640 research outputs found


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    An algorithm to determine changes in surface topography on asperity level has been developed in this paper. The software tool stitches small but detailed images together to create one large image. If such an image is made before and after an experiment, their difference shows a direct 3D view of the changes in micro-geometry, rather than a change in surface parameters such as RMS or CLA roughness. The algorithm is described in detail and demonstrated by appling to real rough surfaces

    Running-in as an Engineering Optimization

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    Running-in is a process which can be found in daily lives. This phenomenon occurs after the start of the contact between fresh solid surfaces, resulting in changes in the surface topography, friction and wear. Before the contacting engineering solid surfaces reach a steady-state operation situation this running-n enhances the contact performance. Running-in is very complex and is a vast problem area. A lot of variable occurs in the running-in process, physically, mechanically or chemically. These transient phenomena should be optimized so that it is beneficial. In this paper the global analysis of running-in in term of engineering optimization is presented. Literature that reports of what have been published about knowledge and ideas, on the running-in topic by accredited scholars and researchers, are reviewed. The running-in model which can predict the real engineering surfaces in its operation is proposed


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    Tribology adalah ilmu dan teknologi gesekan, keausan dan pelumasan pada permukaan yang saling berinteraksi dalam gerak realtif. Pada hampir setiap aspek kehidupan kita sehari-hari beberapa aplikasi tribologi dapat ditemui. Pencengkeraman, penggenggaman, peluncuran, menyikat gigi, permesinan, gesekan antara kulit dan pakaian, antara roda dan jalan, dll menunjukkan fenomena penerapan tribologi.Artikel ini meninjau pustaka-pustaka yang telah dipublikasikan tentang pengetahuan-pengetahuan dan ideide mengenai tribologi oleh para ahli dan peneliti, yang berhubungan dengan efisiensi energi dalam penggunaannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi tribologi, penggunaan energi dapat dihemat hingga kurang lebih 11%.Kata kunci: tribologi, efisiensi energy, gesekan, keausan, pelumasa

    Deformation due to contact between a rough surface and a smooth ball

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    Theoretical and experimental results are presented to evaluate the deformation behavior of the contact between a real rough flat surface and a smooth ball. There are three deformation responses: plastic deformation of the asperities only, plastic deformation of the bulk only and combined plastic deformation of both the asperities and the bulk. The effects of the surface roughness and the Hertzian contact parameters on the effective contact pressure are presented. The experimental results confirmed the theoretical prediction very well. For a given Hertzian contact situation the surface roughness plays an important role in controlling the deformation behavior of the contacting surfaces. A criterion is presented to predict the deformation behavior of contacting engineering surfaces


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    The smooth surface of mecanical component will be seem to be rough if the enlargement in micro scale is conducted.a such surface has an irregulaties in topography structure because of the machning process. When in contact asperity will have a very high deformatis as increasing stress, fricties, wear, and increased temperature. That’s way, need to research to analyze Von Mises stress due to wave ratio variation at multiple asperity contact. The contact between multiple asperity which has a wave shape, is anelyzed using Finite Element Method (FEM) using Abaqus 6-5.1. The parameter studied are the variation of wave ratios i.e: 5, 10, 20 and tension-to-pressure of 0,1 and 1. The contact location are at one-eigth of a wave length away from the peak and top of peak. The result show the wave ratio decreased, it the Von Mises stress increase

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Alat Keramas Portable Untuk Pasien Rumah Sakit Dengan Metode Morfologi

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    Comfort and personal treatment is one of a basic human need in healthy or in being treated condition.The aim of this paper is to develop a portable shampooing equipment for hospital patients. In product design, the variation of product involves specific parameters of the existing product in order to create a new product design. There are several methods of product design process for determining the best product. Product design method used in this study is morphological method.This method contains a list of all possible solutions to the non-quantitatively multi-dimensional problems. Several product design concepts are presented in this study and the process of selecting the best product concept is also demonstrated. A concept of portable shampooing product equipment that can be usedto treat hospital patients has been successfully developed and the prototype of such concept has been manufactured

    Analisa Karakteristik Minyak Pelumas Jenis 15w-40 Produk Dalam Negeri Menggunakan Tribometer Pin-on-ring

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    Kemampuan mesin dalam mempertahankan performa terhadap penggunaan berulang merupakansalah satu hal penting dalam perancangan permesinan. Gesekan antar komponen mesin yang salingkontak menjadi fenomena yang sering menyebabkan penurunan performa dari mesin. Hal itudisebabkan oleh terjadinya aus pada komponen yang saling kontak tersebut. Salah satu cara yangefektif untuk mengurangi keausan komponen adalah dengan memberikan pelumas. Minyakpelumas mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda-beda disesuaikan dengan penggunaan dan kondisilingkungannya. Kurva Stribeck merupakan kurva hubungan antara koefisien gesekan danlubrication number yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dari minyak pelumas.Pelumas jenis 15W-40 merupakan salah satu jenis pelumas yang cocok digunakan di iklim tropisseperti di Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan difokuskan pada analisa kurva Stribeck pelumas jenis15W-40 produk dalam negeri menggunakan tribometer pin-on-ring. Pengujian dilakukan darikecepatan 2-250 rpm dengan temperatur dikondisikan 40oC, beban yang diberikan 100 N, danviskositas yang digunakan 0,09924 Pa.s. Penelitian dilakukan selama kondisi running-in, yaitu darikondisi awal sampai kondisi tunak (steady state). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwakondisi running-in terjadi sampai pada pengujian keenam. Semakin besar kecepatan yangdiberikan, maka koefisien gesek yang dihasilkan semakin kecil. Regime yang terbentuk dalamkurva Stribeck pada penelitian ini adalah boundary lubrication dan mixed lubrication
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