8 research outputs found

    Nasalance scores in Malay children with repaired cleft palate (± lip).

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    Cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CLP) is a common facial birth defect (Watson, 2001). Corrective surgery to repair the cleft is often done early in infancy, before the child starts speaking. Surgical treatment is very important to achieve an acceptable esthetic result, to optimize normal bony facial growth and also to get a good speech outcome (Habel et al., 1996)

    Prediction and Determination of Undrained Shear Strength of Soft Clay at Bukit Raja

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    This paper presents the results of a study to predict and determine undrained shear strength, s", a very important parameter in design practice, for Klang clay, Malaysia. s is determined using field and laboratory vane shear and recompression method utilizing the direct simple shear (DSS) apparatus. Prediction of "was accomplished using the SHANSEP procedure and the critical state model. A test borehole at Bukit Raja, Klangs, was used for this study. Comparisons of s" values obtained by these methods are made. It is found that all the methods employed show the same trend of s" with depth. The vane shear test gives the highest estimation of s", followed by the recompression method, SHANSEP method and critical state method


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    Marketing Public Relations merupakan bagian dari Public Relations yang sangat perlu untuk dijalankan oleh suatu organisasi atau instansi. Pentingnya marketing public relations selain sebagai alat untuk mendukung penjualan, juga kegiatan untuk mengkomunikasikakn segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan industri dan produk-produk yang dihasilkan organisasinya serta membina persepsi khalayak sebagai konsumen industrinya. Adapun metode yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam metode penelitian tersebut yaitu pengumpulan data berdasarkan kenyataan di lapangan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh tersebut kemudian dilakukan analisa dan menginterpretasikan arti data yang dimaksud. Hasilnya penulis menemukan bahwa Implementasi Marketing Grab dalam Menarik Minat Konsumen di Kota Jambi seperti melakukan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi program layanan jasa yang dilakukan dengan merencanakan, melaksanakan dan melakukan evaluasi layanan jasa pemasaran Grab Kota Jambi, Grab berupaya mempengaruhi atau menciptakan opini publik yang menguntungkan dengan komunikasi yang baik kepada setiap konsumen, Grab mampu memperoleh publisitas tinggi dengan melakukan pelayanan yang prima, Grab berupaya meningkatkan mutu, kuantitas dan kualitas layanan jasa dengan selalu mengevaluasi layanan jasa, Grab berupaya menumbuhkan good will (itikad baik) dan loyalitas konsumen seperti menjaga komunikasi dengan para konsumen dan mitra, Grab melakukan strategi pull, strategi push, strategi pass dengan layanan yang jasa yang menarik, Grab mampu mencapai target profit perusahaan seperti secara umum target Grab selalu tercapai setiap tahunnya dan, Grab mengkomunikasikan manfaat dan daya guna jasa dengan komunikasi terutama kemudahan dalam mengggunakan aplikasi

    Work & home physical activity profile of women workers in an electronics factory in the Klang Valley, Malaysia

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    This paper describes the prevalence of exercise and other physical activities as well as their correlates among women workers in an electronics factory in the Klang Valley. This was a cross-sectional survey using guided self-administered questionnaires on 496 women workers. Comparisons of sociodemographic profiles, selected physiological parameters, work and physical activity profiles, knowledge and attitudes related to exercise and mental health status were made between the exercise and the sedentary groups. Results show that the prevalence of exercise in this group of women was 19.8% which is higher than the Malaysian national average. Among the sedentary women, high levels of knowledge and attitudes towards exercise did not translate into practice, time constraints being stated as the main problem for not exercising. Women who exercised suffered less depression and stress. However, in this study, exercise was not found to be statistically associated with reduction of anxiety or body weight

    Work & Home Physical Ability Profile of Women Workers in an Electronics Factory in the Klang Valley, Malaysia

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    This paper describes the prevalence of exercise and other physical activities as well as their correlates among women workers in an electronics factory in the Klang Valley. This was a cross-sectional survey using guided self-administered questionnaires on 496 women workers. Comparisons of sociodemographic profiles, selected physiological parameters, work and physical activity profiles, knowledge and attitudes related to exercise and mental health status were made between the exercise and the sedentary groups. Results show that the prevalence of exercise in this group of women was 19.8% which is higher than the Malaysian national average. Among the sedentary women, high levels of knowledge and attitudes towards exercise did not translate into practice, time constraints being stated as the main problem for not exercising. Women who exercised suffered less depression and stress. However, in this study, exercise was not found to be statistically associated with reduction of anxiety or body weight

    Intergration of Islamic input in medical curriculum - Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) experience

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    Muslim doctors are those qualified doctors who practise their professional knowledge and skills in line with Islam and upholds the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour. The medical curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) was designed with the integration of Islamic input which aims at producing doctors who are able to practise medicine that is integrated with Islamic, moral and ethical values. Halaqah Studies and Fundamental Islamic Knowledge (FIK) courses such as History of Medicine in Islam, Science and Medicine in Quran and Sunnah, Akhlak and Tasawuf, Islamic Jurisprudence and Medical Ethics and Fiqh Issues are taught to students during the pre-clinical and clinical phases. Memorization of selected Quranic verses throughout the programme aim to get the students to apply the verses of the al-Quran into practice in everyday life and especially in their clinical practice. Islamic values are emphasised during doctor-patient interactions in all clinical postings. Islamic knowledge and values integrated in the curriculum are assessed in written and clinical examinations. The outcome of the integration of the Naqli component in the medical curriculum has been demonstrated positively by the students in the patient management problems and clinical consultations. Studies on the outcome of the integrated Islamic input in the medical curriculum among the clinical students and graduates are being carried out

    Religious and cultural food: at the crossroads of science and ethics

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    The existence of different religions around the world is not intended to create hostility, but to establish harmony and peace both here and hereafter. The food and drinks that we eat create our blood, give us energy, repair broken parts of our cells and tissues, and influence our thinking and activities. This chapter has compared and examined how five main religions, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jews, have influenced people's ethics on the selection of menu and their scientific points of view. Last but not the least, scientific explanations are given to show how the religious food and drinks are not just dogmatic, but have rationale to be practiced even in the modern time in maintaining both physical and spiritual health. The main purpose is not to insult any religious practices, but to help the readers rethink what type of food ethics provides the best solution for their physical and mental well-being