2 research outputs found

    New Type of Neutrosophic Points

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    Through the presentation of [1]  in his research about Neutrosophic set theory as well as through his definition of Neutrosophic points . We have shown that it doesn’t make its sets through the union which defined by the researcher . so we need to define Neutrosophic point which achieved principle that the set represents its union points by definition an union which serve this principle as well as integration of Neutrosophic point in the Neutrosophic topological spaces and defined (interior, exterior, boundary limit and closure) points

    Pointwise Approximation of Piecewise Convex Function in L_p, Quasi Normed Spaces

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    قدم بعض الباحثين المبرهنات المباشرة للتقريب المحدب والمتغير التحدب للدوال المستمرة المعرفة على الفترة [-1,1], والذي بدوره قيد درجة التقريب الافضل. في هذا البحث قمنا بدراسة التقريب المحدب للدوال متغيرة التحدب في الفضاءات  عندما .Some authors introduced direct inequalities for the constrained approximation of convex and piecewise convex functions in C[-1,1] with restricted degree of approximation. Here we study the pointwise constrained approximation of piecewise convex functions by pointwise polynomials