422 research outputs found
The Open Navigation Surface Project
Many hydrographic and oceanographic agencies have moved or are moving towards gridded bathymetric products. However, there is no accepted format to allow these grids to be exchanged while maintaining data and metadata integrity. This paper describes the Open Navigation Surface (ONS) Project, which aims to fill this gap. The ONS Project is an open-source software project designed to provide a freely available, portable source-code library to encapsulate gridded bathymetric surfaces with associated uncertainty values. The data file format is called a Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG). The BAG is developed and maintained by the ONS Working Group (ONSWG), and the source code is available via the ONS websit
Evolution of the magnetic excitations in NaOsO through its metal-insulator transition
The temperature dependence of the excitation spectrum in NaOsO
through its metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) at 410 K has been investigated
using resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Os L edge.
High resolution ( 56 meV) measurements show that the
well-defined, low energy magnons in the insulating state weaken and dampen upon
approaching the metallic state. Concomitantly, a broad continuum of excitations
develops which is well described by the magnetic fluctuations of a nearly
antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid. By revealing the continuous evolution of the
magnetic quasiparticle spectrum as it changes its character from itinerant to
localized, our results provide unprecedented insight into the nature of the MIT
in NaOsO.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review Letters, part of a joint submission to
Physical Review B. Supersedes arXiv:1707.0555
Differential Activation of Frontoparietal Attention Networks by Social and Symbolic Spatial Cues
Perception of both gaze-direction and symbolic directional cues (e.g. arrows) orient an observer’s attention toward the indicated location. It is unclear, however, whether these similar behavioral effects are examples of the same attentional phenomenon and, therefore, subserved by the same neural substrate. It has been proposed that gaze, given its evolutionary significance, constitutes a ‘special’ category of spatial cue. As such, it is predicted that the neural systems supporting spatial reorienting will be different for gaze than for non-biological symbols. We tested this prediction using functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure the brain’s response during target localization in which laterally presented targets were preceded by uninformative gaze or arrow cues. Reaction times were faster during valid than invalid trials for both arrow and gaze cues. However, differential patterns of activity were evoked in the brain. Trials including invalid rather than valid arrow cues resulted in a stronger hemodynamic response in the ventral attention network. No such difference was seen during trials including valid and invalid gaze cues. This differential engagement of the ventral reorienting network is consistent with the notion that the facilitation of target detection by gaze cues and arrow cues is subserved by different neural substrates
Differential activation of frontoparietal attention networks by social and symbolic spatial cues
Perception of both gaze-direction and symbolic directional cues (e.g. arrows) orient an observer’s attention toward the indicated location. It is unclear, however, whether these similar behavioral effects are examples of the same attentional phenomenon and, therefore, subserved by the same neural substrate. It has been proposed that gaze, given its evolutionary significance, constitutes a ‘special’ category of spatial cue. As such, it is predicted that the neural systems supporting spatial reorienting will be different for gaze than for non-biological symbols. We tested this prediction using functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure the brain’s response during target localization in which laterally presented targets were preceded by uninformative gaze or arrow cues. Reaction times were faster during valid than invalid trials for both arrow and gaze cues. However, differential patterns of activity were evoked in the brain. Trials including invalid rather than valid arrow cues resulted in a stronger hemodynamic response in the ventral attention network. No such difference was seen during trials including valid and invalid gaze cues. This differential engagement of the ventral reorienting network is consistent with the notion that the facilitation of target detection by gaze cues and arrow cues is subserved by different neural substrates
The Open Navigation Surface Project
Many hydrographic and oceanographic agencies have moved or are moving towards gridded bathymetric products. However, there is no accepted format to allow these grids to be exchanged while maintaining data and metadata integrity. This paper describes the Open Navigation Surface (ONS) Project, which aims to fill this gap. The ONS Project is an open-source software project designed to provide a freely available, portable source-code library to encapsulate gridded bathymetric surfaces with associated uncertainty values. The data file format is called a Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG). The BAG is developed and maintained by the ONS Working Group (ONSWG), and the source code is available via the ONS website.Muchas agencies hidrogrâficas y oceanogrâficas se han orientado o se estân orientando hacia los productos batimétricos cuadriculados. Sin embargo, no existe un formato aceptado para que estas cuadricuias sean intercambiadas manteniendo la integridad de los datos y los meta datos. Este articulo describe el Proyecto « Superficie de Navegaciôn Abierta » (ONS) cuyo objeto es cubrir este vacio. El proyecto ONS es un proyecto de software de fuente abierta disehado para proveer una biblioteca portâtil de côdigo fuente de libre disponibilidad para encapsular superficies batimétricas cuadriculadas con sus valores de incertidumbre asociados. El formato de archivo de datos es llamado Cuadricula Batimétrica Tributada (BAG). El BAG es desarrollado y mantenido por el Grupo de Trabajo ONS (ONSWG), y el côdigo fuente es disponible a través de sitio web de ONS.De nombreuses agences hydrographiques et océanographiques se sont orientées ou s ’orientent actuellement vers les produits bathymétriques quadrillés. Toutefois, il n'existe pas de format accepté qui permette à ces quadrillages d'être échangés tout en conservant l’intégrité des données et des métadonnées. Le présent article décrit le projet ONS (Open Navigation Surface) qui vise à combler cette lacune. Le projet ONS est un projet de logiciel libre conçu pour fournir une bibliothèque portable de code source à libre disponibilité devant encapsuler des surfaces bathymétriques maillées avec des valeurs d'incertitude associées. Le format du fichier des données est appelé Carroyage bathymétrique attribué (BAG). Le BAG est développé est tenu à jour par le groupe de travail ONS et le code source est disponible sur le site Web ONS
Direction-sensitive codes for observed head turns in human superior temporal sulcus.
Humans and other primates are adept at using the direction of another's gaze or head turn to infer where that individual is attending. Research in macaque neurophysiology suggests that anterior superior temporal sulcus (STS) contains a direction-sensitive code for such social attention cues. By contrast, most human functional Magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies report that posterior STS is responsive to social attention cues. It is unclear whether this functional discrepancy is caused by a species difference or by experimental design differences. Furthermore, social attention cues are dynamic in naturalistic social interaction, but most studies to date have been restricted to static displays. In order to address these issues, we used multivariate pattern analysis of fMRI data to test whether response patterns in human right STS distinguish between leftward and rightward dynamic head turns. Such head turn discrimination was observed in right anterior STS/superior temporal gyrus (STG). Response patterns in this region were also significantly more discriminable for head turn direction than for rotation direction in physically matched ellipsoid control stimuli. Our findings suggest a role for right anterior STS/STG in coding the direction of motion in dynamic social attention cues
The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) study protocol: a cross-sectional, lifespan, multidisciplinary examination of healthy cognitive ageing.
BACKGROUND: As greater numbers of us are living longer, it is increasingly important to understand how we can age healthily. Although old age is often stereotyped as a time of declining mental abilities and inflexibility, cognitive neuroscience reveals that older adults use neural and cognitive resources flexibly, recruiting novel neural regions and cognitive processes when necessary. Our aim in this project is to understand how age-related changes to neural structure and function interact to support cognitive abilities across the lifespan. METHODS/DESIGN: We are recruiting a population-based cohort of 3000 adults aged 18 and over into Stage 1 of the project, where they complete an interview including health and lifestyle questions, a core cognitive assessment, and a self-completed questionnaire of lifetime experiences and physical activity. Of those interviewed, 700 participants aged 18-87 (100 per age decile) continue to Stage 2 where they undergo cognitive testing and provide measures of brain structure and function. Cognition is assessed across multiple domains including attention and executive control, language, memory, emotion, action control and learning. A subset of 280 adults return for in-depth neurocognitive assessment in Stage 3, using functional neuroimaging experiments across our key cognitive domains.Formal statistical models will be used to examine the changes that occur with healthy ageing, and to evaluate age-related reorganisation in terms of cognitive and neural functions invoked to compensate for overall age-related brain structural decline. Taken together the three stages provide deep phenotyping that will allow us to measure neural activity and flexibility during performance across a number of core cognitive functions. This approach offers hypothesis-driven insights into the relationship between brain and behaviour in healthy ageing that are relevant to the general population. DISCUSSION: Our study is a unique resource of neuroimaging and cognitive measures relevant to change across the adult lifespan. Because we focus on normal age-related changes, our results may contribute to changing views about the ageing process, lead to targeted interventions, and reveal how normal ageing relates to frail ageing in clinicopathological conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) research was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (grant number BB/H008217/1).This is the final published version of the article. It first appeared from BioMed Central via http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12883-014-0204-
Near and Mid-IR Photometry of the Pleiades, and a New List of Substellar Candidate Members
We make use of new near and mid-IR photometry of the Pleiades cluster in
order to help identify proposed cluster members. We also use the new photometry
with previously published photometry to define the single-star main sequence
locus at the age of the Pleiades in a variety of color-magnitude planes.
The new near and mid-IR photometry extend effectively two magnitudes deeper
than the 2MASS All-Sky Point Source catalog, and hence allow us to select a new
set of candidate very low mass and sub-stellar mass members of the Pleiades in
the central square degree of the cluster. We identify 42 new candidate members
fainter than Ks =14 (corresponding to 0.1 Mo). These candidate members should
eventually allow a better estimate of the cluster mass function to be made down
to of order 0.04 solar masses.
We also use new IRAC data, in particular the images obtained at 8 um, in
order to comment briefly on interstellar dust in and near the Pleiades. We
confirm, as expected, that -- with one exception -- a sample of low mass stars
recently identified as having 24 um excesses due to debris disks do not have
significant excesses at IRAC wavelengths. However, evidence is also presented
that several of the Pleiades high mass stars are found to be impacting with
local condensations of the molecular cloud that is passing through the Pleiades
at the current epoch.Comment: Accepted to ApJS; data tables and embedded-figure version available
at http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/stauffer/pleiades07
Comparing aerosol number and mass exhalation rates from children and adults during breathing, speaking and singing
Aerosol particles of respirable size are exhaled when individuals breathe, speak and sing and can transmit respiratory pathogens between infected and susceptible individuals. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into focus the need to improve the quantification of the particle number and mass exhalation rates as one route to provide estimates of viral shedding and the potential risk of transmission of viruses. Most previous studies have reported the number and mass concentrations of aerosol particles in an exhaled plume. We provide a robust assessment of the absolute particle number and mass exhalation rates from measurements of minute ventilation using a non-invasive Vyntus Hans Rudolf mask kit with straps housing a rotating vane spirometer along with measurements of the exhaled particle number concentrations and size distributions. Specifically, we report comparisons of the number and mass exhalation rates for children (12–14 years old) and adults (19–72 years old) when breathing, speaking and singing, which indicate that child and adult cohorts generate similar amounts of aerosol when performing the same activity. Mass exhalation rates are typically 0.002–0.02 ng s(−1) from breathing, 0.07–0.2 ng s(−1) from speaking (at 70–80 dBA) and 0.1–0.7 ng s(−1) from singing (at 70–80 dBA). The aerosol exhalation rate increases with increasing sound volume for both children and adults when both speaking and singing
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