
Impact Craters on Mars: Natural 3D Exploration Probes of Geological Evolution


Introduction: The population of impact craters preserved on the surface of Mars offers fundamental constraints on the three- dimensional mechanical characteristics of the martian crust, its volatile abundance, and on the styles of erosion that have operated during essentially all epochs of martian geological history. On the basis of the present- day wealth of morphologic and geometric observations of impact landforms on Mars [ 1-31, an emerging understanding of the three-dimensional physical properties of the martian uppermost crust in space and time is at hand. In this summary, the current basis of understanding of the relatively non- degraded population of impact landforms on Mars is reviewed, and new Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)-based (MOLA) measurements of global geometric properties are summarized in the context of upcoming observations by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)

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