44 research outputs found
Lactococcus garvieae Isolates from Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, W.) Compared by PLG and SA1B10 PCR Primer Pairs
The aim of this study was to identify and compare Lactococcus garvieae strains using the PLG primer pair and SA1B10 primer pair. Also, the antibiotic resistance of the strains was investigated in the study. For this aim, commercial trout farms at Kemer, Korkuteli, and Manavgat, Antalya Province, Turkey were visited every month from June to September 2018. Thirty sick fish were sampled in the study. Lethargy, anorexia, darkening of skin color, unilateral or bilateral exophthalmos, opacification and hemorrhages in the eyes of the sick fish, and abdominal dropsy were observed. At necropsy, hemorrhages in the internal organs, splenomegaly, and darkening of the spleen and ascites were present. Seventy-five strains from sick fish samples verified on the basis of the biochemical characterization and PCR studies. The strains showed homogeneity in terms of phenotypic characteristics and all strains were identified as Lactococcus garvieae. The PCR technique was applied to 50 of 75 strains using PLG primer pair. While 47 of 50 strains gave positive results, amplification was not observed in 3 strains. When the PCR technique using SA1B10 primer pair was applied to a total of 25 strains, 3 of which were negative, 22 of which gave positive amplification, and 25 strains gave positive results. Resistance was determined by the disk diffusion method. All seventy-five strains were resistant to ampicillin and all strains were susceptible to bacitracin and tetracycline. It was found that the resistance and susceptibility of the strains showed variation to other antibiotics used in the study.Keywords: Lactococcus garvieae; Rainbow Trout; PCR; Antibioti
Occurrence of the Histioteuthis reversa (Verrill 1880), (Cephalopoda/Histioteuthidae) in the Gulf of Mersin/ Turkey
A different species of squid was caught during trawling (36°01’390’’N; 033°44’220’’E and 36°07’080’’N; 034°00’920’’E) in the Gulf of Mersin at average depth of 300-400 m. It was determined that this squid was Histioteuthis reversa (Verrill 1880). This is the first record of Histioteuthis reversa both for the Gulf of Mersin and Turkey's Mediterranean coast.Keywords: Coast of Turkey, Mediterranean, Priacanthus sagittarius, Spread
Infestation rate and impacts of Epipenaeon ingens on growth and reproduction of brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus)
In this study, 515 Farfantepenaeus aztecus specimens were investigated in the Gulf of Antalya and 304 (59,02%) specimens (167 females and 137 males) infested with Bopyrid isopod parasite Epipenaeon ingens were found. In this study, we aimed to define the rate of infestation and its impact on survival rate and growth rate. Relationship of length- weight and condition factor values were lower in infested specimens compared to non-infested ones. While gonadal development was observed in different stages of non-infested female specimens, no gonadal development was observed in any infested specimens. Moreover, darker color and harder shell structure were observed in parasitized shrimps. During this research, infestation onto P. semisulcatus and P. kerathurus had been seen rarely.Keywords: Gulf of Antalya; Epipenaeon ingens, Farfantepenaeus aztecus; growth; reproductio
Allometric relationship and meat yield of Chama pacifica broderip, 1835 from the Gulf of Antalya, Turkey
In this study, the allometric relationship and the meat yield of the large Pacific jewel-box Chama pacifica Broderip, 1835 were investigated. C. pacifica samples were by scuba diving at depths of 3-8 m in the Gulf of Antalya. The relationship of total shell length and total shell weight was determined as TW = 2.2693*TSL 2.5327 (R2= 0.69). The mean flesh weight and mean meat yield were determined to be 11,07±0.445 g and 6.84±0.18%, respectively. This research revealed the meat yield data of C. pacifica and its potential importance as a food source.Keywords: Chama pacifica; Pacific jewel-box; flesh weight; meat yield; allometric relationshi
A study on the antimicrobial resistance of Lactococcus garvieae
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat resistensi Lactococcus garvieae hasil isolasi dari ikan rainbow trout sakit ( Oncorhynchus mykiss). , W.) di peternakan di Antalya, Wilayah Mediterania Turki untuk berbagai antibiotik. Studi sampel dimulai pada Juli 2018 dan selesai pada September 2018. Studi pengambilan sampel dilakukan di peternakan ikan trout komersial di distrik Kemer, Korkuteli, Serik dan Manavgat di Antalya. Sembilan puluh ikan selama masa studi. Bobot tubuh ikan berkisar antara 110 gram hingga 350 gram. Untuk studi bakteriologis, inokulasi disiapkan dari mata dan organ dalam ikan yang hampir mati dan diinokulasi ke BHIA. Cawan petri yang telah diinokulasi diinkubasi pada suhu 25 ± 2 ° C selama 72 jam.Setelah masa inkubasi, ditentukan morfologi dan warna koloni bakteri. Berbagai uji morfologi, fisiologis dan biokimia dilakukan terhadap isolat tersebut. Teknik PCR digunakan sebagai Konfirmasi L . garvieae . Uji resistensi antibiotik terhadap isolasi dilakukan secara in vitro . Beberapa Resistance Antibiotik (MAR) Nilai indeks L . isolat garvieae juga dihitung. Temuan terdeteksi pada semua ikan yang terkena.Warna kulit menjadi gelap, eksophthalmia unilateral dan / atau bilateral dengan perdarahan periokular, basal perut, penggelapan warna limpa dan splenomegali, perdarahan di organ dalam dan sebagai situs yang terdeteksi pada ikan. Berdasarkan hasil fenotipik dan PCR, isolat tersebut teridentifikasi sebagai Lactococcus garvieae . Diketahui bahwa semua isolat resisten terhadap ampisilin, asam nalidiksat, nitrofurantoin, asam oksalinat dan sulfametoksazol serta rentan terhadap amoksisilin, enroflooksasin, florfenikol dan kloramfenikol. Nilai indeks MAR isolat berkisar antara 0,3 sampai 0,6
New host records for trichodinid protozoans, trichodina heterodentata and t. pediculus (ciliophora: trichodinidae) from Turkey
Bu çalışmada, Cichlidae familyasına ait sarı prenses (Labidochromis caeruleus), mavi prenses (Pseudotropheus socolofi) ve ahli çiklit (Sciaenochromis fryeri) balıkları ile Poecilidae familyasına ait velifera (Poecilia velifera) ve beyaz moli (Poecilia sphenops) balıklarının ektoparazitolojik yönden incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Aralık 2013- Kasım 2014 periyodunda ticari bir çiftlikten 600 balık örneği alınmıştır. Deri ve solungaç lamellerinden hazırlanan sürtme preparatların mikroskobik incelemesinde Trichodina sp.(Ehrenberg 1831) siliyatları tespit edilmiştir. Trichodinidler görüldüğünde Klein’in kuru gümüş boyama metodu kullanılarak yapışkan disk belirginleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar Trichodina pediculus’ ün radial iğne sayısı ve dentikül mesafesinin T. heterodentata’ dan farklı olduğunu göstermiştir. T. pediculus’ ün vücut çapı 55-70 (57,6 ± 1,03) µm ve T. heterodentata’ nın vücut çapı 50-60 (54,72 ± 0,52) µm olarak ölçülmüştür. T. pediculus’ ün yapışkan disk çapı 38-49 (44,78 ± 0,47) µm ve T. heterodentata’ nın 34-49 (44,85 ± 0,51) µm olarak belirlenmiştir. Etkilenen balıklar anormal davranışlar veya klinik bulgu göstermemiştir. Bu çalışmada Trichodina pediculus ve T. heterodentata (Ciliophora: Trichodinidae) için yeni konak kayıtları bildirilmiştir.In this study, we aimed, certain ornamental fish which the members of Cichlidae including the electric yellow (Labidochromis caeruleus), powder blue cichlid (Pseudotropheus socolofi), electric blue hap (Sciaenochromis fryeri) and the members of Poecilidae including yucaten molly (Poecilia velifera), white molly (Poecilia sphenops) were examined for ectoparasitological. Six hundred fish samples collected from a commercial farm December 2013 through November 2014. Microscopical examination of the smear preparations prepared skins and gill lamellae of them showed Trichodina sp. (Ehrenberg 1831) ciliates. When trichodinids observing, Klein’s dry silver method was used to confirm the adhesive disc. Results showed numbers of radial pins and size of denticle span of Trichodina pediculus were different from those of T. heterodentata. The body diameter of T. pediculus was 55-70 (57,6 ± 1,03) µm and the body diameter of T. heterodentata was 50-60 (54,72 ± 0,52) µm. Width of the adhesive disc diameter was 38-49 (44,78 ± 0,47) µm for T. pediculus and was 34-49 (44,85 ± 0,51) µm for T. heterodentata. The affected fish did not show up unusual behavior or external clinical findings. Trichodina pediculus and T. heterodentata (Ciliophora: Trichodinidae) are informed for new hosts at first time in this study
Occurrence of the exotic shell-bearing Bulla ampulla, Linnaeus, 1758 (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Gulf of Antalya
Bulla ampulla, belonging to Bullidae family, is a marine gastropod species with bulb. Members of Bullidae family are distributed in tropical and temperate waters. It is usually found in habitats of sand, mud, gravel, gren algae and sea bottoms, at intertidal flats, on tide-pond sand at depths of up to 70 m. For another scientific study conducted at Konyaaltı beach (36.883522° N, 30.678739° E), while doing scuba diving at a depth of 15 m; Pinctada radiata, Venus verricosa, Chama pacifica shells and two Bulla ampulla shells were found near the octopus nest. Shell of our species was measured as H:53,61 and 46,23mm, color; Brown greenish with two dark bands and shell elongate. The biodiversity of the exotic species of the Gulf of Antalya has slightly increased with the presence of this species
A preliminary study on the traits of Chamelea gallina (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Gulf of Antalya, Mediterranean Coast of Turkey (Levantine Sea)
This study aimed to examine on some properties and to draw attention to why it cannot create an intensive stock amount of Chamelea gallina (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Gulf of Antalya in the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, Levantine Sea. Specimens of C. gallina displayed total shell legths of 6 to 32 mm, mean 14.5 mm and total weights of 0.1 to 11.44 g, mean 1.82 g. The total shell length and total weight relationship of C. gallina was calculated as TW =0.3333 * TSL 2.9894 (R² =0.9850). The mean meat yield was found as 12.10±0.9264%. A small number of C. gallina samples were collected. The majority of the collected striped venus were determined as empty shell. It was observed that the razorfish (Xyrichtys novacula) were fed with C. gallina during research. Finally, these results may draw attention the reasons why this species cannot form an intensive stock amount. It is thought that the empty shells of the striped venus can be caused from feeding of the razorfish (X. novacula) with C. gallina and environmental factor changes.Keywords: Chamelea gallina; length; weight; meat yield; mediterranea
New information on distribution of a marine leech, Pontobdella muricata (Linnaeus, 1758), from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey
New information on distribution of marine leech, Pontobdella muricata (Linnaeus, 1758) is given here. One leech was observed on the dorsal surface of Thornback Ray, Raja clavata (Linnaeus, 1758) that was caught in 2013 in the Antalya, Turkey. This is a new record for the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey
The occurrence of the Atlantic species Pisodonophis semicinctus (Osteichthyes: Ophichthidae) in the Gulf of Antalya, Turkey
Fishermen caught a different eel species at night with hook on July 7, 2019 (36°48'59.21"N: 30°38'23.44"E). This fish has not been seen before in the Gulf of Antalya. This fish was identified as Pisodonophis semicinctus (Richardson, 1848). With the identification of this fish, a new species was added to the fish fauna of the Gulf of Antalya. In the present paper, we reported P. semicinctus for the first time from the Gulf of Antalya, Turkey (North-Eastern Mediterranean), for the third time from marine waters of Turkey.Keywords: Occurence; Pisodonophis semicinctus; the Gulf of Antaly