1,141 research outputs found

    Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus pure cognitive behavioural self-help for perfectionism:A pilot randomised study

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    This pilot study compared mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) with a self-help guide based on cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for university students experiencing difficulties due to perfectionism. Participants were randomised to an MBCT intervention specifically tailored for perfectionism or pure CBT self-help. Questionnaires were completed at baseline, eight weeks later (corresponding to the end of MBCT) and at ten-week follow-up. Post-intervention intention-to-treat (ITT) analyses identified that MBCT participants (n = 28) had significantly lower levels of perfectionism and stress than self-help participants (n = 32). There was significant MBCT superiority for changes in unhelpful beliefs about emotions, rumination, mindfulness, self-compassion and decentering. At ten-week follow-up, effects were maintained in the MBCT group and analyses showed superior MBCT outcomes for perfectionism and daily impairment caused by perfectionism. Pre-post changes in self-compassion significantly mediated the group differences in pre-post changes in clinical perfectionism. Greater frequency of mindfulness practice was associated with larger improvements in self-compassion. MBCT is a promising intervention for perfectionist students, which may result in larger improvements than pure CBT self-help. The findings require replication with a larger sample

    Older adult hoarders’ experiences of being helped by volunteers and volunteers' experiences of helping

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    Background:There is limited research into the experiences of receiving and providing help in the context of hoarding disorder.Aims:The present study aimed to explore the experiences of older people with hoarding difficulties receiving help and volunteers providing support to people with hoarding problems.Method:Qualitative methods were adopted to investigate the lived experience of participants. A total of seven volunteer helpers and four people with hoarding disorder were recruited and interviewed using a semi-structured interview, designed to explore experiences of providing and receiving help. Qualitative analysis of the interview data was performed using interpretive phenomenological analysis.Results:Four superordinate themes were identified: relationship between client and volunteer; ‘live life again’; challenges; and supporting volunteers. The relationship was crucial in providing a trusting foundation from which clients felt able to move forward. Volunteers provided a space for clients to talk and appropriate self-disclosure helped to build a relationship. The informal and ‘non-professional’ status of volunteers enabled clients to take the lead and feel more in control of the therapeutic process. Volunteer flexibility and lack of time constraints contributed to clients ‘making space’ for themselves, both in their home and their lives. The support from volunteers enabled clients to ‘live life again’ and created a domino effect, bringing about improvements in other areas of their lives.Conclusions:The findings are discussed in relation to the training of health professionals to work with people with hoarding difficulties and the implications of the findings for treatment approaches and service provision

    Information theoretical analysis of differences in information transmission in cerebellar Purkinje cells across species

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    Abstract from the 23rd Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS 2014. © 2014 Kidd et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise statedThe dendrite of the cerebellar Purkinje cell is one of the most complex structures in the mammalian brain, receiving more than 150,000 synaptic inputs. It is also one of the most extensively modelled neurons in the mammalian brain, with theoretical analysis of the input-output relationships in its dendrite extending back 40 years. While most of this experimental and modelling work has been conducted using mammalian neurons, it has also often been noted that overall cerebellar structure as well as the general morphology of Purkinje cells has been highly conserved in all vertebrate species. The work described here seeks to identify conserved features of Purkinje cell function by examining the relationship between structure and function in a range of vertebrate species from fish to mammalsPeer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Mappa mundi : mapping culture, mapping the world

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    Humanities Research Group Working Papers 9https://scholar.uwindsor.ca/hrg-working-papers/1008/thumbnail.jp

    The impact on complication rates of delayed routine pessary reviews during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: During the COVID-19 pandemic, guidance was issued in the United Kingdom advising a delay in routine pessary reviews. The impact of this has not been fully explored. The null hypothesis for this study is that delayed routine pessary reviews during the COVID-19 pandemic did not result in a statistically significant increase in complication rate. METHODS: A retrospective comparative cohort study was conducted in NHS Tayside, Scotland, involving 150 patients pre-pandemic and 150 patients during the COVID-19 pandemic (before exclusions). Their notes were reviewed identifying age, care provider, pessary type, length of pessary usage, review date, time elapsed since the previous review, bleeding/infection/ulceration, removal issues, pessary replacement and outcome. Patients excluded were those with no pessary in situ at review, reviews at ≀4 months and >8 months (pre-pandemic) and reviews at ≀8 months (COVID-19 pandemic). RESULTS: The pre-pandemic group (n=106) had average review times of 10.1,6.2 and 6.2 months for cubes, rings and all others. Overall rates of bleeding/infection/ulceration; reported removal issues; and pessary subsequently not replaced were 9.4%, 11.3% and 5.7% respectively. The COVID-19 pandemic group (n=125) had average review times of 14.7, 10.8 and 11.4 months for cubes, rings and all others. Overall rates of bleeding/infection/ulceration; reported removal issues; and pessary subsequently not replaced were 21.6%, 16.0%, and 12.0% respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, there was a significant increase in rates of bleeding/ulceration/infection (p=0.01). When individual pessaries were considered, this only remained true for rings (p=0.02). Our data would suggest that routine ring pessary reviews should not be extended beyond 6 months or risk bleeding/ulceration/infection

    Using quality assessment tools to critically appraise ageing research: a guide for clinicians

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    Evidence based medicine tells us that we should not accept published research at face value. Even research from established teams published in the highest impact journals can have methodological flaws, biases and limited generalisability. The critical appraisal of research studies can seem daunting, but tools are available to make the process easier for the non-specialist. Understanding the language and process of quality assessment is essential when considering or conducting research, and is also valuable for all clinicians who use published research to inform their clinical practice. We present a review written specifically for the practising geriatrician. This considers how quality is defined in relation to the methodological conduct and reporting of research. Having established why quality assessment is important, we present and critique tools which are available to standardise quality assessment. We consider five study designs: RCTs, nonrandomised studies, observational studies, systematic reviews and diagnostic test accuracy studies. Quality assessment for each of these study designs is illustrated with an example of published cognitive research. The practical applications of the tools are highlighted, with guidance on their strengths and limitations. We signpost educational resources and offer specific advice for use of these tools. We hope that all geriatricians become comfortable with critical appraisal of published research and that use of the tools described in this review – along with awareness of their strengths and limitations – become a part of teaching, journal clubs and practice

    Bonobo and chimpanzee gestures overlap extensively in meaning

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    Funding: JSPS Core-to-Core Program http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-core_to_core/ (grant number 2012-2014, 2015-2017). Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (grant number 25304019, 25257407, 26257408). University of St Andrews https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/study/ug/fees-and-funding/scholarships/600th-wardlaw/ (grant number 600th Anniversary Scholarship). Wenner-Gren Foundation http://www.wennergren.org/ (grant number Gr. 8950).Cross-species comparison of great ape gesturing has so far been limited to the physical form of gestures in the repertoire, without questioning whether gestures share the same meanings. Researchers have recently catalogued the meanings of chimpanzee gestures, but little is known about the gesture meanings of our other closest living relative, the bonobo. The bonobo gestural repertoire overlaps by approximately 90% with that of the chimpanzee, but such overlap might not extend to meanings. Here, we first determine the meanings of bonobo gestures by analysing the outcomes of gesturing that apparently satisfy the signaller. Around half of bonobo gestures have a single meaning, while half are more ambiguous. Moreover, all but 1 gesture type have distinct meanings, achieving a different distribution of intended meanings to the average distribution for all gesture types. We then employ a randomisation procedure in a novel way to test the likelihood that the observed between-species overlap in the assignment of meanings to gestures would arise by chance under a set of different constraints. We compare a matrix of the meanings of bonobo gestures with a matrix for those of chimpanzees against 10,000 randomised iterations of matrices constrained to the original data at 4 different levels. We find that the similarity between the 2 species is much greater than would be expected by chance. Bonobos and chimpanzees share not only the physical form of the gestures but also many gesture meanings.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The effect of 14 weeks of vitamin D3 supplementation on antimicrobial peptides and proteins in athletes

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    Heavy training is associated with increased respiratory infection risk and antimicrobial proteins are important in defence against oral and respiratory tract infections. We examined the effect of 14 weeks of vitamin D3 supplementation (5000 IU/day) on the resting plasma cathelicidin concentration and the salivary secretion rates of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA), cathelicidin, lactoferrin and lysozyme in athletes during a winter training period. Blood and saliva were obtained at the start of the study from 39 healthy men who were randomly allocated to vitamin D3 supplement or placebo. Blood samples were also collected at the end of the study; saliva samples were collected after 7 and 14 weeks. Plasma total 25(OH)D concentration increased by 130% in the vitamin D3 group and decreased by 43% in the placebo group (both P=0.001). The percentage change of plasma cathelicidin concentration in the vitamin D3 group was higher than in the placebo group (P=0.025). Only in the vitamin D3 group, the saliva SIgA and cathelicidin secretion rates increased over time (both P=0.03). A daily 5000 IU vitamin D3 supplement has a beneficial effect in up-regulating the expression of SIgA and cathelicidin in athletes during a winter training period which could improve resistance to respiratory infections
