87 research outputs found

    Heat shock protein and heat shock factor I expression and localization in vaccinia virus infected human monocyte derived macrophages

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    BACKGROUND: Viruses remain one of the inducers of the stress response in the infected cells. Heat shock response induced by vaccinia virus (VV) infection was studied in vitro in human blood monocyte derived macrophages (MDMs) as blood cells usually constitute the primary site of the infection. METHODS: Human blood monocytes were cultured for 12 – 14 days. The transcripts of heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) and two viral genes (E3L and F17R) were assayed by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and the corresponding proteins measured by Western blot. Heat shock factor 1 DNA binding activities were estimated by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and its subcellular localization analyzed by immunocytofluorescence. RESULTS: It appeared that infection with vaccinia virus leads to activation of the heat shock factor 1. Activation of HSF1 causes increased synthesis of an inducible form of the HSP70 both at the mRNA and the protein level. Although HSP90 mRNA was enhanced in vaccinia virus infected cells, the HSP90 protein content remained unchanged. At the time of maximum vaccinia virus gene expression, an inhibitory effect of the infection on the heat shock protein and the heat shock factor 1 was most pronounced. Moreover, at the early phase of the infection translocation of HSP70 and HSP90 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of the infected cells was observed. CONCLUSION: Preferential nuclear accumulation of HSP70, the major stress-inducible chaperone protein, suggests that VV employs this particular mechanism of cytoprotection to protect the infected cell rather than to help viral replication. The results taken together with our previuos data on monocytes or MDMs infected with VV or S. aureus strongly argue that VV employs multiple cellular antiapoptotic/cytoprotective mechanisms to prolong viability and proinflammatory activity of the cells of monocytic-macrophage lineage

    Surgical treatment for spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas: Outcome, complications and prognostic factors

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    Background and purpose Spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas (SDAVFs) are rare, acquired pathology and they inevitably lead to severe disability if untreated. The aim of this study is to present the outcome and complications, and to find factors that may affect the outcome after surgical treatment. Methods Seventeen consecutive patients (men – 14, women – 3, age: 41–79) were retrospectively analyzed. The patients presented with paraparesis (88%), bladder symptoms (71%) and/or sensory disturbances (65%). The fistula was found in the upper thoracic spine in 2 cases, in the lower thoracic (T7–Th12) in 11 cases, and in the lumbar spine in 4 cases. Microsurgical shunt interruption was performed in all, followed by epidural arteries coagulation in 12 cases. Results In the long term, improvement or achievement of a good stable condition was observed in 13 patients (76%), and no patient deteriorated. All 5 paraplegic patients improved by at least 1 grade in MCS. Satisfactory results (modified McCormick Scale grades I–II) were found in 10 patients (59%), and 15(88%) were independent. Postoperative complications occurred in 4 patients (24%), two of them (12%) required revision surgery for epidural hematoma. The success rate was 94%; one patient required revision surgery for recurrent SDAVF. Better neurological condition on admission (p=0.0098) and age >60 years (p=0.0498) were the factors associated with satisfactory outcome. Conclusions Microsurgical closing of a SDAVF brings good and stable results over time. Aggressive treatment should be attempted even in cases of total loss of spinal cord function. Neurological condition before surgery and age may influence the outcome

    Cognitive functions in patients with liver cirrhosis : a tendency to commit more memory errors

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    Background: Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is the mildest form of hepatic encephalopathy (HE). For diagnostic purposes, 2 alternative batteries of psychometric screening tests are recommended. They differ from each other in terms of the cognitive domains assessed. The research was designed to provide a profile of cognitive functioning in patients with liver cirrhosis, using an assessment that covers a wider range of cognitive functions than the usual screening battery. Material and Methods: We examined 138 persons, including 88 with liver cirrhosis and 50 healthy volunteers. The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) was used for screening and excluding advanced cognitive impairment. Then, to assess cognitive functions in more detail, the following tests were used: Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT), Letter and Semantic Fluency Tests (LF and SF), Trail Making Test (TMT A&B), Digit Symbol Test (DST), Block Design Test (BDT), and Mental Rotation Test (MRT). The MRT task has not been used in MHE diagnosis so far. Finally, 57 patients and 48 controls took part in the entire study. Results: Patients with liver cirrhosis commit significantly more errors of intrusions in the AVLT during the delayed free recall trial. Results significantly deviating from the norm in at least 2 tests were found only in 7 cirrhosis patients. Conclusions: The results do not provide any specific profile of cognitive disturbances in MHE, but suggest that cirrhosis patients have a tendency to commit more memory errors, probably due to subtle impairments of executive function

    Czy spektroskopia rezonansu magnetycznego identyfikuje pacjentów z minimalną encefalopatią wątrobową?

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    Wstęp i cel pracy: Wyniki pojedynczych badań sugerują, że spektroskopia rezonansu magnetycznego mózgu może być pomocna w wykrywaniu minimalnej encefalopatii wątrobowej. Celem tego badania była ocena przydatności spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego w odróżnianiu pacjentów z marskością wątroby z minimalną encefalopatią wątrobową od pacjentów bez tej encefalopatii. Materiał i metody: Badanie spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego mózgu przeprowadzono u 46 pacjentów z marskością wątroby bez jawnej encefalopatii i u 45 osób z grupy kontrolnej. Rejestracji widm dokonano z trzech obszarów mózgu: zwojów podstawy, istoty szarej płata potylicznego i istoty białej płata czołowego. U wszystkich badanych osób przeprowadzono badanie neurologiczne i neuropsychologiczne. Wyniki: U pacjentów z marskością wątroby stwierdzono obniżenie stosunku mioinozytolu do kreatyny w zakresie płata potylicznego i czołowego (średnie odpowiednio 0,17 ± 0,05 vs 0,20 ± 0,04, p = 0,01 oraz 0,15 ± 0,05 vs 0,19 ± 0,04, p < 0,01) oraz zmniejszenie stosunku choliny do kreatyny w płacie potylicznym (średnia: 0,32 ± 0,07 vs 0,36 ± 0,08, p = 0,03) w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Minimalną encefalopatię wątrobową rozpoznano u 7 pacjentów. Stosunek metabolitów nie różnił się istotnie u pacjentów z minimalną encefalopatią wątrobową i bez niej. Nie stwierdzono także różnicy w stężeniu metabolitów u pacjentów z niewydolnością wątroby zakwalifikowanych do kategorii A w skali Child-Pugh w porównaniu z pacjentami zakwalifikowanymi do kategorii B. Wnioski: Spektroskopia rezonansu magnetycznego nie pozwala na dokładne rozpoznanie minimalnej encefalopatii wątrobowej. Podobny profil metabolitów w mózgu obserwuje się u pacjentów z marskością wątroby bez zaburzeń poznawczych.Background and purpose: The results of a few studies suggest that magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain could allow detection of minimal hepatic encephalopathy. The goal of this study was to assess the ability of magnetic resonance spectroscopy to differentiate between cirrhotic patients with and without minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Material and methods: Localized magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed in the basal ganglia, occipital gray matter and frontal white matter in 46 patients with liver cirrhosis without overt encephalopathy and in 45 controls. Neurological and neuropsychological examination was performed in each participant. Results: The patients with liver cirrhosis had a decreased ratio of myoinositol to creatine in occipital gray matter and frontal white matter (mean: 0.17 ± 0.05 vs. 0.20 ± 0.04, p = 0.01 and 0.15 ± 0.05 vs. 0.19 ± 0.04, p < 0.01, respectively) and a decreased ratio of choline to creatine in occipital gray matter (mean: 0.32 ± 0.07 vs. 0.36 ± 0.08, p = 0.03). Minimal hepatic encephalopathy was diagnosed in 7 patients. Metabolite ratios did not differ significantly between patients with and without minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolite ratios did not differ significantly between patients with Child-Pugh A and those with Child-Pugh B. Conclusions: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy does not allow accurate diagnosis of minimal hepatic encephalopathy. A similar profile of metabolites in the brain is observed in cirrhotic patients without cognitive impairment

    Czy spektroskopia rezonansu magnetycznego identyfikuje pacjentów z minimalną encefalopatią wątrobową?

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    Background and purpose The results of a few studies suggest that magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain could allow detection of minimal hepatic encephalopathy. The goal of this study was to assess the ability of magnetic resonance spectroscopy to differentiate between cirrhotic patients with and without minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Material and methods Localized magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed in the basal ganglia, occipital gray matter and frontal white matter in 46 patients with liver cirrhosis without overt encephalopathy and in 45 controls. Neurological and neuropsychological examination was performed in each participant. Results The patients with liver cirrhosis had a decreased ratio of myoinositol to creatine in occipital gray matter and frontal white matter (mean: 0.17 ± 0.05 vs. 0.20 ± 0.04, p = 0.01 and 0.15 ± 0.05 vs. 0.19 ± 0.04, p &lt; 0.01, respectively) and a decreased ratio of choline to creatine in occipital gray matter (mean: 0.32 ± 0.07 vs. 0.36 ± 0.08, p = 0.03). Minimal hepatic encephalopathy was diagnosed in 7 patients. Metabolite ratios did not differ significantly between patients with and without minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolite ratios did not differ significantly between patients with Child-Pugh A and those with Child-Pugh B. Conclusions Magnetic resonance spectroscopy does not allow accurate diagnosis of minimal hepatic encephalopathy. A similar profile of metabolites in the brain is observed in cirrhotic patients without cognitive impairment.Wstęp i cel pracy Wyniki pojedynczych badań sugerują, że spektroskopia rezonansu magnetycznego mózgu może być pomocna w wykrywaniu minimalnej encefalopatii wątrobowej. Celem tego badania była ocena przydatności spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego w odróżnianiu pacjentów z marskością wątroby z minimalną encefalopatią wątrobową od pacjentów bez tej encefalopatii. Materiał i metody Badanie spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego mózgu przeprowadzono u 46 pacjentów z marskością wątroby bez jawnej encefalopatii i u 45 osób z grupy kontrolnej. Rejestracji widm dokonano z trzech obszarów mózgu: zwojów podstawy, istoty szarej płata potylicznego i istoty białej płata czołowego. U wszystkich badanych osób przeprowadzono badanie neurologiczne i neuropsychologiczne. Wyniki U pacjentów z marskością wątroby stwierdzono obniżenie stosunku mioinozytolu do kreatyny w zakresie płata potylicznego i czołowego (średnie odpowiednio 0,17 ± 0,05 vs 0,20 ± 0,04, p = 0,01 oraz 0,15 ± 0,05 vs 0,19 ± 0,04, p &lt; 0,01) oraz zmniejszenie stosunku choliny do kreatyny w płacie potylicznym (średnia: 0,32 ± 0,07 vs 0,36 ± 0,08, p = 0,03) w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Minimalną encefalopatię wątrobową rozpoznano u 7 pacjentów. Stosunek metabolitów nie różnił się istotnie u pacjentów z minimalną encefalopatią wątrobową i bez niej. Nie stwierdzono także różnicy w stężeniu metabolitów u pacjentów z niewydolnością wątroby zakwalifikowanych do kategorii A w skali Child-Pugh w porównaniu z pacjentami zakwalifikowanymi do kategorii B. Wnioski Spektroskopia rezonansu magnetycznego nie pozwala na dokładne rozpoznanie minimalnej encefalopatii wątrobowej. Podobny profil metabolitów w mózgu obserwuje się u pacjentów z marskością wątroby bez zaburzeń poznawczych

    Daily sunshine hours as determinant of 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration among diabetic cardiac patients who experienced myocardial infarction hospitalized due to acute coronary syndrome: a cross-sectional study

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    Wstęp. Niedobór witaminy D jest problemem ogólnoświatowym o różnych konsekwencjach zdrowotnych. Witamina D może obniżać ryzyko niewydolności serca, jednak dowody świadczące o skuteczności suplementacji witaminą D na utrzymanie zdrowia układu sercowo-naczyniowego są sprzeczne z powodu braku odpowiedniej liczby i jakości badań klinicznych. Przyczyny braku jednoznacznych efektów potwierdzających pozytywny wpływ suplementacji witaminy D mogą być co najmniej trzy: 1) suplementacja zbyt małą ilością witaminy D lub 2) brak włączenia do badania tylko populacji z ciężkim niedoborem witaminy D, lub 3) czas trwania suplementacji. Celem pracy była charakterystyka grupy pacjentów kardiologicznych, u których stwierdzono w poprzednich badaniach najniższe stężenia 25-hydroksywitaminy D [25(OH)D].Materiał i metody. Analizie poddano wyniki 92 chorych kardiologicznych z cukrzycą w wieku 41–89 lat, którzy przeżyli zawał serca z istotnymi zmianami w tętnicach wieńcowych, hospitalizowanych z powodu ostrego zespołu wieńcowego, mieszkających w Warszawie.Wyniki. Mediana stężenia 25(OH)D w badanej populacji wyniosła 11 ng/ml (zakres: 4–28 ng/ml). Jedynym istotnym determinantem stężenia 25(OH)D był okres badania; stężenie było wyższe latem niż zimą.Wnioski. Leczenie witaminą D u polskich pacjentów kardiologicznych w celu osiągnięcia optymalnego stężenia, tj. 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l), wydaje się konieczne i powinno być jak najszybciej wdrożone.Introduction. Vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide problem with a variety of health consequences. Vitamin D may reduce the risk of heart failure, however, evidence of the impact of vitamin D treatment on maintenance of cardiovascular health (i.e., preventing cardiovascular diseases) is conflicting due to lack of support from clinical trials. The reason for the failure of clinical trials to confirm an effect of vitamin D supplementation could be at least threefold: 1) too little vitamin D given to the participants or 2) lack of inclusion of only severely vitamin D-deficient populations or 3) study duration. The aim of this study was to characterize a group of cardiac patients who presented the lowest concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]. Material and methods. Results of 92 diabetic cardiac patients aged between 41 and 89 years who experienced myocardial infarction, with significant coronary arteries changes, hospitalized due to acute coronary syndrome living in Warsaw were analyzed. Results. Patients presented median 25(OH)D concentration value of 11 ng/mL (range: 4–28 ng/mL). The only significant determinant of 25(OH)D concentration was the date of examination, with higher concentrations in summer than in winter. Conclusions. Vitamin D treatment in Polish cardiac patients aimed at reaching the optimal level of 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L) seems to be necessary and implemented as soon as possible

    The diagnostic difficulties of eosinophilia in clinical practice - case series

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    Introduction: Eosinophilia, defined as elevated level of eosinophils in peripheral blood above 5 x 109/L, is the hematological disorder, which may occur in multiple conditions, such as allergies, gastrointestinal, autoimmune diseases, parasite, fungal infections as well as drug related eosinophilia. Although hematological causes of eosinophilia (idiopathic, myeloproliferative and lymphocytic variant) should be taken into consideration. Aim of the study: The aim of our study was to performed the difficulties related to the differential diagnosis of eosinophilia, especially associated with the diverse symptoms. Materials and methods: The study included 5 patients hospitalized in the Department of Hematooncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation, due to eosinophilia associated with diverse symptoms. Medical history, physical examination, the peripheral blood as well as bone marrow samples analysis and the genetic tests for the presence of mutations or rearrangements that detect leukemia or lymphoma were analyzed. Moreover, patients were evaluated due to the presence of parasites. Results: The case series revealed that eosinophilia may have a various etiological background. Three patient demonstrated the reactive eosinophilia, caused by bacterial, parasite infections and eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis, however in two other cases the chronic eosinophilic leukemia with abnormalities of PDGFRA were diagnosed. Conclusions: Eosinophilia is an important diagnostic and prognostic feature in a varied range of pathological conditions from infections, allergies to malignancies. For this reason, it is an enormous diagnostic as well as therapeutic challenge and requires an interdisciplinary clinical approach, especially in cases with unclear manifestations

    Exposure status of sea-dumped chemical warfare agents in the Baltic Sea

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    About 50 000 tons of chemical weapons (CW) were dumped to the Baltic Sea after the Second World War. Munitions are located in the deep areas of the Baltic Sea, and there they act as a point source of contamination to the ecosystem. Corroded munitions release chemical warfare agents (CWAs) to nearby water and sediments. In this study we investigated known dumpsites (Bornholm, Gotland and Gdansk Deep) and dispersed chemical munitions, to evaluate the extent of contamination of nearby sediments, as well as to assess the degradation process of released CWA. It was found that CWA-related phenylarsenic chemicals (Clark I, Clark II and Adamsite) and sulfur mustard are released to the sediments and undergo environmental degradation to chemicals, of which some remain toxic. The extent of pollution of released CWAs and their corresponding degradation products reaches more than 250 m from the CW objects, and seem to follow a power curve decrease of concentration from the source. Bornholm Deep is characterised with the highest concentration of CWAs in sediments, but occasional concentration peaks are also observed in the Gdansk Deep and close to dispersed munitions. Detailed investigation of spreading pattern show that the range of pollution depends on bottom currents and topography.Peer reviewe

    Acute aquatic toxicity of arsenic-based chemical warfare agents to Daphnia magna

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    Sea dumping of chemical warfare (CW) took place worldwide during the 20th century. Submerged CW included metal bombs and casings that have been exposed for 50-100 years of corrosion and are now known to be leaking. Therefore, the arsenic-based chemical warfare agents (CWAs), pose a potential threat to the marine ecosystems. The aim of this research was to support a need for real-data measurements for accurate risk assessments and categorization of threats originating from submerged CWAs. This has been achieved by providing a broad insight into arsenic-based CWAs acute toxicity in aquatic ecosystems. Standard tests were performed to provide a solid foundation for acute aquatic toxicity threshold estimations of CWA: Lewisite, Adamsite, Clark I, phenyldichloroarsine (PDCA), CWA-related compounds: TPA, arsenic trichloride and four arsenic-based CWA degradation products. Despite their low solubility, during the 48 h exposure, all CWA caused highly negative effects on Daphnia magna. PDCA was very toxic with 48 h D. magna LC50 at 0.36 mu g x L-1- and Lewisite with EC50 at 3.2 mu g x L-1 . Concentrations at which no immobilization effects were observed were slightly above the analytical Limits of Detection (LOD) and Quantification (LOQ). More water-soluble CWA degradation products showed no effects at concentrations up to 100 mg x L-1.Peer reviewe