13 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the distribution and relationship between the concentration of cadmium metal (Cd) and total organic matter (TOM) in sediments in the Tallo estuary, Makassar City. The study collected sediment samples from 12 points, distance of 500m between points sampling. Furthermore, 12 sediment samples were analyzed for Cd and TOM concentrations in the laboratory. The results of measurements of Cd metal in sediments showed concentrations ranging from 0.001 - 0.037 mg/kg. The concentration of Cd metal found was still in the low category. While the concentration of TOM in sediment ranges from 6.7 -30.3%, indicating a low concentration. The distribution of Cd and TOM showed that the farther from the estuary, the lower the concentration. Based on the results of the regression test, the relationship between Cd and TOM concentrations was 80.1%. This shows that the accumulation of Cd metal in Tallo River sediments is strongly influenced by the concentration of organic matter

    Potensi dan Tingkat Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Ikan Pelagis Provinsi Kalimantan Utara

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    Potensi ikan pelagis di perairan Indonesia adalah 3,2 juta ton/tahun dengan tingkat pemanfaatan46,59% sehingga peluang untuk pengembangannya masih 43,41% namun pemanfaatannya harusmemperhatikan lokasi penangkapannya karena penangkapan ikan pelagis di Indonesia sebagianbesar telah memperlihatkan tingkat penguasaan yang berlebih seperti di Laut Jawa dan SelatMalaka kecuali untuk Laut Arafura dan Laut Sulawesi serta Samudera Pasifik. Tujuan penelitianxini adalah menganalisis potensi dan tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan pelagis di perairanProvinsi Kalimantan Utara. Pendekatan metode yang digunakan adalah metode “SurplusProduksi”. Metode ini berfungsi sebagai estimator kelimpahan relatif suatu sumberdaya ikan padaperairan provinsi Kalimantan Utara yang didasarkan pada hasil tangkapan per unit upayapenangkapan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan armada perikanan pelagis besar diProvinsi Kalimantan Utara belum dapat menjangkau daerah penangkapan ikan pelagis besar yangpotensial. Sumberdaya ikan pelagis besar yang memiliki habitat di perairan laut lepasmembutuhkan kemampuan armada yang lebih besar untuk menjangkau lokasi penangkapan ikanyang potensial. Tren hasil tangkapan per unit upaya penangkapan (CPUE) kelompok ikan pelagisbesar di perairan Kalimantan Utara menunjukkan tren menurun dengan laju penurunan sebesar0,02 ton/unit dalam kurun waktu tahun 2010-2014 adalah 3,8 ton/unit, sedangkan CPUE yangtertinggi sebesar 10,1 ton unit dengan jumlah upaya standar sebesar 256 unit.Kata kunci : ikan pelagis, CPUE, armada, Kalimantan Utar

    Dinamika Kondisi Oseanografi di Perairan Spermonde pada Musim Timur

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    Perairan Spermonde merupakan perairan yang mengelilingi pulau-pulau Spermonde dengan dangkalan yang berada di sebelah barat daya Sulawesi Selatan dan terpisah dari dangkalan Sunda yang terletak di seberang Selat Makassar. Kawasan perairan kepulauan ini meliputi bagian selatan Kabupaten Takalar, Kota Makassar, Kabupaten Pangkep, hingga Kabupaten Barru pada bagian utara pantai Barat Sulawesi Selatan (Jalil, A.R., 2013). Letaknya yang berada di Selat Makassar, sehingga kondisi perairannya dipengaruhi selat tersebut, serta segala aktifitas yang terjadi di dalamnya.Kabupaten yang memiliki pulau – pulau terbanyak di perairan Spermonde adalah Kabupaten Pangkep dengan jumlah 117 pulau (Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Pangkep, 2007). Mayoritas Penduduknya bermata pencaharian sebagai nelayan. Aktifitas penangkapan ikan dipengaruhi oleh keadaan musim, dan juga kegiatan yang tidak ramah lingkungan, menyebabkan hasil tangkapan ikan nelayan menjadi berkurang yang berimbas pada kondisi perekonomian rumah tangga.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu bertujuan memberikan gambaran kondisi oseanografi khususnya pada musim timur di perairan Spermonde di kabupaten Pangkep dan kabupaten Takalar pada bulan Juni-Juli 2019. Parameter yang diukur antara lain suhu, salinitas, pH, phosphate, nitrat, Do, dan Co2. Hasil kajian ini menjadi basis data system informasi kelautan dalam memanfaatkan kondisi oseanografi untuk kegiatan yang memberikan manfaat ekonomi bagi masyarakat nelayan pada saat tidak dapat melaut akibat kondisi lingkungan.Kata kunci: dinamika, oseanografi, Spermonde, musim timu


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    Penyakit pada karang pada umumnya banyak ditemukan di daerah tropis, dimana dampaknya semakin meningkat pada sepuluh tahun terakhir. Peningkatan kejadian penyakit karang erat kaitannya dengan stress akibat faktor lingkungan dan perubahan iklim global (Climate change). Dampaknya signifikan dengan kematian karang. Kematian karang Acropora bercabang di Pulau Barranglompo diakibatkan olehinfeksi penyakit Brown band syndome (BrB). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju infeksi penyakit BrB dan dan bakteri asosiasinya. Laju infeksi dilakukan dengan menandai koloni yang terinfeksi penyakit BrB pada band yang berwarna coklat dengan menggunakan kabel tie, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran luasan koloni yang mengalami kematian setiap hari. Identifikasi bakteri berdasarkan Bergey???s Manual of Systematic Classification. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah laju infeksi penyakit BrB pada karang Acropora bercabang 1,58 ??? 6,11 cm per hari dan bakteri asosiasinya Cromobacterium sp, Staphylococcus sp, Flavobacterium sp, dan Pseudomonas s

    Biomass Carbon Stocks In The Mangrove Rehabilitated Area Of Sinjai District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Mangrove forest plays a crucial role in climate change mitigation by storing carbon in its above-belowground pools. However, this forest remains under considerable high exploitation from the expansion of settlement and aquaculture pond that likely results in much CO2 release to the atmosphere. The objective of this research is to estimate biomass carbon stocks of mangrove rehabilitated areas in Sinjai District, South Sulawesi. We used a line transects method for mangrove vegetation survey and determined above-belowground biomass and carbon stock using published allometric equations and a conversion factor, respectively. The results showed that the mean values of carbon stocks in above-belowground biomass were 125.48±93.48 Mg C ha-1 and 60.23±44.87 Mg C ha-1. The aboveground biomass stored more carbon than the belowground pool. However, low planting distance in mangrove rehabilitation and conversion of mangrove area into settlements and aquaculture ponds in the last three decades have affected forest structure and biomass carbon magnitudes. Therefore, preservation of intact mangrove and restoration of disturbed forests with pay attention to planting distance should consider. Besides, halting the expansion of settlements and aquaculture ponds are worthwhile options to maintain and possibly increase biomass carbon stocks

    Assessment of Seawater Level, Inundation Duration and Substrate Elevation for Mangrove Rehabilitation Program in the Spermonde Archipelago South Sulawesi Indonesia

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    Assessments of seawater level, substrate elevation, and inundation duration are known to contribute to the success of mangrove rehabilitation programs. However, the majority of such programs have disregarded the need for these assessments. The objectives of this study are to assess seawater level and inundation duration, and subsequently determine suitable substrate elevation ranges for specific mangrove species used at a mangrove rehabilitation program in the Sagara Island of Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. During field surveys, substrate elevation and seawater levels were measured, and inundation patterns observed for 24 hours. The mangrove species found at each elevation level were identified. To predict seawater levels during 2016, tidal prediction data for the area were obtained from the HydroOceanographic Department (DISHIDROS) of the Indonesian Navy. The seawater inundation frequency varied between once and twice a day, with the highest inundation duration (21-24 hours) at the Mean Lower Low Water Spring (MLLWS) level. The appropriate planting range for most mangrove species, concerning seawater level and seaward to landward substrate elevation, were between Mean Lower Low Water Spring (MLLWS) and Mean Highest High Water Spring (MHHWS) tidal levels

    The Effect of ENSO and IOD on The Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and Rainfall in The Natuna Sea

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    The Natuna Sea is located at the northwestern part of Indonesia. Previous studies had showed that ENSO has a stronger impact on SST than chlorophyll-a. According to several studies, Indonesian oceans are heavily impacted by IOD. This study uses SST data with high-resolution satellite imagery (MODIS and Pathfinder) and rainfall and wind data from the Reanalysis Model (ERA-5) which is processed using a composite method and correlation grid. This research results, when La-Nia negative IOD SST will decrease 1 C and rainfall rises 7 mm/day while when El-Nio IOD positive SST will increase by 1 C while in rainfall will decrease by 3 mm/day. The variation of SST and rainfall is more influenced by ENSO than IOD

    High Chlorophyll-a Areas along the Western Coast of South Sulawesi-Indonesia during the Rainy Season Revealed by Satellite Data

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    The southern coast of South Sulawesi-Indonesia is known as an upwelling area occurring during dry season, which peaks in August. This upwelling area is indicated by high chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations due to a strong easterly wind-induced upwelling. However, the investigation of Chl-a variability is less studied along the western coast of South Sulawesi. By taking advantages of remote sensing data of Chl-a, sea surface temperature, surface wind, and precipitation, the present study firstly shows that along the western coast of South Sulawesi, there are two areas, which have high primary productivity occurring during the rainy season. The first area is at 119.0° E–119.5° E; 3.5° S–4.0° S, while the second area is at 119.0° E–119.5° E; 3.5° S–4.0° S. The maximum primary productivity in the first (second) area occurs in April (January). The generating mechanism of the high primary productivity along the western coast of South Sulawesi is different from its southern coast. The presence of river runoff in these two areas may bring anthropogenic organic compounds during the peak of rainy season, resulting in increased Chl-a concentration