7,906 research outputs found

    Liquid acrobatics

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    We experiment with injecting a continuous stream of gas into a shallow liquid, similar to how one might blow into a straw placed at the bottom of a near-empty drink. By varying the angle of the straw (here a metal needle), we observe a variety of dynamics, which we film using a high-speed camera. Most noteworthy is an intermediate regime in which cyclical jets erupt from the air-liquid interface and breakup into air-born droplets. These droplets trace out a parabolic trajectory and bounce on the air-liquid interface before eventually coalescing. The shape of each jet, as well as the time between jets, is remarkably similar and leads to droplets with nearly identical trajectories. The following article accompanies the linked fluid dynamics video submitted to the Gallery of Fluid Motion in 2008.Comment: Accompanies video submission to APS DFD 2008 Gallery of Fluid Motion, low http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/1813/11469/3/Bird_DFD2008_mpeg1.mpg , and high resolution http://ecommons.library.cornell.edu/bitstream/1813/11469/2/Bird_DFD2008_mpeg2.mp

    The NASA Electric Propulsion Program

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    The NASA OAST Propulsion, Power, and Energy Division supports an electric propulsion program aimed at providing benefits to a broad class of missions. Concepts which have the potential to enable or significantly benefit space exploration and exploitation are identified and advanced toward application in the near and far term. This paper summarizes recent program progress in mission/system analysis; in electrothermal, electrostatic, and electromagnetic propulsion technologies; and in propulsion/spacecraft integration

    Dissipation in Compressible MHD Turbulence

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    We report results of a three dimensional, high resolution (up to 512^3) numerical investigation of supersonic compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. We consider both forced and decaying turbulence. The model parameters are appropriate to conditions found in Galactic molecular clouds. We find that the dissipation time of turbulence is of order the flow crossing time or smaller, even in the presence of strong magnetic fields. About half the dissipation occurs in shocks. Weak magnetic fields are amplified and tangled by the turbulence, while strong fields remain well ordered.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Postscript figures, LaTeX, accepted by Ap.J.Let

    The Effect of Resistivity on the Nonlinear Stage of the Magnetorotational Instability in Accretion Disks

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    We present three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the nonlinear evolution of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) with a non-zero Ohmic resistivity. The properties of the saturated state depend on the initial magnetic field configuration. In simulations with an initial uniform vertical field, the MRI is able to support angular momentum transport even for large resistivities through the quasi-periodic generation of axisymmetric radial channel solutions rather than through the maintenance of anisotropic turbulence. Simulations with zero net flux show that the angular momentum transport and the amplitude of magnetic energy after saturation are significantly reduced by finite resistivity, even at levels where the linear modes are only slightly affected. This occurs at magnetic Reynolds numbers expected in low, cool states of dwarf novae, these results suggest that finite resistivity may account for the low and high angular momentum transport rates inferred for these systems.Comment: 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Hydrodynamical Non-radiative Accretion Flows in Two-Dimensions

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    Two-dimensional (axially symmetric) numerical hydrodynamical calculations of accretion flows which cannot cool through emission of radiation are presented. The calculations begin from an equilibrium configuration consisting of a thick torus with constant specific angular momentum. Accretion is induced by the addition of a small anomalous azimuthal shear stress which is characterized by a function \nu. We study the flows generated as the amplitude and form of \nu are varied. A spherical polar grid which spans more than two orders of magnitude in radius is used to resolve the flow over a wide range of spatial scales. We find that convection in the inner regions produces significant outward mass motions that carry away both the energy liberated by, and a large fraction of the mass participating in, the accretion flow. Although the instantaneous structure of the flow is complex and dominated by convective eddies, long time averages of the dynamical variables show remarkable correspondence to certain steady-state solutions. Near the equatorial plane, the radial profiles of the time-averaged variables are power-laws with an index that depends on the radial scaling of the shear stress. We find that regardless of the adiabatic index of the gas, or the form or magnitude of the shear stress, the mass inflow rate is a strongly increasing function of radius, and is everywhere nearly exactly balanced by mass outflow. The net mass accretion rate through the disc is only a fraction of the rate at which mass is supplied to the inflow at large radii, and is given by the local, viscous accretion rate associated with the flow properties near the central object.Comment: 33 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Runaway Coalescence at the Onset of Common Envelope Episodes

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    Luminous red nova transients, presumably from stellar coalescence, exhibit long-term precursor emission over hundreds of binary orbits, leading to impulsive outbursts with durations similar to a single orbital period. In an effort to understand these signatures, we present and analyze a hydrodynamic model of unstable mass transfer from a giant-star donor onto a more compact accretor in a binary system. Our simulation begins with mass transfer at the Roche limit separation and traces a phase of runaway decay leading up to the plunge of the accretor within the envelope of the donor. We characterize the fluxes of mass and angular momentum through the system and show that the orbital evolution can be reconstructed from measurements of these quantities. The morphology of outflow from the binary changes significantly as the binary orbit tightens. At wide separations, a thin stream of relatively high-entropy gas trails from the outer Lagrange points. As the orbit tightens, the orbital motion desynchronizes from the donor's rotation, and low-entropy ejecta trace a broad fan of largely ballistic trajectories. An order-of-magnitude increase in mass ejection rate accompanies the plunge of the accretor with the envelope of the donor. We argue that this transition marks the precursor-to-outburst transition observed in stellar coalescence transients.Comment: Revised following peer-review. ApJ accepted. Animated version of Figure 5 will be available via the Journal's online publicatio

    Cosmological Radiation Hydrodynamics with ENZO

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    We describe an extension of the cosmological hydrodynamics code ENZO to include the self-consistent transport of ionizing radiation modeled in the flux-limited diffusion approximation. A novel feature of our algorithm is a coupled implicit solution of radiation transport, ionization kinetics, and gas photoheating, making the timestepping for this portion of the calculation resolution independent. The implicit system is coupled to the explicit cosmological hydrodynamics through operator splitting and solved with scalable multigrid methods. We summarize the numerical method, present a verification test on cosmological Stromgren spheres, and then apply it to the problem of cosmological hydrogen reionization.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Recent Directions in Astrophysical Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiation Hydrodynamics, Ed. I. Hubeny, American Institute of Physics (2009

    Bound Outflows, Unbound Ejecta, and the Shaping of Bipolar Remnants during Stellar Coalescence

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    Recent observations have revealed that the remnants of stellar-coalescence transients are bipolar. This raises the questions of how these bipolar morphologies arise and what they teach us about the mechanisms of mass ejection during stellar mergers and common-envelope phases. In this paper, we analyze hydrodynamic simulations of the lead-in to binary coalescence, a phase of unstable Roche lobe overflow that takes the binary from the Roche limit separation to the engulfment of the more compact accretor within the envelope of the extended donor. As mass transfer runs away at increasing rates, gas trails away from the binary. Contrary to previous expectations, early mass loss from the system remains bound to the binary and forms a circumbinary torus. Later ejecta, generated as the accretor grazes the surface of the donor, have very different morphologies and are unbound. These two components of mass loss from the binary interact as later, higher-velocity ejecta collide with the circumbinary torus formed by earlier mass loss. Unbound ejecta are redirected toward the poles, and escaping material creates a bipolar outflow. Our findings show that the transition from bound to unbound ejecta from coalescing binaries can explain the bipolar nature of their remnants, with implications for our understanding of the origin of bipolar remnants of stellar-coalescence transients and, perhaps, some preplanetary nebulae.Comment: ApJ accepte

    Shearing Box Simulations of the MRI in a Collisionless Plasma

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    We describe local shearing box simulations of turbulence driven by the magnetorotational instability (MRI) in a collisionless plasma. Collisionless effects may be important in radiatively inefficient accretion flows, such as near the black hole in the Galactic Center. The MHD version of ZEUS is modified to evolve an anisotropic pressure tensor. A fluid closure approximation is used to calculate heat conduction along magnetic field lines. The anisotropic pressure tensor provides a qualitatively new mechanism for transporting angular momentum in accretion flows (in addition to the Maxwell and Reynolds stresses). We estimate limits on the pressure anisotropy due to pitch angle scattering by kinetic instabilities. Such instabilities provide an effective ``collision'' rate in a collisionless plasma and lead to more MHD-like dynamics. We find that the MRI leads to efficient growth of the magnetic field in a collisionless plasma, with saturation amplitudes comparable to those in MHD. In the saturated state, the anisotropic stress is comparable to the Maxwell stress, implying that the rate of angular momentum transport may be moderately enhanced in a collisionless plasma.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap