43 research outputs found

    Scene classification using high spatial resolution multispectral data

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    Spectral imagery has traditionally been an important tool for terrain categorization (TERCAT). High-spatial resolution (8-meter), 4-color MSI data from IKONOS provide a new tool for scene classification. The utility of these data are studied for the purpose of classifying the Elkhorn Slough and surrounding wetlands in central California. The specific goal was to determine to what degree an existing classification map could be replicated using the 4-color imagery. The existing map was used as an input to a supervised classification process. Errors in that map required development of revised exemplar spectra sets, eliminating mixed classes. Classification was done using a spectral angle mapper and maximum likelihood classifier. Results were compared to the original classification map. Confusion matrix calculations showed agreement at the 10-20% level. This lack of agreement is attributed to errors in the original map at the relatively high resolution of IKONOS.http://archive.org/details/sceneclassificat109455926Ensign, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Terrain Classification in Urban Wetlands with High-spatial Resolution Multi-spectral Imagery

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    Sensors, Systems, and Next Generation Satellites VI, Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 4881, page 686, edited by H. Fujisada, J. Lurie, M. Atne, & K. Weber, 2003.The Elkhorn Slough area is a major wildlife reserve, and important wetlands area along the central coast of California. As part of the ongoing study of the slough, accurate classifications of the regions in the slough and its watershed are needed. The objective of this work was to use the 4-m spatial resolution, 4-color sensor on the IKONOS satellite. A manually constructed classification map was used to train the spectral classifiers. As the work evolved, a problem emerged due to the relatively high spatial resolution. Regions of interest such as oak woodlands have highly variable spectral elements when observed at high spatial resolution. As a consequence, the refinement of the regions of interest obtained from the original classification map required not only the elimination of erroneous spectral elements; but also required inclusion of a range of spectra, as opposed to the traditional approach of selecting pure exemplars. Modest success was obtained from the classification effort. As a consequence, additional virtual bands were created by constructing texture features from the higher spatial resolution panchromatic band. This enabled spectrally similar classes such as trees and cultivated fields to be distinguished

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Tracer Doc Surat Masuk dengan Framework Scrum

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    Mail management is essential for an organization. In fact, managing incoming mail in the Regional Secretariat of Bone County still uses manual methods. This study aims to build an incoming mail management information system application at the Regional Secretariat of Bone Regency. For this purpose, this research uses Scrum, an Agile software development method. The stages of the Scrum model used include Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Sprint, and Working Increment of Software. This method is suitable for managing projects practically. The application is designed to provide a variety of menus and features that allow organizations to handle incoming mail efficiently, including identity input and mail upload, disposition, tracer doc, and mail archiving. The app has gone through black box testing to ensure that all features work as intended. The results showed that the developed application allows easier management of incoming mail, filing and disposition of correspondence, and real-time tracking of mail positions. Pengelolaan surat merupakan hal yang penting bagi sebuah organisasi. Faktanya, pengelolaan surat masuk di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Bone masih menggunakan cara manual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah aplikasi sistem informasi pengelolaan surat masuk di Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Bone. Untuk tujuan tersebut penelitian ini menggunakan Scrum, yang merupakan metode pengembangan software Agile. Tahapan metode Scrum yang digunakan mencakup Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Sprint, dan Working Increment of Software. Metode ini cocok untuk mengelola proyek secara praktis. Aplikasi dirancang untuk menyediakan berbagai menu dan fitur yang memungkinkan pihak organisasi untuk mengelola surat masuk secara efisien, termasuk input identitas dan unggah surat, disposisi, dan tracer doc, serta pengarsipan surat. Aplikasi telah melalui pengujian black box untuk memastikan bahwa semua fitur berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keberadaan aplikasi sistem yang dikembangkan memungkinkan pengelolaan surat masuk, pengarsipan, dan disposisi surat yang lebih mudah, serta pelacakan posisi surat secara real-time