3,666 research outputs found

    Autonomous Flight Safety System September 27, 2005, Aircraft Test

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    This report describes the first aircraft test of the Autonomous Flight Safety System (AFSS). The test was conducted on September 27, 2005, near Kennedy Space Center (KSC) using a privately-owned single-engine plane and evaluated the performance of several basic flight safety rules using real-time data onboard a moving aerial vehicle. This test follows the first road test of AFSS conducted in February 2005 at KSC. AFSS is a joint KSC and Wallops Flight Facility (WEF) project that is in its third phase of development. AFSS is an independent subsystem intended for use with Expendable Launch Vehicles that uses tracking data from redundant onboard sensors to autonomously make flight termination decisions using software-based rules implemented on redundant flight processors. The goals of this project are to increase capabilities by allowing launches from locations that do not have or cannot afford extensive ground-based range safety assets, to decrease range costs, and to decrease reaction time for special situations. The mission rules are configured for each operation by the responsible Range Safety authorities and can be loosely categorized in four major categories: Parameter Threshold Violations, Physical Boundary Violations present position and instantaneous impact point (TIP), Gate Rules static and dynamic, and a Green-Time Rule. Examples of each of these rules were evaluated during this aircraft test

    Range Safety for an Autonomous Flight Safety System

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    The Range Safety Algorithm software encapsulates the various constructs and algorithms required to accomplish Time Space Position Information (TSPI) data management from multiple tracking sources, autonomous mission mode detection and management, and flight-termination mission rule evaluation. The software evaluates various user-configurable rule sets that govern the qualification of TSPI data sources, provides a prelaunch autonomous hold-launch function, performs the flight-monitoring-and-termination functions, and performs end-of-mission safin

    An Error Analysis of the Phased Array Antenna Pointing Algorithm for STARS Flight Demonstration No. 2

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    STARS is a multicenter NASA project to determine the feasibility of using space-based assets, such as the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) and Global Positioning System (GPS), to increase flexibility (e.g. increase the number of possible launch locations and manage simultaneous operations) and to reduce operational costs by decreasing the need for ground-based range assets and infrastructure. The STARS project includes two major systems: the Range Safety and Range User systems. The latter system uses broadband communications (125 kbps to 500 kbps) for voice, video, and vehicle/payload data. Flight Demonstration #1 revealed the need to increase the data rate of the Range User system. During Flight Demo #2, a Ku-band antenna will generate a higher data rate and will be designed with an embedded pointing algorithm to guarantee that the antenna is pointed directly at TDRS. This algorithm will utilize the onboard position and attitude data to point the antenna to TDRS within a 2-degree full-angle beamwidth. This report investigates how errors in aircraft position and attitude, along with errors in satellite position, propagate into the overall pointing vector

    A Discriminant Analysis Model of Alaskan Biomes Based on Spatial Climatic and Environmental Data

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    Classification of high-latitude landscapes into their appropriate biomes is important for many climate and global change-related issues. Unfortunately, large-scale, high-spatial-resolution observations of plant assemblages associated with these regions are generally unavailable, so accurate modeling of plant assemblages and biome boundaries is often needed. We built different discriminant analysis models and used them to “convert” various combinations of spatial climatic data (surface temperature and precipitation) and spatial environmental data (topography, soil, permafrost) into a biome-level map of Alaska. Five biomes (alpine tundra and ice fi elds, Arctic tundra, shrublands, boreal forest, and coastal rainforest) and one biome transition zone are modeled. Mean annual values of climatic variables were less useful than their annual extrema in this context. A quadratic discriminant analysis, combined with climate, topography, permafrost, and soil information, produced the most accurate Alaskan biome classification (skill = 74% when compared to independent data). The multivariate alteration detection transformation was used to identify Climatic Transition Zones (CTZs) with large interannual variability, and hence, less climatic consistency than other parts of Alaska. Biome classification was the least accurate in the CTZs, leading to the conclusion that large interannual climatic variability does not favor a unique biome. We interpret the CTZs as “transition biome areas” or ecotones between the five “core biomes” cited above. Both disturbance events (e.g., fires and subsequent plant succession sequences) and the partial intersection of the environmental variables used to characterize Alaskan biomes further complicate biome classification. Alaskan results obtained from the data-driven quadratic discriminant model compare favorably (based on Kappa statistics) with those produced by an equilibrium-based biome model for regions of Canada ecologically similar to the biomes we studied in Alaska. Climatic statistics are provided for each biome studied. Le classement des paysages de hautes latitudes dans les biomes adéquats revêt de l'importance dans le cadre de nombreux enjeux relatifs aux changements climatiques et à d'autres changements d'envergure mondiale. Malheureusement et en règle générale, il n'existe pas d'observations spatiales de haute résolution et à grande échelle pour ce qui est des assemblages de végétaux pour ces régions. C'est pourquoi il faut souvent procéder à la modélisation des assemblages de végétaux et des limites des biomes. Nous avons élaboré différents modèles d'analyses discriminantes dont nous nous sommes servis pour « transformer » divers ensembles de données climatiques spatiales (température de la surface et précipitation) et diverses données sur l'environnement spatial (topographie, sol, pergélisol) en carte des biomes de l'Alaska. La modélisation porte sur cinq biomes (toundra alpine et champs de glace, toundra arctique, arbustaie, forêt boréale et forêt pluviale côtière) et sur une zone de transition de biome. Les valeurs moyennes annuelles des variables climatiques ont été moins utiles que leurs extremas annuels dans ce contexte. Une analyse discriminante quadratique, combinée aux données relatives au climat, à la topographie, au pergélisol et au sol, a permis d'aboutir au classement de biomes alaskiens le plus précis (habileté = 74 % lorsque comparé aux données indépendantes). Nous avons recouru à la transformation de la détection de l'altération à variables multiples (multivariate alteration detection transformation) pour identifi er les zones de transition climatique (ZTC) ayant une importante variabilité interannuelle et, par conséquent, une moins grande uniformité climatique que d'autres parties de l'Alaska. Le classement des biomes était moins précis dans les ZTC, ce qui nous a amenés à conclure que l'importante variabilité climatique interannuelle ne favorise pas un biome unique. Nous interprétons les ZTC comme des « régions de biomes de transition » ou des écotones entre les cinq « biomes principaux » dont il est question ci-dessus. Les deux perturbations (c'est-à-dire les incendies et les séquences subséquentes des végétaux) et l'intersection partielle des variables environnementales utilisées pour caractériser les biomes alaskiens compliquent davantage le classement des biomes. Les résultats alaskiens obtenus à partir du modèle discriminant quadratique dérivant des données se comparent favorablement (en fonction des statistiques kappa) à ceux obtenus par un modèle de biome en équilibre pour des régions du Canada similaires du point de vue écologique aux biomes que nous avons étudiés en Alaska. Des statistiques climatiques sont fournies pour chaque biome étudié

    An Analysis of the Internal Truth Files for a CAST 4000 GPS Simulator for Two Rocket Launches and One Weather Balloon Flight

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    The CAST GPS 4000 simulator can create scenarios using external trajectories. The following information must be provided: time from a given epoch (a constant sampling rate must be used); position, velocity and acceleration in Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) coordinates; elements of the matrix that transforms from the body-axis coordinate system to the ECEF frame; and the angular velocity of the body-axis system relative to ECEF coordinates. The initial latitude, longitude, altitude, and UTC time must also be provided during the scenario setup. The simulator recomputes the positions and velocities using the given accelerations and a constant jerk model. The results are the internal "truth file"

    Autonomous Flight Safety System Road Test

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    On February 3, 2005, Kennedy Space Center (KSC) conducted the first Autonomous Flight Safety System (AFSS) test on a moving vehicle -- a van driven around the KSC industrial area. A subset of the Phase III design was used consisting of a single computer, GPS receiver, and UPS antenna. The description and results of this road test are described in this report.AFSS is a joint KSC and Wallops Flight Facility project that is in its third phase of development. AFSS is an independent subsystem intended for use with Expendable Launch Vehicles that uses tracking data from redundant onboard sensors to autonomously make flight termination decisions using software-based rules implemented on redundant flight processors. The goals of this project are to increase capabilities by allowing launches from locations that do not have or cannot afford extensive ground-based range safety assets, to decrease range costs, and to decrease reaction time for special situations

    The Indiana Business Takeover Act

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    POWERLIB: SAS/IML Software for Computing Power in Multivariate Linear Models

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    The POWERLIB SAS/IML software provides convenient power calculations for a wide range of multivariate linear models with Gaussian errors. The software includes the Box, Geisser-Greenhouse, Huynh-Feldt, and uncorrected tests in the "univariate" approach to repeated measures (UNIREP), the Hotelling Lawley Trace, Pillai-Bartlett Trace, and Wilks Lambda tests in "multivariate" approach (MULTIREP), as well as a limited but useful range of mixed models. The familiar univariate linear model with Gaussian errors is an important special case. For estimated covariance, the software provides confidence limits for the resulting estimated power. All power and confidence limits values can be output to a SAS dataset, which can be used to easily produce plots and tables for manuscripts.

    Space-Based Range Safety and Future Space Range Applications

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Space-Based Telemetry and Range Safety (STARS) study is a multiphase project to demonstrate the performance, flexibility and cost savings that can be realized by using space-based assets for the Range Safety [global positioning system (GPS) metric tracking data, flight termination command and range safety data relay] and Range User (telemetry) functions during vehicle launches and landings. Phase 1 included flight testing S-band Range Safety and Range User hardware in 2003 onboard a high-dynamic aircraft platform at Dryden Flight Research Center (Edwards, California, USA) using the NASA Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) as the communications link. The current effort, Phase 2, includes hardware and packaging upgrades to the S-band Range Safety system and development of a high data rate Ku-band Range User system. The enhanced Phase 2 Range Safety Unit (RSU) provided real-time video for three days during the historic Global Flyer (Scaled Composites, Mojave, California, USA) flight in March, 2005. Additional Phase 2 testing will include a sounding rocket test of the Range Safety system and aircraft flight testing of both systems. Future testing will include a flight test on a launch vehicle platform. This paper discusses both Range Safety and Range User developments and testing with emphasis on the Range Safety system. The operational concept of a future space-based range is also discussed
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