129 research outputs found
This article proposed some important issues relating with teaching English vocabulary. This article also quoted various literature that have a correaltion with teaching English vocabulary for Indonesian students who were not from English Department. Specially, this article discussed about some issues relating with teaching strategy (Metacognitive strategy) and its procedure in teaching English vocabulary to the students. At last, this article might give a recommendation for those students in improving their English vocabulary.  Key Words: metacognitive strategy, vocabulary learnin
Development Of Collaborative Learning Model Based On Guided Inquiry In Increasing Learning Outcomes Of Students Of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 City Of Padang Panjang
Collaborative learning Based on guided inquiry emphasizes cooperation between participants in groups. This is based on the thought that it is easier for everyone to understand a concept if they discuss the problem together. Most of them in guided inquiry-based collaborative learning will form togetherness by considering differences in academic ability, gender and characteristics. The development of this model is expected to be useful for implementation in the learning carried out and will have an impact on increasing the enthusiasm for learning, so of course it will also have an impact on increasing student learning outcomes. The data sources for this research are students at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 300 people. Data analysis in this study will be carried out by checking the validity of the data. The results of this study show that the concept of Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry can be combined into one Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry. Because these two models emphasize the process of obtaining student information and providing stimulus to students in the form of presenting an invention they have obtained.Collaborative learning Based on guided inquiry emphasizes cooperation between participants in groups. This is based on the thought that it is easier for everyone to understand a concept if they discuss the problem together. Most of them in guided inquiry-based collaborative learning will form togetherness by considering differences in academic ability, gender and characteristics. The development of this model is expected to be useful for implementation in the learning carried out and will have an impact on increasing the enthusiasm for learning, so of course it will also have an impact on increasing student learning outcomes. The data sources for this research are students at MAN 3 Padang Panjang City for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 300 people. Data analysis in this study will be carried out by checking the validity of the data. The results of this study show that the concept of Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry can be combined into one Collaborative Learning Based on Guided Inquiry. Because these two models emphasize the process of obtaining student information and providing stimulus to students in the form of presenting an invention they have obtained
Building Reading Fondness Through Management Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (TBM)
Reading is the first obligation that God commands His people. Because by reading we can find out what is not yet known. Reading can sharpen thinking power and improve writing skills. Reading is not only explicit but also implied from all natural phenomena. So that reading activities run well, a place that can accommodate both reading and writing activities is needed. The place referred to in this paper is in the form of TBM. For the implementation of reading activities smoothly, it is necessary to manage the institution which includes planning, implementing, organizing, evaluating and developing. TBM not only functions as a place to read and write but also at the same time other activities that support reading activities, such as sports and arts activities, entertainment and recreation, so these activities need to be programmed at TBM
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Pendekatan Kontekstual untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Peserta Didik
Implementasi pendekatan saintifik belum optimal sehingga kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa belum berkembang. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya bahan ajar yang mendukung implementasi pendekatan ilmiah, seperti lembar kerja siswa dan rencana pelajaran. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengembangan lembar kerja siswa yang menarik untuk mendukung implementasi pendekatan kontekstual, dan mengembangkan kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat lembar kerja siswa berdasarkan pendekatan kontekstual untuk meningkatkan kemampuan penalaran yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Pengembangan lembar kerja siswa menggunakan model yang terdiri dari tahap penyisihan, tahap prototyping, dan tahap penilaian. Lembar kerja mahasiswa yang dirancang dievaluasi menggunakan desain evaluasi formatif yang terdiri dari self evaluation, expert review, one to one evaluation, small group dan field test. Penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa lembar kerja dan rencana pelajaran siswa valid, praktis dan efektif
Implementing Cognitive Strategy Instruction to Improve the Actual Intellectual Abilities of the Undergraduate Students with Cognitive Expression Difficulties
This research aims to find out the effectiveness of cognitive strategy instruction for improving intellectual abilities of undergraduate students with cognitive expressing difficulties, especially in actualizing their thinking abilities starting from lower order thinking up to higher order thinking. Therefore, the cognitive strategy instructional design based on Bloom’s Taxonomy is constructed in order to accomplish the research objectives. This research uses mixed method approach entailing the implementation of two research methods. The first is qualitative method which aims to get information of the cognitive strategy in instructional process. The second is quantitative method which is used to measure the students’ improvement in cognitive abilities or actual intellectual abilities after participating in cognitive strategies instruction. Research implementation is divided into three stages. The first stage is needs assessment, in which the students’ thinking / cognitive skill abilities are observed and measured in order to have evidence whether or not they have cognitive expression difficulties. The second stage is to use the needs assessment results in designing cognitive strategy instruction. The third stage is the implementation of the instructional design. There are 20 undergraduate students taking part in this research who are selected by purposive sampling technique. The results revealed that cognitive strategy instruction effectively improves the actual intellectual abilities of students with cognitive expression difficulties. Qualitatively, the students feel very satisfied with their actual intellectual abilities
Validitas Perangkat Pembelajaran Geometri Berbasis Etnomatematika Rumah Gadang
Berdasarkan observasi, wawancara dan analisis pendahuluan yang dilakukan di beberapa sekolah menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang digunakan selama ini baik itu RPP ataupun LKPD belum dikaitkan dengan budaya sekitar peserta didik, pendidikan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari peran serta budaya dan masyarakat karena proses perkembangan individu peserta didik sangat memerlukan lingkungan belajar yang baik. Tujuan penelitan ini adalah untuk mengetahui validitas perangkat pembelajaran geometri berbasis etnomatematika rumah gadang berupa RPP dan LKPD. Penelitian iniimerupakan bagian dari penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Tujuan penelitian pengembangan adalah untuk menciptakan dan memvalidasi produk pendidikan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan Plomp. Tahap analisis awal, tahap pengembangan prototipe, dan tahap penilaian adalah tiga langkah yang membentuk model pengembangan Plomp. Komponen RPP yang divalidasi adalah validitas isi dan validitas konstruk. Sedangkan komponen LKPD yang divalidasi berupa faktor penyajian, waktu, bahasa, dan isi. Hasil validasi ahli menggunakan instrumen lembar uji validitas berupa angket digunakan untuk menghasilkan data uji validitas. Skala Likert digunakan untuk memeriksa data yang dikumpulkan. Hasil uji validitas untuk RPP geometri berbasis etnomatematika rumah gadang secara keseluruhan memperoleh nilai kevalidan yaitu 3,88 pada kategori sangat valid, sedangkan hasil uji validitas LKPD memperoleh nilai kevalidan 3,67 pada kategori sangat valid sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa RPP dan LKPD valid dan dapat digunakan
Urgensi Filsafat Ilmu dalam Bimbingan Konseling di Era Digital
This study aims to determine the progress of the times accompanied by technological improvements in the digital era. Logical thinking is an important foundation in the development of science, especially in the philosophy of science. The emergence of technology in the digital era has had a major influence on the role of philosophy of science in guidance and counseling in the digital era. Continuation must be the fundamental money to capture, expert, and treat innovation properly and appropriately. The purpose of this research is to find out how far the development of digital era science is in the study of philosophy of science from the perspective of guidance and counseling in the development of the digital era. This research method is qualitative with a literature study approach, or also called a literature review. Literature review is a written summary of articles from journals, documents, and books that explain theories and information that occurred in the past or is currently happening. The results of this study aim to find out how far the development of the digital era is in perspective in the philosophy of science in the context of guidance and counseling in the development of the digital era, and aims to make it easier for counselors to help clients solve their problems by using e-mail media, video conferencing, Facebook and applications in online counseling
Meta-Analysis of early childhood learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic using the prism method
In the current Covid-19 transition period, innovations in early childhood learning models are needed that are effectively used. The many models of early childhood learning during this pandemic need to be studied further which are appropriate for implementation. This study aims to empirically verify the early childhood learning model during the COVID-19 pandemic and analyze the factors that influence early childhood learning during the Covid-19 period. The method used in writing this article is a systematic literature review, which is a literature search from national article sources conducted using indexed searches on Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic. This literature review was conducted using the prism method technique. The articles reviewed are the most recent 50 articles from 2020 to 2021, and the results were sorted into 26 articles. All articles are classified by year of publication, type of indexing journal, method, and early childhood learning model. The results of the study are presented as follows. (1) The search results prove an increase in the number of articles published from 2020-2021. (2) The results of the study show that the most widely used learning model in early childhood learning involves the participation and assistance of parents in children's learning at home through learning media created by teachers and distributed through social media. (3) The obstacles that can be identified are: (a) the role of parents in children's learning during the pandemic is still less than optimal, (b) the lack of mastery of technology skills of students and parents during online learning. So it is necessary to develop an early childhood learning model that can be applied in online implementation, able to facilitate collaboration between parents, teachers, and students
Peran Konselor untuk Membentuk Etika dan Estetika Siswa di Sekolah
The purpose of this study is for counselors to know how to form the ethics and aesthetics of students at school. The essence of the counselor is always to provide advice or direction about student problems or complaints so that the ethics and aesthetics of students who have good morals are formed. The method used in this research is carried out using books, magazines, and journals that examine the role of counselors in schools. The results of this study are counselors who play a role in the formation of ethics and aesthetics for students at the Baitul Hikmah al-Zain Foundation participate in adding to existing activities at school such as the program to welcome students in the morning which will foster aesthetic value in students, making extracurricular activities this al- The Qur'an which values religion to form encourages students to have good ethics, and so on
Semakin berkembangnya dunia teknologi di bidang industri maupun rumah tangga
yang mana semua kebutuhan tersebut membutuhkan adanya daya listrik. Maka PLN sebagai
operator dan pemasok utama energi listrik tentunya harus dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga
listrik yang mempunyai tingkat keandalan yang handal. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan
analisa keandalan sistem jaringan distribusi 20 kV menggukan metode Section Technique
dan metode RIA (Reliability Index Assessment). Metode section Technique adalah metode
yang mengevaluasi keandalan dengan cara memecah sistem menjadi beberapa section
terlebih dahulu sedangkan metode RIA mengevaluasi keandalan pada kondisi perfect
switching dan kondisi imperfect switching. Berdasarkan hasil analisa menggunakan metode
Section Technique didapat nilai SAIFI 1,322872 kali/tahun, SAIDI 1,690895 jam/tahun.
Sedangkan untuk metode RIA (Reliability Index Assessment) didapat nilai SAIFI 1,318214
kali/tahun, SAIDI 1,68549 jam/tahun. Berdasarkan nilai tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa
pada feeder 4 Lobak masih handal dikarnakan nilai indeks keandalanya lebih kecil
dibandingkan standar yang di tetapkan oleh PLN. Adapun standar PLN 68-2 Tahun 1986
untuk nilai SAIFI 3,2 kali/tahun dan SAIDI 21 jam/tahun.
Kata Kunci: Keandalan, Section Technique, Reliability Index Assessment (RIA), SAIFI,
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