568 research outputs found

    Look at the Future: Canada and the United States in the Future World Economic Context--Can We Be Competitive, A

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    Canada and United States and worldwide economic competitio

    Innovation in the Supplier Firm: A Framework for Strategic Thinking

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    AI and data in engineering and innovation:Towards a sustainable future?

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    29th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovation (ICE 2023) touched upon the critical issues in engineering of the generative AI era. By looking at the key challenges in data-driven project management and sustainable development, the overarching theme emerging from the event was one of adaptation to AI and data tools as essential part of the work process and supporting new approaches in engineering, technology development and innovation and entrepreneurship. This points to a promising future ahead, where digital transformation reaches the extended engineering disciplines, which is the theme of the following ICE conference. Having said that, the use of digital tools also presents a number of problems, from data-driven biases to challenges of interdisciplinary, inter-organisational and inter-entity collaborations.</p

    Avaliacao de fatores prognosticos do carcinoma bronquico indiferenciado de pequenas celulas

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    O presente estudo partiu da percepção clĂ­nica do autor de que o nĂșmero de fatores capazes de avaliar o prognĂłstico de pacientes com carcinoma brĂŽnquico indiferenciado de pequenas cĂ©lulas deveria ser provavelmente maior do que o correntemente referido na literatura mĂ©dica

    Demonstration of an Aerocapture GN and C System Through Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations

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    Aerocapture is an orbit insertion maneuver in which a spacecraft flies through a planetary atmosphere one time using drag force to decelerate and effect a hyperbolic to elliptical orbit change. Aerocapture employs a feedback Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) system to deliver the spacecraft into a precise postatmospheric orbit despite the uncertainties inherent in planetary atmosphere knowledge, entry targeting and aerodynamic predictions. Only small amounts of propellant are required for attitude control and orbit adjustments, thereby providing mass savings of hundreds to thousands of kilograms over conventional all-propulsive techniques. The Analytic Predictor Corrector (APC) guidance algorithm has been developed to steer the vehicle through the aerocapture maneuver using bank angle control. Through funding provided by NASA's In-Space Propulsion Technology Program, the operation of an aerocapture GN&C system has been demonstrated in high-fidelity simulations that include real-time hardware in the loop, thus increasing the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of aerocapture GN&C. First, a non-real-time (NRT), 6-DOF trajectory simulation was developed for the aerocapture trajectory. The simulation included vehicle dynamics, gravity model, atmosphere model, aerodynamics model, inertial measurement unit (IMU) model, attitude control thruster torque models, and GN&C algorithms (including the APC aerocapture guidance). The simulation used the vehicle and mission parameters from the ST-9 mission. A 2000 case Monte Carlo simulation was performed and results show an aerocapture success rate of greater than 99.7%, greater than 95% of total delta-V required for orbit insertion is provided by aerodynamic drag, and post-aerocapture orbit plane wedge angle error is less than 0.5 deg (3-sigma). Then a real-time (RT), 6-DOF simulation for the aerocapture trajectory was developed which demonstrated the guidance software executing on a flight-like computer, interfacing with a simulated IMU and simulated thrusters, with vehicle dynamics provided by an external simulator. Five cases from the NRT simulations were run in the RT simulation environment. The results compare well to those of the NRT simulation thus verifying the RT simulation configuration. The results of the above described simulations show the aerocapture maneuver using the APC algorithm can be accomplished reliably and the algorithm is now at TRL-6. Flight validation is the next step for aerocapture technology development

    Magnetoacoustic Portals and the Basal Heating of the Solar Chromosphere

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    We show that inclined magnetic field lines at the boundaries of large-scale convective cells (supergranules) provide "portals" through which low-frequency ( 5 mHz) acoustic waves, which are believed to provide the dominant source of wave heating of the chromosphere. This result opens up the possibility that low-frequency magnetoacoustic waves provide a significant source of energy for balancing the radiative losses of the ambient solar chromosphere

    Characterising the chemical and physical properties of phase-change nanodroplets

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    Phase-change nanodroplets have attracted increasing interest in recent years as ultrasound theranostic nanoparticles. They are smaller compared to microbubbles and they may distribute better in tissues (e.g. in tumours). They are composed of a stabilising shell and a perfluorocarbon core. Nanodroplets can vaporise into echogenic microbubbles forming cavitation nuclei when exposed to ultrasound. Their perfluorocarbon core phase-change is responsible for the acoustic droplet vaporisation. However, methods to quantify the perfluorocarbon core in nanodroplets are lacking. This is an important feature that can help explain nanodroplet phase change characteristics. In this study, we fabricated nanodroplets using lipids shell and perfluorocarbons. To assess the amount of perfluorocarbon in the core we used two methods, 19F-NMR and FTIR. To assess the cavitation after vaporisation we used an ultrasound transducer (1.1MHz) and a high-speed camera. The 19F-NMR based method showed that the fluorine signal correlated accurately with the perfluorocarbon concentration. Using this correlation, we were able to quantify the perfluorocarbon core of nanodroplets. This method was used to assess the content of the perfluorocarbon of the nanodroplets in solutions over time. It was found that perfluoropentane nanodroplets lost their content faster and at higher ratio compared to perfluorohexane nanodroplets. The high-speed camera showed that these nanodroplets have similar cavitation with commercial microbubbles. Nanodroplet characterisation should include perfluorocarbon concentration assessment as critical information for their development
