23 research outputs found

    A Reversible Jump MCMC Algorithm for Particle Size Inversion in Multiangle Dynamic Light Scattering

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    Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Lisbon, Portugal, 201

    Agrégation fractale de suspensions colloïdales déstabilisées : analyse par diffusion multi-angulaire de la lumière

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    International audienceCette communication expose les principales caractĂ©ristiques d’un banc de diffusion multi an-gulaire dont les aspects novateurs et la pertinence sont testĂ©s par le suivi de la dynamique de dĂ©stabilisation d’une suspension de silice. Outre la correction de divers biais optiques, ce banc intĂšgre des algorithmes d’inversion couplant modĂšles d’agrĂ©gation fractale, modĂšles de diffusion de la lumiĂšre et mĂ©thodes d’inversion des donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont jugĂ©s trĂšs physiques et dans tous les cas bien plus rĂ©solus et riches que ceux restituĂ©s par des analyses classiques du type microscopie Ă©lectronique et diffusion dynamique

    Thermoelastic investigation of a quartz tuning fork used in infrared spectroscopy

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    International audienceThe performances of quartz tuning forks (QTF) used in infrared spectroscopy for pollutant detection are investigated. The transduction between light and QTF vibration is elucidated thanks to QTF encapsulation under vacuum. From the sensitivity enhancement which is obtained we conclude that their interaction is photo-thermoelastic rather than photo-thermoacoustic. A mapping of the local sensitivity of the QTF is obtained by scanning its faces with the excitation probe beam. The comparison between the signal mapping and the theoretical strain mapping indicates that the most efficient areas of the QTF correspond to the areas where the strain or stress are the highest

    Agrégation fractale de suspensions colloïdales déstabilisées : analyse par diffusion multi-angulaire de la lumière

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    International audienceCette communication expose les principales caractĂ©ristiques d’un banc de diffusion multi an-gulaire dont les aspects novateurs et la pertinence sont testĂ©s par le suivi de la dynamique de dĂ©stabilisation d’une suspension de silice. Outre la correction de divers biais optiques, ce banc intĂšgre des algorithmes d’inversion couplant modĂšles d’agrĂ©gation fractale, modĂšles de diffusion de la lumiĂšre et mĂ©thodes d’inversion des donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont jugĂ©s trĂšs physiques et dans tous les cas bien plus rĂ©solus et riches que ceux restituĂ©s par des analyses classiques du type microscopie Ă©lectronique et diffusion dynamique

    Fluorescence scanning near-field optical microscopy in reflection

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    A Fluorescence Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope operated in reflection is presented. A pulled optical fiber is used both as an emitter for the exciting light and a collector for the generated fluorescence. The advantage of this set-up is the use of the fiber tip as an emitter and a collector. The sample is locally illuminated and no extra optical elements are needed for the detection. We will describe the shear force set-up which is used to control the tip to surface distance. Direct correlation between force map and optical signal is thus possible. Fluorescence images have been obtained on Langmuir-Blodgett films where we estimate the resolution at 200 nm. Moreover the anisotropic property of the monolayer allows polarization contrast measurements. Thus, we show true optical contrast due to fluorescence and polarization is applicable to this configuration. Artifacts in LB films shear force image are discussed. Shear force approach curves obtained on glass and polymer domains are presented to explain the chemical origin of the phenomenon

    Emission of 30ps Pulses by a Fibered Passively Q-Switched Microchip Laser

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    International audienceWe report the design of low-cost and compact short-pulse source based on a fiber-coupled Q-switched microchiplaser. The combination of stimulated Raman scattering and non linear polarization rotation effects in the fiber associated with appropriate filtering makes it possible to tune pulse duration down to 32ps with peak power above 3kW. Pulse to pulse peak power fluctuation is below 4%