108 research outputs found

    The impact of change readiness on the knowledge sharing process for professional service firms

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    Purpose– The study aims to assess the influence of change readiness on the knowledge sharing process. This study proposes that readiness for knowledge sharing involves developing holistic understanding of the process through identification of individual and organisational readiness. Design/methodology/approach– The study adopts a qualitative case study design involving three New Zealand professional service firms (PFSs).Using grounded theory analysis, categories and concepts of change readiness that shape the knowledge sharing process were identified. The linkages among these elements offer an explanation of how readiness for knowledge sharing is formed.Findings – Findings show that beliefs regarding knowledge sharing and individual expertise determine individual readiness to share knowledge. Readiness for the process is escalated by instilling collective commitment for knowledge sharing. A conducive organisational context, which comprises communication, participation and learning, represents a firm’s capability to implement the knowledge sharing process. Findings also highlight the moderating influences of firm archetype, inter-profession differences and knowledge nature in the interplay between change readiness elements and the knowledge sharing process.Research limitations/implications– Findings reveal elements that motivate readiness for knowledge sharing from a change perspective. The propositions and theoretical model offered could extend understanding of the phenomena and lead to further studies assessing readiness for other knowledge management processes. The study involves three PFSs; hence, interpretation of the findings is limited within the scope and context of the study. Practical implications– Findings contribute to the formulation of firms’ knowledge sharing strategies by offering holistic insights into the importance of motivating readiness for knowledge sharing through consideration of multidimensional change readiness: individual and collective beliefs, individuals’ characteristics and organisational context.Originality/value– It is the first empirical study that seeks to develop theory how change readiness elements influences knowledge sharing in the organisation. To offer more contextualized findings, the study focuses on the phenomena of change readiness and knowledge sharing within the professional service industry

    Change readiness: Creating understanding and capability for the knowledge acquisition process

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    Purpose– This study aims to show how change readiness shapes the knowledge acquisition process. The study elicits change readiness factors, at the individual and firm levels, that influence the knowledge acquisition process and are based on the context of professional service firms.Design/methodology/approach – The qualitative study is grounded in interpretive philosophy and adopts a multiple-case study design. Three New Zealand Professional Service firms were analyzed for this study. Using grounded theory analysis, categories and concepts of change readiness that shape knowledge acquisition were identified.Findings– Knowledge acquisition understanding, knowledge acquisition context and individual differences, represent primary dimensions defining change readiness for the knowledge acquisition process. Finally, distinctive firm archetypes, inter-profession differences and professionals’ demography, affect the way change readiness elements shape the knowledge acquisition process in the firms studied.Research limitations/implications – The study develops a theoretical model that shows how elements of change readiness, at the individual and organizational levels, influence knowledge acquisition. The study offers several propositions that could be tested in future studies. The study involves three professional service firms; hence, interpretation of the findings is limited.Practical implications – A holistic understanding of change readiness factors that influence knowledge acquisition could mitigate failures of knowledge management processes in organizations.Originality/value – It is the first empirical study that seeks to develop a theory on how change readiness elements influence knowledge acquisitions in the organization.To offer more contextualized findings, the study is done within the professional service industry

    Measurement of the decay of laser-driven linear plasma wakefields

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    We present measurements of the temporal decay rate of one-dimensional (1D), linear Langmuir waves excited by an ultrashort laser pulse. Langmuir waves with relative amplitudes of approximately 6% were driven by 1.7J, 50 fs laser pulses in hydrogen and deuterium plasmas of density ne0 = 8.4 × 1017 cm−3. The wakefield lifetimes were measured to be τH2wf = (9 ± 2) ps and τ D2wf = (16 ± 8) ps, respectively, for hydrogen and deuterium. The experimental results were found to be in good agreement with 2D particle-in-cell simulations. In addition to being of fundamental interest, these results are particularly relevant to the development of laser wakefield accelerators and wakefield acceleration schemes using multiple pulses, such as multipulse laser wakefield accelerators

    Resonant excitation of plasma waves in a plasma channel

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    We demonstrate resonant excitation of a plasma wave by a train of short laser pulses guided in a preformed plasma channel, for parameters relevant to a plasma-modulated plasma accelerator (P-MoPA). We show experimentally that a train of N≈10 short pulses, of total energy ∼1J, can be guided through 110mm long plasma channels with on-axis densities in the range 1017-1018cm-3. The spectrum of the transmitted train is found to be strongly red shifted when the plasma period is tuned to the intratrain pulse spacing. Numerical simulations are found to be in excellent agreement with the measurements and indicate that the resonantly excited plasma waves have an amplitude in the range 3-10GVm-1, corresponding to an accelerator stage energy gain of order 1GeV

    Promoting help-seeking in response to symptoms amongst primary care patients at high risk of lung cancer: a mixed method study

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    Background: Lung cancer symptoms are vague and difficult to detect. Interventions are needed to promote early diagnosis, however health services are already pressurised. This study explored symptomology and help-seeking behaviours of primary care patients at ‘high-risk’ of lung cancer (≥50 years old, recent smoking history), to inform targeted interventions. Methods: Mixed method study with patients at eight general practitioner (GP) practices across south England. Study incorporated: postal symptom questionnaire; clinical records review of participant consultation behaviour 12 months pre- and post-questionnaire; qualitative participant interviews (n = 38) with a purposive sample. Results: A small, clinically relevant group (n = 61/908, 6.7%) of primary care patients was identified who, despite reporting potential symptoms of lung cancer in questionnaires, had not consulted a GP ≥12 months. Of nine symptoms associated with lung cancer, 53.4% (629/1172) of total respondents reported ≥1, and 35% (411/1172) reported ≥2. Most participants (77.3%, n = 686/908) had comorbid conditions; 47.8%, (n = 414/908) associated with chest and respiratory symptoms. Participant consulting behaviour significantly increased in the 3-month period following questionnaire completion compared with the previous 3-month period (p = .002), indicating questionnaires impacted upon consulting behaviour. Symptomatic non-consulters were predominantly younger, employed, with higher multiple deprivation scores than their GP practice mean. Of symptomatic non-consulters, 30% (18/61) consulted ≤1 month post-questionnaire, with comorbidities subsequently diagnosed for five participants. Interviews (n = 39) indicated three overarching differences between the views of consulting and non-consulting participants: concern over wasting their own as well as GP time; high tolerance threshold for symptoms; a greater tendency to self-manage symptoms. Conclusions: This first study to examine symptoms and consulting behaviour amongst a primary care population at ‘high- risk’ of lung cancer, found symptomatic patients who rarely consult GPs, might respond to a targeted symptom elicitation intervention. Such GP-based interventions may promote early diagnosis of lung cancer or other comorbidities, without burdening already pressurised services

    Crop Updates 2000 Cereals - part 3

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    This session covers eighteen papers from different authors: BARLEY AND OAT AGRONOMY 1. Unicorn barley must meet malting specifications to be a viable option, Roslyn Jettnerand Blakely Paynter, Agriculture Western Australia 2. Optimum oat seed rates, Glenn McDonald, Agriculture Western Australia 3. Production and Quality of export Oaten Hay (1998 and 1989), Pierre Fievez, Pierre Fievez and Associates FROST 4. Climatology of Frost in Southern Western Australia, Ian Foster, Agriculture Western Australia 5. Flowering calculator, David Tennant, Agriculture Western Australia 6. Some options for managing the risk of frost damage, Wal Anderson, Agriculture Western Australia PASTURE 7. TIMERITE® Control of redlegged earth mite in south western Australia with a spring spray to pastures, James Ridsdill-Smith and Celia Pavri, CSIRO Entomology, University of Western Australia 8. The pattern of seed softening in subterranean clover in relation to presicted false break risk, Ross Chapman and Senthold Asseng, CSIRO Plant Industry, Centre for Mediterranean Agricultural Research 9. Charano serradella – a viable option for 1:1 cropping, Steve Carr and Brad Nutt IAMA Agri-Services Western Australia and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, University of Western Australia 10. Alfalfa mosaic virus in alternative annual pasture and forage legumes, Lindrea Latham and Roger Jones, Crop Improvement Institute, Agriculture Western Australia and Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, University of Western Australia 11. Pasture mixture performs better than single-species-based pasture – 1999, Anyou Liu, Clinton Revell and David Ferris, Centre for Cropping Systems, Agriculture Western Australia 12. Better pasture management improves performance of following crops – 1999, Anyou Liu, Clinton Revell and David Ferris, Centre for Cropping Systems, Agriculture Western Australia 13. Lucerne Benefits Crop Production, Roy Latta1, Lisa-Jane Blacklow2, Chris Matthews1 1Agriculture Western Australia 2University of Western Australia 14. Does size count? Determining optimum release number of red apion for biocontrol of doublegee, Tim Woodburn and Paul Yeoh, CSIRO Entomology/CRC Weed Management Systems, Perth 15. Herbicide tolerance of some new cultivars of annual pasture legumes, Clinton Revell and Ian Rose, Centre for Cropping Systems, Agriculture Western Australia 16. Lucerne – crop rotations in the Esperance region, Anita Lyons, Roy Latta and Chris Matthews,Agriculture Western Australia PRECISION AGRICULTURE 17. Assessing the results of on-farm experiments using yield monitors, Simon Cook and Matthew Adams, CSIRO Land and Water 18. Achiever: A GIS based achievable yield and fertiliser recommendation system for precision agriculture, Robert J. Corner, Matthew L. Adams, Precision Agriculture Research Group CSIRO Land and Wate

    The social and scientific values that shape national climate scenarios: a comparison of the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK

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    This paper seeks to understand why climate information is produced differently from country to country. To do this, we critically examined and compared the social and scientific values that shaped the production of three national climate scenarios in the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK. A comparative analysis of documentary materials and expert interviews linked to the climate scenarios was performed. Our findings reveal a new typology of use-inspired research in climate science for decision-making: (i) innovators, where the advancement of science is the main objective; (ii) consolidators, where knowledge exchanges and networks are prioritised; and (iii) collaborators, where the needs of users are put first and foremost. These different values over what constitutes ‘good’ science for decision-making are mirrored in the way users were involved in the production process: (i) elicitation, where scientists have privileged decision-making power; (ii) representation, where multiple organisations mediate on behalf of individual users; and (iii) participation, where a multitude of users interact with scientists in an equal partnership. These differences help explain why climate knowledge gains its credibility and legitimacy differently even when the information itself might not be judged as salient and usable. If the push to deliberately co-produce climate knowledge is not sensitive to the national civic epistemology at play in each country, scientist–user interactions may fail to deliver more ‘usable’ climate information

    The selective prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor IOX5 stabilizes HIF-1α and compromises development and progression of acute myeloid leukemia

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a largely incurable disease, for which new treatments are urgently needed. While leukemogenesis occurs in the hypoxic bone marrow, the therapeutic tractability of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) system remains undefined. Given that inactivation of HIF-1α/HIF-2α promotes AML, a possible clinical strategy is to target the HIF-prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs), which promote HIF-1α/HIF-2α degradation. Here, we reveal that genetic inactivation of Phd1/Phd2 hinders AML initiation and progression, without impacting normal hematopoiesis. We investigated clinically used PHD inhibitors and a new selective PHD inhibitor (IOX5), to stabilize HIF-α in AML cells. PHD inhibition compromises AML in a HIF-1α-dependent manner to disable pro-leukemogenic pathways, re-program metabolism and induce apoptosis, in part via upregulation of BNIP3. Notably, concurrent inhibition of BCL-2 by venetoclax potentiates the anti-leukemic effect of PHD inhibition. Thus, PHD inhibition, with consequent HIF-1α stabilization, is a promising nontoxic strategy for AML, including in combination with venetoclax

    The influence of refuge sharing on social behaviour in the lizard Tiliqua rugosa

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    Refuge sharing by otherwise solitary individuals during periods of inactivity is an integral part of social behaviour and has been suggested to be the precursor to more complex social behaviour. We compared social association patterns of active versus inactive sheltering individuals in the social Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, to empirically test the hypothesis that refuge sharing facilitates social associations while individuals are active. We fitted 18 neighbouring lizards with Global Positioning System (GPS) recorders to continuously monitor social associations among all individuals, based on location records taken every 10 min for 3 months. Based on these spatial data, we constructed three weighted, undirected social networks. Two networks were based on empirical association data (one for active and one for inactive lizards in their refuges), and a third null model network was based on hypothetical random refuge sharing. We found patterns opposite to the predictions of our hypothesis. Most importantly, association strength was higher in active than in inactive sheltering lizards. That is, individual lizards were more likely to associate with other lizards while active than while inactive and in shelters. Thus, refuge sharing did not lead to increased frequencies of social associations while lizards were active, and we did not find any evidence that refuge sharing was a precursor to sleepy lizard social behaviour. Our study of an unusually social reptile provides both quantitative data on the relationship between refuge sharing and social associations during periods of activity and further insights into the evolution of social behaviour in vertebrates
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