1,291 research outputs found

    Psyche's journey through a warehouse

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    Thesis (M. Arch.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1988.Includes bibliographical references (p. 109).This thesis studies the creation of a series of forms to provoke physical sensations and emotional responses from the user. Designs were made that strengthened the meaning of the forms, and the emotional responses they illicit in relation to a sequence of physical experiences of form and space. This sequence was abstracted from the Greek myth of Eros and Psyche. To do this the thesis uses a family of forms, a directional form for movement, their material and structural qualities, and the inter-relationships established between each of these and with the site. The site is a set of three adjoining warehouse buildings on the East Boston waterfront. The major body of the text describes what I produced. This includes the introduction, which describes the formal considerations that are present in the final model. Next, a photographic essay describes the final model. The photographs lead the reader through the built sequence of events. The two parts that the thesis built on are then described: the myth, which is retold as reference for the previous experience and to help explain the genesis of the creation, and the site which is described. With the site description, the intervention is described in plan and the parts are exhibited.The last section of the thesis describes the process by which I moved from the myth and the site, into drawings, and through to the final model.by James A. Bill.M.Arch

    After Constantine\u27s Sword: The Past, Present, and Future of Jewish-Christian Relations

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    An Interfaith Conversation with award-winning author: James Carroll. With responses by: Dr. Ellen M. Umansky, Carl and Dorothy Bennett Professor of Judaic Studies and Dr. Elizabeth A. Dreyer, Professor of Religious Studies. Also participating: Bill Huselman \u2798; M.T.S. Harvard Divinity School, \u2701.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/bennettcenter-posters/1216/thumbnail.jp

    Breeding Bird Surveys at Alexandra Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut (1980–2008)

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    Long-term monitoring of bird populations in the Arctic is of considerable interest as this area is experiencing rapid climate warming; however, multi-decadal studies in the Canadian High Arctic are rare. Over five summers between 1980 and 2008, we conducted breeding bird surveys by walking transects and mapping territories in a periglacial lowland on east-central Ellesmere Island, Nunavut. In all survey years, snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus), and Baird's sandpiper (Calidris bairdii) were the most abundant species. Over the study period, the assemblage of breeding bird species appears to have changed little, except for an increase in Lapland longspur. In the summer of 2008, we also compared two techniques for censusing territories. We found that spot-mapping, a simple and cost-effective method, produced similar results to the more labour-intensive active-flushing. Spot-mapping is therefore suitable for conducting bird surveys in northern locations where the vegetation is short, the terrain is flat, and the visibility is extensive. In the coming years, it will be important to continue monitoring Arctic birds to determine how climate change is affecting their breeding populations.La surveillance à long terme des populations d'oiseaux de l'Arctique revêt un intérêt considérable à la lumière du changement climatique rapide que connaît cette région. Cela dit, il faut remarquer que peu d'études échelonnées sur plusieurs décennies ont été réalisées dans l'Extrême-Arctique canadien. Au cours de cinq étés répartis entre 1980 et 2008, nous avons effectué le dénombrement d'oiseaux nicheurs en traversant des transects et en cartographiant des territoires situés sur les basses terres périglaciaires de l'île d'Ellesmere, au Nunavut. Au cours de toutes les années visées par le dénombrement, le bruant des neiges (Plectrophenax nivalis), le bruant lapon (Calcarius lapponicus) et le bécasseau de Baird (Calidris bairdii) se sont avérés les espèces les plus abondantes. Au cours de la période visée par l'étude, l'assemblage d'espèces d'oiseaux nicheurs semble avoir peu changé, sauf pour ce qui est d'une augmentation de bruants lapons. À l'été 2008, nous avons également comparé deux techniques de recensement des territoires. Nous avons effectivement constaté que la méthode des plans quadrillés, une méthode simple et abordable, donnait des résultats semblables à la méthode de dispersion active qui demande beaucoup plus de travail. Par conséquent, la méthode des plans quadrillés convient bien à la réalisation de recensements d'oiseaux dans les emplacements nordiques où la végétation est courte, où le terrain est plat et où la visibilité est vaste. Au cours des années à venir, il sera important de continuer à surveiller les oiseaux de l'Arctique afin de déterminer quelles sont les incidences du changement climatique sur les populations d'oiseaux nicheurs

    Response to the Diversity Forum

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    In the wake of hospital inquiries : impact on staff and safety

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    Mishandled concerns about clinical standards resulted in whistleblowing in four Australian hospitals. Official inquiries followed with recommendations to improve patient safety. In the aftermath of the inquiries, common themes included loss of trust in management and among clinical colleagues, and loss of trust from patients and the community. Without first rebuilding trust, staff will not report mistakes or other concerns about safety. Successful implementation of patient safety procedures requires policies to stress the professional duty of staff to report concerns about colleagues when they believe there is a risk to patients.<br /

    Phantom investigation of 3D motion-dependent volume aliasing during CT simulation for radiation therapy planning

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    PURPOSE: To quantify volumetric and positional aliasing during non-gated fast- and slow-scan acquisition CT in the presence of 3D target motion. METHODS: Single-slice fast, single-slice slow, and multi-slice fast scan helical CTs were acquired of dynamic spherical targets (1 and 3.15 cm in diameter), embedded in an anthropomorphic phantom. 3D target motions typical of clinically observed tumor motion parameters were investigated. Motion excursions included ± 5, ± 10, and ± 15 mm displacements in the S-I direction synchronized with constant displacements of ± 5 and ± 2 mm in the A-P and lateral directions, respectively. For each target, scan technique, and motion excursion, eight different initial motion-to-scan phase relationships were investigated. RESULTS: An anticipated general trend of target volume overestimation was observed. The mean percentage overestimation of the true physical target volume typically increased with target motion amplitude and decreasing target diameter. Slow-scan percentage overestimations were larger, and better approximated the time-averaged motion envelope, as opposed to fast-scans. Motion induced centroid misrepresentation was greater in the S-I direction for fast-scan techniques, and transaxial direction for the slow-scan technique. Overestimation is fairly uniform for slice widths < 5 mm, beyond which there is gross overestimation. CONCLUSION: Non-gated CT imaging of targets describing clinically relevant, 3D motion results in aliased overestimation of the target volume and misrepresentation of centroid location, with little or no correlation between the physical target geometry and the CT-generated target geometry. Slow-scan techniques are a practical method for characterizing time-averaged target position. Fast-scan techniques provide a more reliable, albeit still distorted, target margin

    Surficial geologic materials of the Marion Quadrangle, Iowa

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    Transmart Carrefour Bahu Mall merupakan mall yang dibangun di kawasan Bahu Mall Manado dimana memiliki luas ± 5.593 m². Sesuai dengan Pedoman Teknis Analisis Dampak Lalu Lintas Pembangunan Pusat Kegiatan pada Ruas Jalan Nasional di Wilayah Perkotaan (2009) yang menyatakan bahwa pusat pertokoan dengan luas minimal 500 m² wajib dilakukan andalalin. Analisis dampak lalu lintas (Andalalin) adalah kajian yang menilai efek–efek yang ditimbulkan akibat pengembangan tata guna lahan terhadap system pergerakan lalu lintas pada suatu ruas jalan terhadap jaringan transportasi di sekitarnya.Hasil Andalalin menunjukkan bahwa V/C ratio ruas jalan arah pasar 45 mengalami peningkatan akibat adanya tundaan yang disebabkan oleh kendaraan yang keluar masuk ke area bahu mall, yakni dari tingkat pelayanan C (Pra Konstruksi) menjadi D (Pasca Konstruksi) dengan nilai V/C ratio masing-masing 0,7324 menjadi 0,7954. Demikian pula dengan ruas jalan arah malalayang yang mengalami kenaikan V/C ratio meskipun belum melewati batas tingkat pelayanan yang ditentukan oleh MKJI 1997, dengan nilai masing-masing 0,6825 (Pra Konstruksi) menjadi 0,7326 (Pasca Konstruksi) dengan tingkat pelayanan C.Hasil perhitungan akumulasi parkir dan indeks parkir menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas parkir di Transmart Carrefour Bahu Mall jarang terisi penuh dengan angka maksimum pada saat penelitian yaitu 45% untuk sepeda motor dan 39% untuk kendaraan ringan, ini disebabkan oleh karena toko-toko yang berada di dalam Transmart Carrefour Bahu Mall belum sepenuhnya beroperasi.Berdasarkan analisis perhitungan kondisi eksisting, maka Transmart Carrefour Bahu Mall diperlukan beberapa tindakan penanganan pada lalu lintas sekitar mall dengan menyedikan tempat pemberhentian (lay-bys) angkutan umum dan fasilitas penyeberangan jalan berupa jembatan penyeberangan agar dapat mengurangi kemacetan. Kata Kunci :     Andalalin, V/C Ratio, Kebutuhan Parkir, Indeks Parkir


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    Development of the new ASCE/SEI consensus standard for wind speed estimation in tornadoes began in 2014 and is currently underway. The intent of the new standard is to standardize the methods used to estimate the wind speeds in tornadoes including improvements and expansions for the damaged-based Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF Scale), with potential to extend the scope of the standard to include other windstorms. The standard will include sections on the EF Scale, radar measurements, tree fall pattern analysis, data archives, forensic engineering analysis, in-situ measurements (anemometry), and remote-sensing applications. Users of the standard will include wind, structural and forensic engineers, meteorologists, climatologists, forest biologists, risk analysts, hazards modellers, emergency managers, building and infrastructure designers, the insurance industry, and the media. The standard is intended for adoption by the National Weather Service and for use by storm study teams and researchers as a guide for conducting storm surveys and analysis of storm data. Development of the standard highlights the current state-of-the art in wind speed estimation and also identifies areas where new research is needed. Development of the standard will include a public ballot period. The standard is scheduled to be completed in 2019