17 research outputs found

    American Society of Clinical Oncology/College ofAmerican Pathologists guideline recommendations forimmunohistochemical testing of estrogen andprogesterone receptors in breast cancer

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    Purpose: To develop a guideline to improve theaccuracy of immunohistochemical (IHC) estrogen receptor(ER) and progesterone receptor (PgR) testing in breastcancer and the utility of these receptors as predictivemarkers.Methods: The American Society of Clinical Oncologyand the College of American Pathologists convened aninternational Expert Panel that conducted a systematicreview and evaluation of the literature in partnership withCancer Care Ontario and developed recommendations foroptimal IHC ER/PgR testing performance.Results: Up to 20% of current IHC determinations ofER and PgR testing worldwide may be inaccurate (falsenegative or false positive). Most of the issues with testinghave occurred because of variation in preanalyticvariables, thresholds for positivity, and interpretationcriteria.Recommendations: The Panel recommends that ER andPgR status be determined on all invasive breast cancers andbreast cancer recurrences. A testing algorithm that relieson accurate, reproducible assay performance is proposed.Elements to reliably reduce assay variation are specified. It is recommended that ER and PgR assays be consideredpositive if there are at least 1% positive tumor nuclei in the sample on testing in the presence of expected reactivity of internal (normal epithelial elements) and external controls. The absence of benefit from endocrine therapy for women with ER-negative invasive breast cancers has been confirmed in large overviews of randomized clinical trials.(Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2010;134:907–922

    The Relationship Between the Arteriovenous Carbon Dioxide Gradient and Cardiac Index.

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    It has been reported that under normal conditions, mixed venous blood gases have approximated arterial samples; however, during cardiac arrest or severe cardiogenic shock, marked differences between arterial and venous blood gases have been noted. To further assess the relationships between arterial and mixed venous blood gases and cardiac index, a study population was chosen consisting of patients with less severe states of cardiac impairment. The differences between arterial and mixed venous PCO2s and pHs were compared with cardiac indexes (CI) of 44 patients in an intensive care unit with arterial lines and Swan-Ganz catheters in place. Twenty-six patients with normal CIs (2.6 to 4.1 L/min/m2) had a mean difference in mixed venous-arterial PCO2 (delta PCO2) of 4.88 +/- 0.40 mm Hg. In patients with low CIs (\u3c 2.6), the delta PCO2 was 7.44 +/- 0.63 mm Hg (P = .001). The difference of mixed venous and arterial pH (delta pH) was 0.027 +/- 0.004 pH units for patients with normal CIs and 0.04 +/- 0.003 pH units for those with low CIs (P \u3c .002). When the CIs of all patients were plotted against the delta PCO2s, there was an inverse linear relationship wherein delta PCO2 increased as CI decreased (r = -.47, P = .0011). There is an inverse relationship between delta PCO2 and CI that has not been previously described. An elevated delta PCO2 may be a marker of a low cardiac index

    Relation Between Myocardial Infarction, Depression, Hostility, and Death.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the independent impact of major depression and hostility on mortality rate at 6 months and 12 months after discharge from the hospital in patients with a myocardial infarction. METHOD: Three hundred thirty-one patients were prospectively evaluated for depression with a modified version of the National Institute of Mental Health Diagnostic Interview Schedule for major depressive episode. The Cook Medley Hostility Scale data were analyzed by chi(2) procedures for nominal and categoric data, and Student t test was used for continuous data types. RESULTS: Depression was a significant predictor of death at 12 months (P =. 04) but not at 6 months (P =.08). Hostility was not found to be a predictor of death at 6 months or 12 months. CONCLUSIONS: Major depression in patients hospitalized after myocardial infarction is a significant univariable predictor of death at 12 months, although it was not a statistically significant predictor after adjusting for other variables. Hostility is not a predictor of death. Prospective studies are needed to determine the impact of aggressive treatment of depression on post-myocardial infarction survival

    American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists guideline recommendations for immunohistochemical testing of estrogen and progesterone receptors in breast cancer.

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    Item does not contain fulltextPURPOSE: To develop a guideline to improve the accuracy of immunohistochemical (IHC) estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PgR) testing in breast cancer and the utility of these receptors as predictive markers. METHODS: The American Society of Clinical Oncology and the College of American Pathologists convened an international Expert Panel that conducted a systematic review and evaluation of the literature in partnership with Cancer Care Ontario and developed recommendations for optimal IHC ER/PgR testing performance. RESULTS: Up to 20% of current IHC determinations of ER and PgR testing worldwide may be inaccurate (false negative or false positive). Most of the issues with testing have occurred because of variation in preanalytic variables, thresholds for positivity, and interpretation criteria. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Panel recommends that ER and PgR status be determined on all invasive breast cancers and breast cancer recurrences. A testing algorithm that relies on accurate, reproducible assay performance is proposed. Elements to reliably reduce assay variation are specified. It is recommended that ER and PgR assays be considered positive if there are at least 1% positive tumor nuclei in the sample on testing in the presence of expected reactivity of internal (normal epithelial elements) and external controls. The absence of benefit from endocrine therapy for women with ER-negative invasive breast cancers has been confirmed in large overviews of randomized clinical trials.1 juni 201