267 research outputs found

    Chinese incentives of american overindebtness

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    The current financial and economic crisis is not du to the Dollar paradox. That's why the growing "Global Imbalances" remains an interesting issue. By mixing theories from the litterature of Foreign Direct Investment in China and the Collateral theory developped in [Dooley, Folkerts-Landau, Garber, (2004)], webuild a model which give an explanation of the American Tresory Bonds reserve held by the Chinese Central Bank. We show that the Chinese governement doesn't really need to worry about the solvability of the American economy. Moreover Chinese governement has rational intensives for american overindebtness. The main limit of this strategy consist in less human capital accumulation expectations from the FDI positive externalities. Besides we show how inflation pressures, du to incomplete sterilisation of the chinese monetary policy, can be moderate by positive productivity and quality shocks. To finish we conclude that Chinese governement has no insentive to protect intellectual property rights, whereas WTO commitments have to be assumed.FDI, Global imbalances, Collateral Theory

    The role of newer anticoagulants in prevention of deep vein thrombosis following joint replacements

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    Background: Deep vein thrombosis following orthopedic surgeries particularly hip and knee arthroplasty is due to the accompanying blood vessel trauma, venous stasis, coagulation activation and older age in most of the patients. This study aims to study the efficacy of newer anticoagulants such as direct thrombin and direct factor Xa inhibitors in prevention of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) following arthroplasties.Methods: Tablet Apixaban 2.5 mg twice daily was administered for 15 days following total knee replacement (TKR) and 30 days following total hip replacement (THR) or hemiarthroplasties.  Patients were examined clinically and radiologically with colour doppler of both lower limbs from 5th-13th and 30th-42th day postoperatively during follow up.Results: Only 3 out of 53 patients who underwent hip/knee arthroplasty developed DVT (p <0.05) which were found to be significant. Conclusions: The prevention of DVT in hip and knee arthoplasty using newer anticoagulant Apixaban was more efficacious, well tolerated with low rate of bleeding

    A comparison of the proprioception of osteoarthritic knees and post total knee arthroplasty

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    Background: Proprioception of the knee joint is an important factor for establishing balance, and smooth walking. The effect of arthroplasty on proprioception can be a determinant of post-operative function and subjective feeling of the arthroplasty. We wished to check the status of osteoarthritic knees and how their proprioceptive function is, in comparison to knees post total knee replacement.Methods: We compared 80 unilateral knee replacement patients with their osteoarthritic counterpart in the opposite knee. There was 50% Cruciate Retaining (n =40), Posterior Stabilized 50% (n =40). We assessed the proprioception using threshold to detection of passive motion and conscious awareness of passive joint position.Results: 73.8% (n =59) of patients experienced a better joint position sense, 21% (n =17) had decreased joint position sense and 5% (n =4) had the same, when compared to the contralateral osteoarthritic knee. The mean of threshold to detection of passive motion was 2.16+0.68 for the replaced knees versus 2.72±0.61 for the contralateral osteoarthritic knee.Conclusions: The proprioception of the knees that were replaced with arthroplasties had a better proprioceptive function then the osteoarthritic knees. This further solidifies the reasons to replace the dysfunctional osteoarthritic knee.

    Outcome analysis of surgically treated Tendo Achilles rupture

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    Background:The spectrum of Achilles tendon ruptures includes both acute and chronic injuries. Treatment options include operative repair with postoperative immobilization, operative repair with accelerated rehabilitation using early weight bearing, as well as non-operative treatment. Many surgeons advocate early operative repair of the ruptured Achilles tendon, citing decreased re-rupture rates and improved functional outcome while some surgeons treat them conservatively. In this article we are going to analyse the midterm outcome of surgically treated Tendo Achilles rupture.Methods:Prospective study of thirty cases of surgically managed Tendo Achilles injury treated in Sri Ramachandra medical college and research institute, Chennai, from June 2011 to June 2014. All the patients were followed up completely. Patients were followed periodically at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months and then yearly. Minimum follow up period was 12 months and maximum follow up period was 42 months. We have evolved our own scoring system and named it as comprehensive SRMC scoring system and all patients were followed using the scoring system.Results:We had 84% good results, 10% fair and 6% poor results as per comprehensive SRMC scoring system.Conclusion: SRMC scoring system for Tendo Achilles is a comprehensive one. It is specific for Tendo Achilles rupture. It includes all parameter for successful scoring system .Surgical treatment of Tendo Achilles gives good results.

    Changer de système de compte ou de monnaie, à l’époque moderne et sous la Révolution

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    En janvier 2002, les Français et plusieurs de leurs voisins européens ont changé de monnaie. Evénement majeur au plan économique, le passage à l’euro fut un véritable bouleversement pour les mentalités. L’abandon, en France, d’une monnaie vieille de 650 ans, utilisée depuis deux siècles et symbole de la République a eu des conséquences indéniables sur les comportements individuels, bien qu’elles furent moins négatives que le prévoyaient les « eurosceptiques ». A titre de comparaison, le passa..

    Does a single high dose of vitamin D3 have an effect on fracture healing? Animal study

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    Background: Vitamin D has an important role in the regulation of calcium by stimulating intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorous and osteoclastic resorption of bone thus being critical building bone. Given the high prevalence, severity, and cost of osteoporotic fractures, prevention strategies that are effective, low in cost and well tolerated are needed. One promising prevention strategy may be vitamin D supplementation. This animal study was done in order to establish the role of Vitamin D in fracture healing among rabbits.Methods: 8 rabbits were involved in the study with 4 in the control group & 4 in the test group. A fracture was surgically induced on both the groups following which a single high dose of vitamin D was administered intra muscular injection to the test group and normal saline for the control group. Biomechanical properties of the fractured bones such as energy absorbed until fracture (EAUF), maximum load (N) and diameter at the fracture site (D) were assessed 12 weeks later.Results: Mean value of EAUF for test group was 401.8 N-mm and control group was 404 N-mm. Mean value of maximum load in control group is 228.8 N and for test group is 186.9 N.Conclusions:From the above results, the authors did not find any significant improvement in fracture healing in test group. Hence, further investigations are to be needed to prove the role of vitamin D3 in fracture healing

    Evaluation of compound tibial fractures managed with an Ilizarov ring fixator

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    Background: The tibia is the most commonly fractured long bone and because of its location and the tenuous soft tissue coverage, its more prone for open fractures tibia than any other long bone. The ideal management of such fractures still remains controversial. We have evaluated the healing of fractures and functional outcomes in patients with open tibial fractures treated with an Ilizarov ring fixator.Methods: 32 patients who had open fractures of the tibia (II, IIIA or IIIB) who were treated with an Ilizarov fixator were included in the study. The patients were followed up for a minimum period of 1 year after removal of the fixator. Functional and radiological results were analysed using association for the study of applications of methods of Ilizarov scoring.Results: There were 20 cases of type IIIB, 7 cases of type IIIA, 5 cases of type II fractures. Union was achieved in all patients. Mean time for union was 25.2 weeks, with faster union times in type II, type IIIA fractures. Six cases of type IIIB needed flap cover. Limb discrepancy was seen in 3 cases. 17 cases of pin tract infections were seen, most of which were grade 3 and were managed with antibiotics. Two cases had delayed union, of which one was treated with bone marrow aspirate injection and the other one with bone grafting. At one year, 21 (65.6%) had excellent results, six (18.7%) had good results, four (12.5%) had fair outcomes and one (3.2%) had a poor result.Conclusions: Despite the associated complications, Ilizarov fixator is the ideal treatment for compound tibial fractures

    Utilization pattern of oral hypoglycemic agents for diabetes mellitus type 2 patients attending out-patient department at tertiary care centre in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a chronic disease that may be due to insulin deficiency and insulin resistance or both. The resultant hyperglycemia leading to micro and macro vascular complications.The objective was to evaluate drug utilization pattern of oral hypoglycemic agents in type-2 diabetic attending OPD.Methods: A prospective study was carried out in 200 out patients for a period of 3 months in a tertiary care hospital. Patients treated with oral hypoglycemic agents were taken for the study.Results: In the present study 102(51%) were male. Majority (40%) of patient were in the age group 50-60 years. Metformin was the most commonly prescribed drug (38.3%), followed by sulfonylurea class of drugs (35.6%). Majority of the patients n=143(71.5%) were on combination therapy in comparision to monotherapy (28.5%). Fixed dose combinations more preferred more. Brand name was prefered (98.1%) on generic drugs. Comorbid condition was found in 117 patients (58.5%).  And hypertension (34%) was the the most common comorbid condition. The average number of antidiabetic drugs per prescription was 2.2.Conclusions: Metformin was the most commonly used drug .The prescribing trend also appears to be more towards combination therapy. It was seen that particularly two drug were used

    Guy Thuillier, La Réforme monétaire de 1785 : Calonne et la refonte des louis

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    C’est un conséquent recueil de documents que nous offre Guy Thuillier, directeur d’études à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études, sur la dernière réforme monétaire de l’Ancien Régime, celle des louis d’or en 1785. Il s’était auparavant attelé à celle de l’an xi qui créa le franc germinal et il est heureux qu’il ait décidé de remonter le temps. La réforme monétaire de l’automne 1785 fut l’œuvre du contrôleur général Calonne. Elle haussa le rapport de l’or et de l’argent de 1 à 15,5 contre 1 à 1..

    Has the Globalisation really generated more competition in OECD economies

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    Since the 1970's, firms struture have changed to fit the Globalization of the Market. Some firms have suffered from increased competition, whereas others, generally big ones in the Business to Consumer sector, have enjoyed a decrease in competition. The market power of firms can affect the monetary policy trade-off between output volatility and price volatility. This trade-off is generally studied with the New Keynesian Philips Curve equation, which can be obtained by assuming Calvo or Rotemberg price setting assumptions. Both can involved a market power parameter. But the Calvo model fails to predict the increase of price volatility on markets, like manufactured goods, where competition has denitively increased. By using the Rotemberg assumption and modelling firms according to the Theory of rm Literature, the model generates the Great Moderation, only if we assume a global rise of the markup in OECD economies since the beginning of the 1980's. It also generates two other stylized facts since the beginning of the 1980's: a rise in wage variability and in labor variability relative to output variability. This simple model replicates a value of the NKPC quite close from empirical estimations since the 1990's. The model steady state with a higher value of mark-up since 1980 supports the fact that inequalities are higher since the Great Moderation. To finish, it gives a simple explanation for the barely growth of median wage compare to the growth of global productivity
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