97 research outputs found

    Are the Theories of Evolution, Multiverse, and the Inexistence of Universe Starting Point, the Product of Modern Science? Causality and Chance in Modern and Ancient Science

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    In the last two centuries, a better understanding of nature and significant advances in science and technology have led to the emergence of new and exciting ideas and approaches. Almost all of them are known as the product of contemporary science. Ideas such as evolution in biology, the ideas about the beginning of the universe (models based on the existence of a starting point for the universe or otherwise), and the idea of parallel worlds in physics. Although these ideas have flourished in the context of modern science, they contain important philosophical backgrounds and as a result, have some important philosophical consequences.  In this article, a historical review of the writings and works of Ibn Sina shows that each of these ideas has been presented similarly since ancient times in natural philosophy. Therefore, their position is more philosophical than scientific. Using these theories without considering their metaphysical and non-experimental assumptions will lead to misconceptions. Many of the challenges between science and religion stem from not considering the limits of empirical science and a lack of attention to the metaphysical assumptions of scientific theories. In this article, we will explain Ibn Sina's reasons for or against these theories as one of the first people to explicitly examine the scientific and philosophical aspects of these theories. Ibn Sina's scientific accuracy and admirable scientific spirit can be enlightening for contemporary scholars

    On the Influence of Structural Connectivity on the Correlation Patterns and Network Synchronization

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    Since brain structural connectivity is the foundation of its functionality, in order to understand brain abilities, studying the relation between structural and functional connectivity is essential. Several approaches have been applied to measure the role of the structural connectivity in the emergent correlation/synchronization patterns. In this study, we investigates the cross-correlation and synchronization sensitivity to coupling strength between neural regions for different topological networks. We model the neural populations by a neural mass model that express an oscillatory dynamic. The results highlight that coupling between neural ensembles leads to various cross-correlation patterns and local synchrony even on an ordered network. Moreover, as the network departs from an ordered organization to a small-world architecture, correlation patterns, and synchronization dynamics change. Interestingly, at a certain range of the synaptic strength, by fixing the structural conditions, different organized patterns are seen at the different input signals. This variety switches to a bifurcation region by increasing the synaptic strength. We show that topological variations is a major factor of synchronization behavior and lead to alterations in correlated local clusters. We found the coupling strength (between cortical areas) to be especially important at conversions of correlation and synchronization states. Since correlation patterns generate functional connections and transitions of functional connectivity have been related to cognitive operations, these diverse correlation patterns may be considered as different dynamical states corresponding to various cognitive tasks

    Assessment of New Kiwifruit Genotypes (Actinidia chinensis (A.Chev.) A.Chev.) From Open Pollination by Molecular Markers and Phenotypic Traits

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    Molecular markers are useful tool to study genetic diversity and the relationship between genotypes. The evaluation of genetic diversity in species is a start step for breeding program. In this study, molecular markers were used to determine diversity and genetic relationships of 120 kiwifruit genotypes. During two consecutive growing seasons, thirty-two discretional morphological traits were studied by the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) in new kiwifruit genotypes. Average value of polymorphism per primer was 95.1%. Polymorphism information content values for all the primers used ranged from 0.32 to 0.41. High levels of polymorphism were found for all marker systems. Dendrogram generated using unweighted pair group method with arithmetic cluster analysis based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient and dendrogram generated using Neighbor-joining cluster analysis accessions were separated 120 genotypes into 11 and 5 groups, respectively. For all markers, 171 marker–trait associations were found with the GLM, the significance criteria defined for the traits only at the P≤0.01 level. This study results provide useful genetic information about new kiwifruit genotypes of Iran and indicate that the use of new kiwifruit genotypes in breeding program could be useful for generating new cultivars with novel characteristics

    Brownian Dynamics Simulation of Nucleocytoplasmic Transport: A Coarse-Grained Model for the Functional State of the Nuclear Pore Complex

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    The nuclear pore complex (NPC) regulates molecular traffic across the nuclear envelope (NE). Selective transport happens on the order of milliseconds and the length scale of tens of nanometers; however, the transport mechanism remains elusive. Central to the transport process is the hydrophobic interactions between karyopherins (kaps) and Phe-Gly (FG) repeat domains. Taking into account the polymeric nature of FG-repeats grafted on the elastic structure of the NPC, and the kap-FG hydrophobic affinity, we have established a coarse-grained model of the NPC structure that mimics nucleocytoplasmic transport. To establish a foundation for future works, the methodology and biophysical rationale behind the model is explained in details. The model predicts that the first-passage time of a 15 nm cargo-complex is about 2.6±0.13 ms with an inverse Gaussian distribution for statistically adequate number of independent Brownian dynamics simulations. Moreover, the cargo-complex is primarily attached to the channel wall where it interacts with the FG-layer as it passes through the central channel. The kap-FG hydrophobic interaction is highly dynamic and fast, which ensures an efficient translocation through the NPC. Further, almost all eight hydrophobic binding spots on kap-β are occupied simultaneously during transport. Finally, as opposed to intact NPCs, cytoplasmic filaments-deficient NPCs show a high degree of permeability to inert cargos, implying the defining role of cytoplasmic filaments in the selectivity barrier

    Analysis of photovoltaic technology development based on technology life cycle approach

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    Increasing energy demand has created the challenge of supplying safe, economical, and durable energy with minimal impact on the environment. Therefore, governments have developed and executed several strategies such as increasing efficiency in energy systems in addition to replacing existing sources with renewable energies. One of the most important renewable energy sources that have a competitive advantage compared with other resources is solar energy and its related technologies. However, development of this technology, its related products, and their competitiveness in the market has created a plethora of challenges. In this study, the focus is on the analysis of photovoltaic technology development in the context of different technology generations. The S-shape curve of each generation and sub-technologies of photovoltaic is designed and analyzed. Results show that the first generation of photovoltaic technology is in growth and early maturity stage. The second generation is also in growth stage, but the third generation is mainly in the introduction stage.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
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