19 research outputs found
Liquid structure of Rb-Hg alloys studied by neutron diffraction
The structures of liquid RbâHg alloys were studied as a function of composition by neutron diffraction. In the intermediate Rb concentration range, the obtained structure factors show a small prepeak, which may be an evidence of the formation of Hg polyanion units in liquids. The Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) analysis was applied to separate the total radial distribution function into the corresponding partial radial distribution functions. Up to 10 at.% Rb, no obvious changes are found for the first peak position of the partial radial distribution functions of the HgâHg pair and that of the HgâRb pair. The first peak position between the HgâRb pairs increases above 20 at.% Rb. In addition to the first peak, a subpeak between HgâHg pairs can be seen in the large distance. At 60 at.% Rb, the nearest neighbor distance between Hg atoms shows the closest value in the concentration range studied. These results indicate that with the progress of charge transfer the solvation structure in the dilute Rb concentration range changes into the structure containing polyanions composed of Hg species
En vue d'étudier la transition métal-non métal que présentent les systÚmes désordonnés tels que les solutions métaux-sels, nous avons entrepris des expériences EXAFS dans le systÚme Rb-RbBr.To study the metal-non metal transition observed for the metals in molten salt systems, extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) experiments are carried out for the Rb-RbBr systems
A small angle neutron scattering investigation of the concentration fluctuations in the solutions of potassium in molten potassium bromide
In order to investigate the possible interaction between the concentration fluctuations related to the liquid-liquid immiscibility and the non-metal to metal transition observed for the metals in molten salts systems, we have undertaken a neutron small angle scattering study of the solutions of potassium in potassium bromide over a rather large temperature and concentration range around the liquid-liquid critical point. The experimental conditions for the critical regime being satisfied, we have determined with accuracy the Îł and Îœ critical indices. All our results are consistent with a tridimensional Ising behaviour for this system, the volumic fraction being the correct order parameter. This is different from the mean field behaviour obtained over the same reduced temperature range for the analogous solutions of metals in liquid ammonia. We interpret this discrepancy with the help of the Ginzburg criterion and the large difference in the value of the characteristic length for the fluctuations, Ο 0. Ο0 is probably dependent on the nature of the metal or the salt chosen. In any case, for K in KBr the interaction between electronic localization processes and concentration fluctuation is likely to be very weak or non-existent.En vue d'Ă©tudier les interactions possibles entre les fluctuations de concentration ou le phĂ©nomĂšne de dĂ©mixtion liquide-liquide et la transition non-mĂ©tal mĂ©tal que prĂ©sentent des systĂšmes dĂ©sordonnĂ©s tels que les solutions mĂ©taux sels, nous avons entrepris des mesures de diffusion centrale des neutrons dans une large gamme de tempĂ©rature et de concentration autour du point critique liquide-liquide du systĂšme K dans KBr. Les conditions expĂ©rimentales de rĂ©gime critique Ă©tant respectĂ©es, on peut dĂ©terminer avec precision les indices critiques Îł et Îœ. Tous les rĂ©sultats obtenus permettent de conclure Ă un type de comportement Ising tridimensionnel, les fractions volumiques Ă©tant le bon paramĂštre d'ordre. La diffĂ©rence entre ce rĂ©sultat et celui obtenu pour le systĂšme analogue que constituent les solutions de mĂ©taux dans l'ammoniac liquide oĂč, dans la mĂȘme gamme de tempĂ©rature rĂ©duite, les indices sont de type champ moyen, est interprĂ©tĂ©e Ă l'aide du critĂšre de Ginzburg et des valeurs respectives de la longueur caractĂ©ristique de fluctuation Ο0. Cette longueur peut sans doute dĂ©pendre assez fortement du sel et du mĂ©tal choisi. Dans le systĂšme K-KBr l'interaction entre les processus de localisation Ă©lectronique et les phĂ©nomĂšnes de fluctuations de concentration semble en tout cas trĂšs faible sinon inexistante
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Nucléation homogÚne et cristallisation de la glace cubique (Ic) dans les verres d'électrolytes LiCl.D2O
A study of the controlled homogeneous nucleation of ice has been performed by neutron scattering at temperatures between the glass transition Tg = 141 K and the homogeneous nucleation TH in 10.5 moles % amorphous LiCl.D2O, as a complement to a neutron small angle scattering investigation. The diffraction pattern observed is that of D2O cubic ice (Ic). At this concentration, there is no apparent phase transformation in the crystal nuclei, nor change in the cristallization trend, as a function of the raising temperature, up to 161 K. The amorphous phase structure is conserved during the crystallization process except for a slight peak position shift which is explained by the concentration change.Nous avons étudié par diffraction des neutrons, la nucléation homogÚne contrÎlée de la glace à des températures comprises entre la transition vitreuse Tg = 141 K et la température de nucléation homogÚne T H dans le verre 10,5 moles % LiCl.D2O. La structure obtenue est celle de la glace D2O cubique (Ic) et il n'y a pas de changement de phase apparent si l'on chauffe jusqu'à 161 K. La structure de la matrice amorphe est conservée durant la cristallisation ; on note cependant un léger déplacement des anneaux de diffusion qui est expliqué par le changement de concentration
Dynamics of sorbitol and maltitol over a wide time-temperature range
International audienc
On a étudié par diffusion de neutrons la nucléation contrÎlée de la glace dans les échantillons vitreux métastables LiCl.n D2O. On a précisé les conditions de formation de la glace cubique Ic et de sa transformation en glace hexagonale. La structure de la phase désordonnée restante a été utilisée pour obtenir la concentration de la matrice vitreuse durant les diverses étapes de la précipitation. On a observé une modification importante de la structure désordonnée pendant la nucléation.The controlled nucleation of ice in metastable LiCl.n D2O glassy samples has been followed by neutron scattering. The conditions were determined for cubic ice Ic nucleation as well as for its transformation to hexagonal ice. The structure of the remaining disordered phase has been used to follow the glassy or supercooled matrix concentration along the various steps of the precipitation. A strong modification of the disordered structure is observed in the nucleation stage
L'intĂ©rĂȘt des Ă©lectrolytes aqueux pour la comprĂ©hension de l'Ă©tat vitreux est montrĂ© par la diffusion ou la diffraction de neutrons et par D.S.C. Sur deux gammes de compositions, le verre formĂ© ne cristallise pas et un verre avec deux Tg diffĂ©rentes est obtenu. L'effet endothermique observĂ© par D.S.C. pendant Tg, est attribuĂ© Ă un rĂ©arrangement du verre. L'effet thermique, se produisant dans le liquide trĂšs au-dessus de Tg, est probablement dĂ» au rĂ©arrangement des molĂ©cules d'eau.The interest of aqueous electrolytes for the understanding of the glassy state is shown by neutron scattering or neutron diffraction and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (D.S.C.). In two ranges of composition the formed glass does not crystallize, and a glass with two different Tg is shown. The overshot as observed by D.S.C. during Tg is attributed to a reordering of the glass. The thermal effect occuring in the liquid well above Tg is probably due to a rearrangement of the water molecules