252 research outputs found

    Incremental pattern matching for regular expressions

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    Graph pattern matching lies at the heart of any graph transformation-based system. Incremental pattern matching is one approach proposed for reducingthe overall cost of pattern matching over successive transformations by preserving the matches that stay relevant after a rule application. An important issue in any matching scheme, is the ability to properly and consistently deal with various facilities that add to the expressiveness of a GT-tool’s rule language. One such feature is the support for regular path expressions, which would let two nodes to be consideredas a “match”, if a certain path of edges exists between them. In this paper, the incorporation of regular expression support into incremental pattern matching is discussed within the context of the GROOVE tool set. This includes laying down a formal foundation for incremental pattern matching for regular expressions which is then used to justify the extension proposed to add regular expression support to a well-known pattern matching algorithm

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    Chlorpromazine was used as a homogeneous electrocatalyst in the oxidation of captopril. The anodic peak current of chlorpromazine was increased substantially in the presence of low concentrations of captopril (pH 4). Cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry were used to study the kinetics of the catalytic electron transfer reaction. The values of electron transfer coefficient (α) and catalytic rate constant (k cat ) were estimated to be 0.34 and 8.48 × 10 2 M −1 sec −1 , respectively. Linear sweep voltammetry was used for the determination of captopril in the presence of chlorpromazine. A linear calibration curve was obtained in the concentration range of captopril of 10.0-300.0 μM, with a limit of detection of 3.65 μM. The relative standard deviation (RSD%) for 5 replicate measurements of captopril (100 μM) was 1.96%. The method was applied to the determination of captopril in pharmaceutical formulations and blood serum samples with satisfactory results

    Comparison of meristic traits in Transcaucasian chub (Squalius turcicus De Filippi, 1865) from Caspian Sea basin

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    For comparison of meristic characters of Squalius turcicus, in 12 rivers of Caspian Sea basin, 535 specimens were captured. Some 14 meristic characters were counted. Classification of meristic characters showed that most specimens of all populations have 8 soft dorsal rays, 9 soft anal rays, 19 branched caudal fin rays, 15 soft pectoral rays, 9 soft pelvic rays, 41-47 lateral line scales, 7-9 scales above LL, 3-5 scales below LL, 18-21 predorsal scales and 14-16 circumpeduncle scales. The results showed significant differences (P<0.05) in means of all meristic characters except dorsal, pelvic and pectoral fin spins between the populations. The PCA and CVA showed overlapping among the populations, although some populations were separated from the others. Also, cluster analysis divided Divandareh River population in a separate group and it was distinct from other populations. Generally, the results of meristic characters cannot well-separate the populations of this species from each other

    Application of Urban Geology in Construction Projects (Case Study: Urban Geology of Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah Province, Iran)

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    Urban geology is a preliminary study for the construction and development of cities, which has been more prominent in recent decades in some countries despite its long application history. It assesses the impact of geological and natural phenomena on urban space and available structures. The earthquake on Nov. 21, 2017, inflicted a lot of damage to the city of Sarpol-e Zahab, west of Iran, including financial losses and casualties. Reconstruction of this city and planning for its sustainable development entail conducting urban geological studies. In the present study, the effect of natural phenomena on Sarpol-e Zahab County was studied by investigating its geology and geomorphology. The results showed that, in addition to the earthquake that habitually affected the city of Sarpol-e Zahab, the hazards of other phenomena are also significant. Recorded horizontal acceleration in the recent earthquake confirmed the high seismicity of Sarpol-e Zahab has

    İran'ın Güneybatısında yer alan cyprinus carpio ve ctenopharyngodon i̇della'daki dactylogyrus türlerinin morfolojik ve moleküler tespiti

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    Monogeneans gill parasites of the diversified Dactylogyrus genus are host-specific to freshwater fish of the Cyprinidae family. Accurate detection of various Dactylogyrus species is very time-consuming and requires highly experienced personnel; to overcome this problem, the genomic DNA technology has been recently used to detect Dactylogyrus spp. In this study, 23 Cyprinus carpio and 19 Ctenopharyngodon idella isolates were collected from different farms and local markets of Ahvaz, southwest of Iran. The gill arches of each fish were carefully examined under a light microscope. Dactylogyrus species was identified morphologically. Identical species were kept in ethanol for molecular study. Molecular analysis was performed using amplification of the ITS-1 region of the ribosomal RNA gene of the parasite. Then, the amplified PCR products were sequenced. The aligned nucleotide sequences were analyzed to construct the phylogenetic tree of the identified species. The results revealed two lineages including D. extensus isolated from common carp and D. lamellatus taken from grass carp fish. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the detected D. extensus and D. lamellatus isolates from Khuzestan region were clustered with some Iranian (Guilan), Chinese and Czech isolates. Importing fingerlings from Guilan Province could lead to introducing monogenean infections to native cyprinid fish.Çeşitlendirilmiş Dactylogyrus cinsinin solungaç monojenleri, Cyprinidae ailesinin tatlı su balıklarına ev sahipliğine özgüdür. Çeşitli Dactylogyrus türlerinin doğru tespiti çok zaman alıcı olduğundan ve çok deneyimli personel gerektirdiğinden, genomik DNA teknolojisi son zamanlarda Dactylogyrus spp. Bu çalışmada, Güneybatı İran'ın Ahvaz'ın farklı çiftliklerinden ve yerel pazarlarından 23 Cyprinus carpio ve 19 Ctenopharyngodon idella toplandı. Her balığın solungaç kemerleri, ışık mikroskobu altında dikkatle incelenir. Dactylogyrus türlerinin morfolojik olarak tanımlanması morfolojik olarak belirlenmiştir. benzer türler moleküler çalışma için etanol içinde tutuldu. Moleküler analiz, parazitin ribozomal RNA geninin ITS-1 bölgesinin amplifikasyonu kullanılarak yapıldı. Daha sonra amplifiye PCR ürünleri dizildi. Hizalanmış nükleotit sekansları, tanımlanan türlerin filogenetik ağacını yürütmek için analiz edilir. Sonuçlar, ortak sazandan izole edilen D. extensus ve çim sazan balıklarından alınan D. lamellatus da dahil olmak üzere iki soyun ortaya çıktığını göstermiştir. Filogenetik analiz, Khuzestan bölgesinden tespit edilen D. extensus ve D. lamellatus izolatlarının bazı İran (Guilan), Çin ve Çek Cumhuriyeti izolatlarıyla kümelendiğini gösterdi. Guilan Eyaletinden balıkların ithal edilmesi, yerli Cyprinid balıklarına monojenik enfeksiyonların ortaya çıkmasına neden olabilir

    A New Study on the Number of Shahnameh’s Verses Another Answer to the Reason for the Difference between the Known Number and the Actual Quantity of Shahnameh

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    From a long time ago until now, with referencing to the common narrations and the three verses attributed to Ferdowsi, Shahnameh has been famous for having sixty thousand or nearly sixty thousand verses; while the number of verses in the oldest manuscripts, as well as valid printed texts, does not exceed fifty thousand verses. The present research seeks to answer the questions such as where, when, and by whom these numbers became popular and how many verses the manuscripts and the famous printed texts have, by separating the fictional sections. This research consists of four parts: 1. Reviewing and criticizing verses related to Ferdowsi about Shahnameh’s verse number. 2. Reviewing various reports on the Shahname’s verse number (Including the quintet introductions of Shahnameh, biographies, historical, literary, geographic, and Rijali (narrator evaluation) resources, and various views of contemporary researchers). 3. Recounting and presenting the exact number of Shahnameh’s verses by fictional parts, based on printed copies of Turner Macan, Julius von Mohl, Berookhim, Dabirsiaghi, Moscow, Kazzazi, Jeyhooni, and Khaleghi. 4. A discussion about semantic significations of the number "Sixty" and "Sixty thousand". The authors assert that the number "Sixty thousand" was not versified by Ferdowsi. But this number was used by the Shahnameh enthusiasts in the late of his life, or a brief time after his passing, with the meaning of "plurality", "perfection", and "approximation" in describing the number of Shahnameh’s verses. Based on the famous narrations, at least starting from the sixth century, verses have been versified about the sixty thousand verses of Shahnameh and are annexed to Shahnameh