectivity changes

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    The folder contains connectome harmonics for template surface meshes cvs_avg35_inMNI152, fsaverage45 and fsaverage5 from Freesurfer, using the Gibbs connectome tractography streamlines. The connectome harmonics framework is integrated to the SCRIPTS pipeline, and the files present here use default parameters from Table 1 in Naze et al. 2020. Each .mat file include: - graph Laplacian (L) - connectome harmonics (H) - connectome harmonics projected in the Desikan-Killiany atlas (H_DSK) - local connectivity adjacency matrix (A_local) - long-range connectivity adjacency matrix (A_ctx) - vertices and faces of the cortical surface mesh (white matter - gray matter boundary) - degree matrix (of combined adjacency matrices) - eigenvalues of the eigendecomposition - r, the ratio of local connections over all connections (local_vs_global_ratio) - average (mu_cc) and standard deviation (sigma_cc) of the long-range connectome - z_C, the weight threshold applied to the high resolution conectome to obtain its adjacency matrix (ta_zsc) Reference: Naze S., Proix T., Atasoy S. & Kozloski J.R. (2020) Robustness of connectome harmonics to local gray matter and long-range white matter connectivity changes. Neuroimage

    AI-aided multiscale modeling of physiologically-significant blood clots

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    We have developed an AI-aided multiple time stepping (AI-MTS) algorithm and multiscale modeling framework (AI-MSM) and implemented them on the Summit-like supercomputer, AIMOS. AI-MSM is the first of its kind to integrate multi-physics, including intra-platelet, inter-platelet, and fluid-platelet interactions, into one system. It has simulated a record-setting multiscale blood clotting model of 102 million particles, of which 70 flowing and 180 aggregating platelets, under dissipative particle dynamics to coarse-grained molecular dynamics. By adaptively adjusting timestep sizes to match the characteristic time scales of the underlying dynamics, AI-MTS optimally balances speeds and accuracies of the simulations

    Striatal network modeling in Huntington's Disease.

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    Medium spiny neurons (MSNs) comprise over 90% of cells in the striatum. In vivo MSNs display coherent burst firing cell assembly activity patterns, even though isolated MSNs do not burst fire intrinsically. This activity is important for the learning and execution of action sequences and is characteristically dysregulated in Huntington's Disease (HD). However, how dysregulation is caused by the various neural pathologies affecting MSNs in HD is unknown. Previous modeling work using simple cell models has shown that cell assembly activity patterns can emerge as a result of MSN inhibitory network interactions. Here, by directly estimating MSN network model parameters from single unit spiking data, we show that a network composed of much more physiologically detailed MSNs provides an excellent quantitative fit to wild type (WT) mouse spiking data, but only when network parameters are appropriate for the striatum. We find the WT MSN network is situated in a regime close to a transition from stable to strongly fluctuating network dynamics. This regime facilitates the generation of low-dimensional slowly varying coherent activity patterns and confers high sensitivity to variations in cortical driving. By re-estimating the model on HD spiking data we discover network parameter modifications are consistent across three very different types of HD mutant mouse models (YAC128, Q175, R6/2). In striking agreement with the known pathophysiology we find feedforward excitatory drive is reduced in HD compared to WT mice, while recurrent inhibition also shows phenotype dependency. We show that these modifications shift the HD MSN network to a sub-optimal regime where higher dimensional incoherent rapidly fluctuating activity predominates. Our results provide insight into a diverse range of experimental findings in HD, including cognitive and motor symptoms, and may suggest new avenues for treatment

    Transient, Consequential Increases in Extracellular Potassium Ions Accompany Channelrhodopsin2 Excitation

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    Summary: Channelrhodopsin2 (ChR2) optogenetic excitation is widely used to study neurons, astrocytes, and circuits. Using complementary approaches in situ and in vivo, we found that ChR2 stimulation leads to significant transient elevation of extracellular potassium ions by ∼5 mM. Such elevations were detected in ChR2-expressing mice, following local in vivo expression of ChR2(H134R) with adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), in different brain areas and when ChR2 was expressed in neurons or astrocytes. In particular, ChR2-mediated excitation of striatal astrocytes was sufficient to increase medium spiny neuron (MSN) excitability and immediate early gene expression. The effects on MSN excitability were recapitulated in silico with a computational MSN model and detected in vivo as increased action potential firing in awake, behaving mice. We show that transient, physiologically consequential increases in extracellular potassium ions accompany ChR2 optogenetic excitation. This coincidental effect may be important to consider during astrocyte studies employing ChR2 to interrogate neural circuits and animal behavior. : Using multiple approaches, Octeau et al. discover that optogenetic excitation of ChR2-expressing cells leads to significant transient extracellular potassium ion elevations that increase neuronal excitability and immediate early gene expression in neurons following in vivo stimulation. Keywords: potassium, astrocyte, striatum, neuron, circuit, optogenetics, channelrhodopsi