89 research outputs found

    The world problem: on the computability of the topology of 4-manifolds

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    Topological classification of the 4-manifolds bridges computation theory and physics. A proof of the undecidability of the homeomorphy problem for 4-manifolds is outlined here in a clarifying way. It is shown that an arbitrary Turing machine with an arbitrary input can be encoded into the topology of a 4-manifold, such that the 4-manifold is homeomorphic to a certain other 4-manifold if and only if the corresponding Turing machine halts on the associated input. Physical implications are briefly discussed.Comment: Submitted to Class. Quant. Gra

    Excising das All: Evolving Maxwell waves beyond scri

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    We study the numerical propagation of waves through future null infinity in a conformally compactified spacetime. We introduce an artificial cosmological constant, which allows us some control over the causal structure near null infinity. We exploit this freedom to ensure that all light cones are tilted outward in a region near null infinity, which allows us to impose excision-style boundary conditions in our finite difference code. In this preliminary study we consider electromagnetic waves propagating in a static, conformally compactified spacetime.Comment: 13 pages; incorporated material from gr-qc/051216

    Controlling Reflections from Mesh Refinement Interfaces in Numerical Relativity

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    A leading approach to improving the accuracy on numerical relativity simulations of black hole systems is through fixed or adaptive mesh refinement techniques. We describe a generic numerical error which manifests as slowly converging, artificial reflections from refinement boundaries in a broad class of mesh-refinement implementations, potentially limiting the effectiveness of mesh- refinement techniques for some numerical relativity applications. We elucidate this numerical effect by presenting a model problem which exhibits the phenomenon, but which is simple enough that its numerical error can be understood analytically. Our analysis shows that the effect is caused by variations in finite differencing error generated across low and high resolution regions, and that its slow convergence is caused by the presence of dramatic speed differences among propagation modes typical of 3+1 relativity. Lastly, we resolve the problem, presenting a class of finite-differencing stencil modifications which eliminate this pathology in both our model problem and in numerical relativity examples

    Reducing reflections from mesh refinement interfaces in numerical relativity

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    Full interpretation of data from gravitational wave observations will require accurate numerical simulations of source systems, particularly binary black hole mergers. A leading approach to improving accuracy in numerical relativity simulations of black hole systems is through fixed or adaptive mesh refinement techniques. We describe a manifestation of numerical interface truncation error which appears as slowly converging, artificial reflections from refinement boundaries in a broad class of mesh refinement implementations, potentially compromising the effectiveness of mesh refinement techniques for some numerical relativity applications if left untreated. We elucidate this numerical effect by presenting a model problem which exhibits the phenomenon, but which is simple enough that its numerical error can be understood analytically. Our analysis shows that the effect is caused by variations in finite differencing error generated across low and high resolution regions, and that its slow convergence is caused by the presence of dramatic speed differences among propagation modes typical of 3+1 relativity. Lastly, we resolve the problem, presenting a class of finite differencing stencil modifications, termed mesh-adapted differencing (MAD), which eliminate this pathology in both our model problem and in numerical relativity examples.Comment: 7 page

    Consistency of post-Newtonian waveforms with numerical relativity

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    General relativity predicts the gravitational wave signatures of coalescing binary black holes. Explicit waveform predictions for such systems, required for optimal analysis of observational data, have so far been achieved using the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation. The quality of this treatment is unclear, however, for the important late-inspiral portion. We derive late-inspiral waveforms via a complementary approach, direct numerical simulation of Einstein's equations. We compare waveform phasing from simulations of the last 14\sim 14 cycles of gravitational radiation from equal-mass, nonspinning black holes with the corresponding 2.5PN, 3PN, and 3.5PN orbital phasing. We find phasing agreement consistent with internal error estimates based on either approach, suggesting that PN waveforms for this system are effective until the last orbit prior to final merger.Comment: Replaced with published version -- one figure removed, text and other figures updated for clarity of discussio

    General Relativistic Simulations of Magnetized Plasmas around Merging Supermassive Black Holes

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    Coalescing supermassive black hole binaries are produced by the mergers of galaxies and are the most powerful sources of gravitational waves accessible to space-based gravitational observatories. Some such mergers may occur in the presence of matter and magnetic fields and hence generate an electromagnetic counterpart. In this Letter, we present the first general relativistic simulations of magnetized plasma around merging supermassive black holes using the general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code Whisky. By considering different magnetic field strengths, going from non-magnetically dominated to magnetically dominated regimes, we explore how magnetic fields affect the dynamics of the plasma and the possible emission of electromagnetic signals. In particular we observe a total amplification of the magnetic field of ~2 orders of magnitude which is driven by the accretion onto the binary and that leads to much stronger electromagnetic signals, more than a factor of 10^4 larger than comparable calculations done in the force-free regime where such amplifications are not possible.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes to match version accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Toward faithful templates for non-spinning binary black holes using the effective-one-body approach

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    We present an accurate approximation of the full gravitational radiation waveforms generated in the merger of non-eccentric systems of two non-spinning black holes. Utilizing information from recent numerical relativity simulations and the natural flexibility of the effective-one-body (EOB) model, we extend the latter so that it can successfully match the numerical relativity waveforms during the last stages of inspiral, merger and ringdown. By ``successfully'' here, we mean with phase differences < 8% of a gravitational-wave cycle accumulated by the end of the ringdown phase, maximizing only over time of arrival and initial phase. We obtain this result by simply adding a 4-post-Newtonian order correction in the EOB radial potential and determining the (constant) coefficient by imposing high-matching performances with numerical waveforms of mass ratios m1/m2 = 1, 3/2, 2 and 4, m1 and m2 being the individual black-hole masses. The final black-hole mass and spin predicted by the numerical simulations are used to determine the ringdown frequency and decay time of three quasi-normal-mode damped sinusoids that are attached to the EOB inspiral-(plunge) waveform at the EOB light-ring. The EOB waveforms might be tested and further improved in the future by comparison with extremely long and accurate inspiral numerical-relativity waveforms. They may already be employed for coherent searches and parameter estimation of gravitational waves emitted by non-spinning coalescing binary black holes with ground-based laser-interferometer detectors.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure