44 research outputs found


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    Interpretations of European and American contact with Oceania often highlight the rapid changes that took place in the technologies and practices of its traditional societies. In the Hawaiian Islands, for example, many scholars have assumed that stone adzes were quickly replaced with metal adzes, and that such change was an inevitable consequence of a more efficient western technology. The timing and pace of this particular change is put into a comparative perspective by reviewing published information on the rate at which indigenous Hawaiians selectively modified their clothing and pole-and-thatch hale (buildings) in the context of Euro-American colonialism. The study reveals that although Hawaiian women quickly adopted selected styles of western clothing, indigenous stone adze technology and vernacular architecture persisted about a century after contact in AD 1778. These findings confirm that archaeological studies of colonialism must consider a variety of social and economic factors to document and explain technological change

    Afetna Point, Saipan: Archaeological Investigations of a Latte Period Village and Historic Context in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Boyd Dixon, Cherie Walth, Kathy Mowrer, and Danny Welch. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing, 2019. 186 pp., 106 figures, bibliography. Paperback US 58,ISBN978−1−78969−176−4;E−bookfreefrompublisher,ISBN978−1−78969−177−1.YellowBeach2after75Years:TheArchaeologyofaWWIIInvasionBeachonSaipananditsHistoricContextintheCommonwealthoftheNorthernMarianaIslands.BoydDixon,BrendaTenorio,CherieWalth,andKathyMowrer.Oxford:ArchaeopressPublishing,2019.127pp.,88figures,bibliography.PaperbackUS58, ISBN 978-1-78969-176-4; E-book free from publisher, ISBN 978-1-78969-177-1. Yellow Beach 2 after 75 Years: The Archaeology of a WWII Invasion Beach on Saipan and its Historic Context in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Boyd Dixon, Brenda Tenorio, CherieWalth, and KathyMowrer. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing, 2019. 127 pp., 88 figures, bibliography. Paperback US 45, ISBN 978-1-78969-258-7; E-book free from publisher, ISBN 978-1-78969-259-4.

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    Supplementary Material for States Without Archaeological Correlates? A Report from Hawai‘i James M. Bayman, Thomas S. Dye, and Timothy M. Rieth

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    This file contains links to the OxCal input files used to create Figures 1–3 in the paper, "States Without Archaeological Correlates? A Report from Hawai‘i" (table 1). It also includes source code for the R statistical software routines used to produce the graphic files for the figures.This file contains links to the OxCal input files used to create Figures 1–3 in the paper, "States Without Archaeological Correlates? A Report from Hawai‘i" (table 1). It also includes source code for the R statistical software routines used to produce the graphic files for the figures

    Prophylactic radiotherapy for the prevention of procedure-tract metastases after surgical and large-bore pleural procedures in malignant pleural mesothelioma (SMART): a multicentre, open-label, phase 3, randomised controlled trial.

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    The use of prophylactic radiotherapy to prevent procedure-tract metastases (PTMs) in malignant pleural mesothelioma remains controversial, and clinical practice varies worldwide. We aimed to compare prophylactic radiotherapy with deferred radiotherapy (given only when a PTM developed) in a suitably powered trial.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the 'Additional Link' above to access the full-text via the publisher's site.Published (Open Access

    Historical Archaeologies of the American West

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