498 research outputs found

    Lunar Observer Laser Altimeter observations for lunar base site selection

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    One of the critical datasets for optimal selection of future lunar landing sites is local- to regional-scale topography. Lunar base site selection will require such data for both engineering and scientific operations purposes. The Lunar Geoscience Orbiter or Lunar Observer is the ideal precursory science mission from which to obtain this required information. We suggest that a simple laser altimeter instrument could be employed to measure local-scale slopes, heights, and depths of lunar surface features important to lunar base planning and design. For this reason, we have designed and are currently constructing a breadboard of a Lunar Observer Laser Altimeter (LOLA) instrument capable of acquiring contiguous-footprint topographic profiles with both 30-m and 300-m along-track resolution. This instrument meets all the severe weight, power, size, and data rate limitations imposed by Observer-class spacecraft. In addition, LOLA would be capable of measuring the within-footprint vertical roughness of the lunar surface, and the 1.06-micron relative surface reflectivity at normal incidence. We have used airborne laser altimeter data for a few representative lunar analog landforms to simulate and analyze LOLA performance in a 100-km lunar orbit. We demonstrate that this system in its highest resolution mode (30-m diameter footprints) would quantify the topography of all but the very smallest lunar landforms. At its global mapping resolution (300-m diameter footprints), LOLA would establish the topographic context for lunar landing site selection by providing the basis for constructing a 1-2 km spatial resolution global, geodetic topographic grid that would contain a high density of observations (e.g., approximately 1000 observations per each 1 deg by 1 deg cell at the lunar equator). The high spatial and vertical resolution measurements made with a LOLA-class instrument on a precursory Lunar Observer would be highly synergistic with high-resolution imaging datasets, and will allow for direct quantification of critical slopes, heights, and depths of features visible in images of potential lunar base sites

    Future Visions for Scientific Human Exploration

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    Today, humans explore deep-space locations such as Mars, asteroids, and beyond, vicariously here on Earth, with noteworthy success. However, to achieve the revolutionary breakthroughs that have punctuated the history of science since the dawn of the Space Age has always required humans as "the discoverers," as Daniel Boorstin contends in this book of the same name. During Apollo 17, human explorers on the lunar surface discovered the "genesis rock," orange glass, and humans in space revamped the optically crippled Hubble Space Telescope to enable some of the greatest astronomical discoveries of all time. Science-driven human exploration is about developing the opportunities for such events, perhaps associated with challenging problems such as whether we can identify life beyond Earth within the universe. At issue, however, is how to safely insert humans and the spaceflight systems required to allow humans to operate as they do best in the hostile environment of deep space. The first issue is minimizing the problems associated with human adaptation to the most challenging aspects of deep space space radiation and microgravity (or non-Earth gravity). One solution path is to develop technologies that allow for minimization of the exposure time of people to deep space, as was accomplished in Apollo. For a mission to the planet Mars, this might entail new technological solutions for in-space propulsion that would make possible time-minimized transfers to and from Mars. The problem of rapid, reliable in-space transportation is challenged by the celestial mechanics of moving in space and the so-called "rocket equation." To travel to Mars from Earth in less than the time fuel-minimizing trajectories allow (i.e., Hohmann transfers) requires an exponential increase in the amount of fuel. Thus, month-long transits would require a mass of fuel as large as the dry mass of the ISS, assuming the existence of continuous acceleration engines. This raises the largest technological stumbling block to moving humans on site as deep-space explorers, delivering the masses required for human spaceflight systems to LEO or other Earth orbital vantage points using the existing or projected fleet of Earth-to-orbit (ETO) launch vehicles. Without a return to Saturn V-class boosters or an alternate path, one cannot imagine emplacing the masses that would be required for any deep-space voyage without a prohibitive number of Shuttle-class launches. One futurist solution might involve mass launch systems that could be used to move the consumables, including fuel, water, food, and building materials, to LEO in pieces rather than launching integrated systems. This approach would necessitate the development of robotic assembly and fuel-storage systems in Earth orbit, but could provide for a natural separation of low-value cargo (e.g., fuel, water)

    Mobilizing a CGIAR Agricultural Insurance Research Community

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    This report summarizes the proceedings of the workshop; “Mobilizing a CGIAR Agricultural Insurance Research Community,” held in Washington, D.C., January 20-22. 29 participants representing 14 CGIAR Centers (AfricaRice, CIAT, CIMMYT, ICARDA, ICRAF, IFPRI, ILRI, CCAFS, IWMI, IRRI) came together to participate in the workshop. The CCAFS Regional Programs of East and West Africa, and South and Southeast Asia were also represented. The workshop aimed to mobilize a community of practice on weather-related insurance for agricultural development and adaptation, take stock of relevant expertise and approaches across the CGIAR, and inform the development of funding proposals under CCAFS Flagship 2: Climate Information Services and Climate-Informed Safety Nets. Three opening keynote speakers provided background on index insurance and some of the successfully scaled projects, creating a context for the broader ideological discussions to follow. Some topics discussed included the use of index insurance as a development tool and as part of a greater risk management strategy; how agricultural research can engage the insurance industry; and index insurance data challenges. The second workshop day involved a mapping activity, to take stock of the activities of the CGIAR around the world in agricultural insurance as well as capture the methods, innovations, tools, and gaps and challenges of these projects. The third day supported workshop participants to explore synergies, and take advantage of writing a proposal for a funding opportunity through CCAFS. This workshop guided participants to share ideas, knowledge, approaches and resources, fostering a stronger community of practice across the CGIAR centers. Outputs from this workshop include a more populated community of practice website, several projects on index insurance approved for funding through CCAFS, and plans for a journal special issue

    Impact Craters on Mars: Natural 3D Exploration Probes of Geological Evolution

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    Introduction: The population of impact craters preserved on the surface of Mars offers fundamental constraints on the three- dimensional mechanical characteristics of the martian crust, its volatile abundance, and on the styles of erosion that have operated during essentially all epochs of martian geological history. On the basis of the present- day wealth of morphologic and geometric observations of impact landforms on Mars [ 1-31, an emerging understanding of the three-dimensional physical properties of the martian uppermost crust in space and time is at hand. In this summary, the current basis of understanding of the relatively non- degraded population of impact landforms on Mars is reviewed, and new Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)-based (MOLA) measurements of global geometric properties are summarized in the context of upcoming observations by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)

    Subunit structure of testicular hyaluronidase

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    Mesoscale roughness of Venus

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    The global distribution of multi-kilometer (approx. 9 km) length scale 'roughness' (hereafter mesoscale roughness or MR) on Venus can be estimated from the Magellan global altimetry dataset (GxDR) and then compared with MR data derived for Earth from 5' ETOP5 data and for Mars (from USGS Mars DTM dataset). The mesoscale roughness parameter (MR) represents the RMS variance in meters of the actual planetary surface topography relative to the best fitting tangent plane defined on the basis of a 3x3 pixel sliding window. The best-fit plane was computed using a least-squares solution which minimizes delta H, the sum of the squares of the differences between the 9 local elevation values (H(sub i)), and the elevation of best-fit plane at the same grid location. Using the best-fit plane and delta H, we have computed the RMS 'roughness' var(delta R), where this parameter is always minimized on the basis of its calculation using least squares. We have called this 'ruggedness' parameter the Mesoscale Roughness (MR) because it is directly related to the high-frequency variance of topography after mesoscale slopes and tilts (i.e., for Venus, the baseline over which MR is computed (dx) is approx. 8.8 km and dx for Earth is approx. 9.3 km) are removed. As such, MR represents the degree to which a planetary surface is more rugged than approximately 10 km scale facets or tilts. It should not be confused with the radar 'RMS Roughness' parameter computed at 0.1 to 10 m length scales on the basis of the Magellan radar altimeter echo. We will use our MR parameter to investigate the global ruggedness properties of Venus as they relate to geological provinces and in comparison with the spatial pattern of MR for Earth and Mars

    Industrial process as architectural landscape : a small brewery

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    Thesis (M. Arch.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1989.Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-94).An exploration into whether the processes and artifacts of an industrial process can be integrated with the enclosing architecture into a mutually-enriching landscape. The particular vehicle for this exploration is the design of a moderately small brewery in Lowell, Massachusetts. To expand the range of design issues, a restaurant and galleries for public tours are included In the program.by Andrew James Garvin.M.Arch